500+ Best Good Night Messages for Her from the Heart

In a world filled with variety of relationship issues, it’s always a good idea to have a few lines in your back pocket to let the special lady in your life know how much she means to you. Our huge list of good night messages for her should satisfy any woman’s need to feel special and loved.

Whether you’re looking for something super sweet, or something that will make your girlfriend or wife smile, these good night messages for her will help you get the job done. You will find everything from short and simple messages to long and thoughtful messages.

See also: 800+ Best Good Night Messages for Lovers, Friends, and Family

You may even find yourself coming back to this list time and time again when you need a little inspiration for wording your own messages. The best part of it is, you can use any of these messages straight from the page or you can take bits and pieces from multiple messages to help you come up with something completely unique and original to convey exactly how you feel.

Best Good Night Messages for Her

Best Good Night Messages for Her

Good night messages are the best way to end your day. Make sure you are doing everything in your power to assure that your girlfriend or wife knows just how much she means to you. Here are the best good night messages for her that you can compose and send to the girl of your dreams. The message doesn’t need to be too long but it should be touching and romantic at the same time.

See also: 650+ Best Love Messages for Her from the Heart

1. I think about you every night before I fall asleep. I hope the feeling is mutual because there is no one that I would rather spend my time thinking about than you. Good night, sweetheart!

2. You may not know this but you are always on my mind even when we are miles apart from each other. I dream about you, think about you and even miss you when you aren’t around. I love you, good night!

3. If I made a list of all the wonderful things that you are, it would take me all night to complete it, and even then, I couldn’t do you justice. All I can say is that I am blessed to have you in my life and I hope you feel the same. Have a good night’s sleep, baby.

4. There are many things that people don’t tell each other in this day and age. Some people are afraid of being judged while others are simply afraid of rejection. As for me, however, I am not afraid to tell you anything because I feel like you are the other half of my soul. You complete me and always will. Good night, beautiful.

5. I know you have had a long and stressful day. Now that you are in bed, all you have to do is close your beautiful eyes and think of the most pleasant thoughts possible. I hope those thoughts involve me because you will always be on my mind. Good night, precious.

6. People always ask me what I see in you. They say that we are total opposites and that I am too good-looking to be with someone like you. However, they don’t know how much we laugh together or the inside jokes that we share. I hope you know that you are my soulmate and I love you. Good night.

7. I can’t wait for the day that I can finally call you my wife. Until that glorious day arrives, however, I want you to know that you will always be my girlfriend. This is because I want the world to know that you are special and that you deserve to have the best in life. Good night, my princess.

8. Most people have a favorite song that they like to listen to before bed. However, I don’t think any song could ever be as lovely as the sound of your name. Good night, sweetheart.

9. I know you are never bored when you are with me. This is because I do everything in my power to make sure our time together is always fun and interesting. That’s why I will always be by your side. You can count on me always. Good night, my love.

10. You might not realize it but you are the sunshine that brightens up my day. I don’t know what I would do without you, baby. You are the greatest gift that I have ever received and I will cherish you always. Good night.

11. I think I have been so lucky in life because I have been blessed with so many wonderful things. You are certainly one of those things that I am grateful for. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us because I know it will be great. Good night, my angel.

12. Have I ever told you that you are my dream girl? You are the only one for me and I am the only one for you. Our love story is like a fairy tale come true and I promise to cherish your love always. Good night, sweetie.

13. I want to tell you again just how grateful I am of our relationship. I never thought I could have such a deep and meaningful bond with someone like I have with you. You are the most important person in my life and it makes me happy to know that you feel the same way. Good night, beautiful.

14. Most of the time when I am with you, we have nothing to say. Yet, I feel like we never run out of things to talk about because all we do is look at each other and smile. I love you more than anything in this world and I will be with you forever and after. Good night.

15. I am writing this short letter to you as a reminder of how important you are to me and how much I love you. You are my life now and always will be. Sweet dreams, my princess.

16. While everyone else is asleep, I lie in bed awake, thinking about you and how much you mean to me. You are my one and only and I don’t ever want to lose you. Good night, sweetheart, may tomorrow be just as beautiful as you are.

17. I am looking out the window as I am writing this letter to you. The stars look so beautiful tonight and I am reminded of how lucky I am to have you in my life. Your eyes shine brighter than any star in the sky and I always feel blessed when I get to stare into them. Good night, my dear.

18. Every time I think of you, I smile. Every time you walk into the room, my heart beats a little faster. Whenever you hold me, I feel warm and safe. I just can’t imagine myself without you and I never want to. Good night, my one and only!

19. I am reminded of how blessed I am to have you in my life every time I see you sleeping beside me. You are the most beautiful creature that I have ever laid eyes on and it makes me happy knowing that you are mine and I am yours. Good night, my queen.

20. Most people complain about their lives and say they are not fulfilled. I am not most people. I have everything I could ever wish for right here with me. You are my other half and I love you just the way you are. Good night, beautiful.

21. I am the richest man in the world because I have you. I don’t care about money when I have something much more valuable. You are my rare jewel and without you, my life would be meaningless. Good night, my princess.

22. There is not a single place in the world I would rather be than in your arms tonight. Each night that I spend with you is like a dream come true. You are my dream man and my reality. Good night, my one and only.

23. I know I don’t tell you this enough, but I want to let you know that you are the love of my life and you will always be. You make everything in life worthwhile and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Good night, honey.

24. Everyone says that true love only happens once. I know that is false because I found my soulmate in you. Each and everything in the world feels completely different to me when I am with you. I love you infinitely, my darling. Good night.

25. I have so many good things to look forward to in the future. I have you by my side, which is more than I could have ever wished for. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I will always treasure your love. Good night.

26. You are the reason I get up in the morning with a smile on my face. You are the reason I am happy. I love you to the moon and back and when we are old and gray, I will still be loving you. Good night, my one and only.

27. I feel so lucky to have someone like you in my life. You brighten up my day just by being around. I love the way you laugh and the way you smile at me. I will be thinking about you when I go to bed tonight. Good night, darling.

28. When I close my eyes, I can see us growing old together. I can see you beside me in old age, with your beautiful hair turned completely white. I want to grow old with you because you are my lifelong companion and I want us to be buried together in the same grave eventually. Good night, dear!

29. I never thought I could find true love, but then you came along. You completed me in a way I never knew I was incomplete. It’s strange how first impressions can be so wrong, but I am glad our first meeting was a wrong one because it made us meet eventually. Good night, my sweetest love.

30. If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would use my last breath to say that I love you. My heart would stop beating if it prevents me from saying that I love you because without you life is meaningless. I love you. Good night, sweet baby!

31. I feel so happy when it is time to go to bed because I know you will be there to comfort me and hold me tight. I want you to know that without you, life wouldn’t be worth living. You are my entire world and I love you more than anything. Good night.

32. My heart beats only for you. It beats at the thought of you and it beats when I am with you. This heart will keep beating for you till it no longer can. I love you, my sweet baby. Good night.

33. I think about you constantly during the day and it makes me anxious to be with you. I want to talk to you and laugh with you. You brighten up my entire existence and I love you for making me a better person. Good night, beautiful.

34. First, I am going to dream about you, and then, I will hold you tight all night long. Oh, how I wish this night would never end but alas, all good things come to an end. Sweet dreams, my one and only.

35. I had a really nice dream last night but I can’t remember what it was exactly. Yet, I know I was with you in it and that makes me happy. Is it weird to be glad I forgotten a dream? It’s just that, I would rather dream of you than anything else. Sleep tight, darling!

36. Don’t ever change. Your crazy antics and silly personality are what make you who you are and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Good night.

37. I know I am not always the easiest person to get along with. I have a lot of mood swings and I can be pretty grumpy at times, but just remember that even when I am mad at the world, I will never be mad at you. Good night, my sweetness.

38. No matter how long we have been together, each day I fall more in love with you than the last. With every word you speak, with every touch you give me, I love you even more. I see us growing old together. Good night, my one and only.

39. I don’t care if I am tired, I will always be there with you. Whether it’s the middle of the night or three in the morning. I love you and that’s never going to change. Good night, my everything!

40. It’s amazing to think that just a few years ago we were strangers and now you are the center of my life. I hope this feeling never ever goes away because you complete me in every way and every day I feel grateful that we found each other. Goodnight, my everything!

See also: 600+ Positive Messages to Brighten Someone’s Day

41. I can’t wait for our lives to begin. We’ll get married, have kids and live a long and happy life together. We will grow old with each other until the day we die. I love you, good night.

42. Today was a lollapalooza of emotions and a roller coaster of events. From the moment you woke me up until now, I have been so blessed to have you in my life. I love you, good night, honey.

43. I have been robbed, mugged, lost and found but I have never ever felt as if I had something taken from me. Every time someone has tried to do me harm, they have failed. Every time I thought I was lost, I was led to you. Every time I thought I had lost you, you came back to me. You are my sweetest dream come true. Good night, my one and all.

44. You are my best friend, my girlfriend, and the love of my life. My days are brighter because of you, the world is better place with you in it and every night when I close my eyes, I fall asleep thinking about you. I love you and good night!

45. I know we are going through a rough patch right now but I want you to remember that no matter what, you will always be my one and only. You are the only person who can make me feel whole and happy and I hope you know that no matter what happens I will always love you. Good night, honey!

46. You are like the wind, I can’t see you but I know you are there always by my side. Thanks for being there for me. Good night, honey.

47. It’s times like these when I feel really clingy and want you to be with me but just know that wherever you are, I am there with you in spirit. Just close your eyes and think of me. I’ll be there. Good night, love!

48. I can’t wait for the night to turn into day so I can go to sleep because that means I will be dreaming about you. You are the only one I dream about and I hope to stay this way forever. Good night, my everything.

49. Just thinking about how beautiful you are, yet you are in love with an average looking guy like me. I will never understand what you see in me but I will cherish it forever. You are the other half to my heart, my life and my entire existence. Goodnight, my one and only!

50. I just wanted to let you know that my thoughts are always with you, wherever you are in this whole world. Sweet dreams, my one and only. I love you more than you will ever know!

51. We are like two sides of a coin that just can’t be separated. You are my other half and we are meant to be together forever. I love you more than I could ever put into words. Good night, my one and only!

52. I want to grow old with you, have children with you, build a future with you. Everything I do and everywhere I go, you are the center of my world and my favorite person to spend time with. Good night, my one and only.

53. The next time I see you, it will be the most beautiful thing in the world because I get to look at the person who makes everything worthwhile. I love you and good night!

54. I think about you all the time. About how lucky I am to have met someone like you and what a wonderful life we will build together. I can’t wait to be your husband, just you wait! Good night, my one and only!

55. You know what they say; if you love something, set it free. If it comes back to you, then it’s yours forever. I love you so I am never letting you go because my heart belongs to you and you alone. Good night, sweetheart!

56. I have always looked up to you. You are taller than me, smarter than me and definitely better looking than me! You are the perfect man and I can’t believe you are all mine! Good night, honey.

57. There isn’t a single night where I don’t think about you before I go to bed. You occupy all of my thoughts and even my dreams. Just you- wait, let me start that over. Good night, from your most adoring husband to be!

58. I have loved so many women in this life but all of those times combined pale in comparison to how I feel for you right now. You truly are my one and only, forever and always. Good night!

59. Hold my hand and let’s us dream of a future together. Good night, honey.

60. I never thought that I could be this happy and that’s probably because I never let myself believe that you were real. Yet, here you are, in front of me, proving to me that dreams really do exist and if you are in them then they must come true. Good night, my one and only!

61. Honey, I see a happy future with you and only you. We’ll be married in a beautiful church by the ocean in front of family and friends. We’ll have two kids and a dog and live happily ever after. Good night.

62. I wish there were more words in the English language so that I could accurately describe how much you mean to me. That’s the only problem with our love – it’s so strong and pure but there aren’t enough words in any language to fully describe it. Good night, my one and only!

63. My love, I know you are probably exhausted right now. After all, you have been running all over the house all day long! But before you hit that pillow, just know that I love you and I can’t wait to hold you again tomorrow! Good night.

64. I think about your smile, your embrace, the sparkle in your eyes and all the happiness you bring into my life every single day. You are the most kindest person I know and I love you for it. Good night.

65. No matter what tomorrow brings, today was perfect because it brought me closer to you. I love you, my one and only. Good night.

66. I am so glad that you are mine, and I am yours. Together, we will face whatever the future holds for us head on. I love you more than words can express, sweet dreams, my one and only.

67. My heart is always content whenever you are near. I don’t need anything else but your love to make my life complete and happy. Good night, my one and only.

68. I don’t care if I am out of vocabulary to express how much I love you. I can do it forever and still not have enough words in the world to describe it. You are the one for me and I will love you forevermore. Good night, honey.

69. Among all the people in the world, you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are everything that I have ever wanted and so much more! You are my dream come true. Just thinking about you brings a smile to my face. Good night, honey.

70. I might not say this every night but I really do love you so much. You are everything to me. Without you in my life, I am nothing. Good night, honey.

71. There is no one in the world that can ever replace you. You are irreplaceable just like your love for me. No matter what happens, remember that I will always love you. Good night, honey.

72. I love everything about you, even the things that drive me crazy. I love your smiles, your frowns, your giggles and gasps, everything that makes you, you. Good night, my one and only.

73. You are my shining star. You are that bright light that I see in the night, guiding me from the deepest darkness. You are my lighthouse in the stormy sea of life. I love you forever! Good night, honey.

74. I’m sorry if I ever made you feel like our relationship was somehow unstable or tenuous. That is the last thing I want! You and me, baby, till the end of time. I love you more than you will ever know. Good night, love!

75. For the rest of my life, I will cherish every moment I have with you. You are my one and only. I love you so much. Good night, honey.

76. I want to grow old with you, laugh with you, cry with you, smile at your silly jokes and embrace all the goodness that you are. I want us to grow old together and live a long and happy life. Good night, my one and only.

77. Looking at your picture before I go to sleep makes my heart skip a beat. I love you so much that it is hurting me inside. Good night, my one and only.

78. I’m not a poet or a writer so this might sound corny but I love you. Always and forever. Good night.

79. When I sleep, I will think of you and when I dream, you will be there in all your loveliness. Good night to the love of my life!

Sweet Good Night Messages for Her

Sweet Good Night Messages for Her

Sweet good night messages for her are the best way to impress the woman you love and make her feel special. These messages will not only help you in impressing her but also help you express your love and care towards her in a unique way. So scroll below and find out the best message for your girlfriend or wife.

See also: 600+ Good Morning Messages for Her to Make Her Smile

80. I will be dreaming of your tight hugs, your warm kisses, and your soothing thoughts. Good night, my one and only.

81. There might be a thousand stars in the sky but you are the one that shines the brightest in my eyes. I love you so much, good night, honey.

82. I know we just saw each other a few hours ago, but I can’t wait to see you again. I want to fall asleep with you in my arms because that’s where I feel safest and most secure. I love you. Good night, my dearest!

83. You are the beginning and end of everything for me. I love you so much, good night.

84. The magical twinkle lights in the sky that you see every night are actually little fairy tales traveling from one place to another just to let you know that you are not alone. Good night, my princess!

85. I swear the time we spend apart is way too much but I know that we will always have each other’s heart every second of the day. Good night baby.

86. Before I met you, I was lost. Now that I have you, it’s like the darkness has been lifted and my life has a whole new meaning. Thank you for coming into my life and brightening it. I love you so much, good night.

87. I want to be the only one who keeps you up all night, not your work. It’s unhealthy. I want to be the only thing you think about when you go to sleep and the first thing you think about when you wake up. Because guess what? You are the first thing I think about when I wake up and last thing before I fall asleep. I love you to the moon and back. Good night.

88. You deserve the best of everything. I wish I could provide that for you, but all I have to offer is my love. Know that I will always be here for you when you need me the most. Good night, my one and only.

89. I know we are miles apart right now, but just know that you are in my thoughts. I can’t wait to see you again. I miss you so much. Good night, darling.

90. Every day I see you, I fall in love all over again. You are the sun that brightens my day, the stars that shine at night, and the air that I breathe. I cannot live without you. Good night, my everything.

91. I wish I was there to hold you tight, but just know that you never really sleep alone. I am always here with you in your thoughts. Good night, honeybunch.

92. As of today, I promise to respect the fact that you are an independent, strong-willed woman and try not to smother you too much with my love. Just know that I will always be here for you when you need me the most. Good night, dear.

93. I love your laugh, your smile, and your beautiful face. It makes me so happy just thinking about everything we have been through together. I know our love is stronger than anything this world can ever throw at us. Good night, my sweetheart.

94. Thank you for being the perfect girlfriend. I know I don’t tell you that enough, but I really appreciate everything you do for me and our relationship. My life is so much better with you in it. Good night.

95. You have lit up my world in more ways than anyone could ever hope to achieve. You are the treasure I’ve been looking for all my life. I love you to the moon and back, good night, my princess.

96. I never thought I could ever feel this complete until the day I met you. Thank you for giving me a reason to live. You are my life now and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you. Good night.

97. When we are old and gray, looking back at this day, I want to remember the love we share for each other now. You are my everything. Good night.

98. I want to grow old and gray with you. You are the one I want to spend all of my tomorrows with. Good night, my sweetheart. I love you.

99. You are so beautiful and I know someone way more handsome than me is looking out for you even as we speak. Someone like your dad, who has placed you on this earth for me to find and cherish. Good night, sweetheart.

100. I will never get tired of kissing those lovely lips of yours. I love you so much, baby. Good night.

101. The most important thing I ever lost in my life was my sense of direction. You came into my life and now I know everything will be just fine because I am following you. Good night. I love you.

102. I don’t care if I am cheesy or cliche. My love for you is way too real to be threatened by the judgment of others. I love you so much that it actually hurts whenever we are not together. Good night, baby.

103. As long as I have you, everything in life seems to fall into place. You are my better half and I want to always keep you happy by my side. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you. Good night.

104. I worry about keeping you happy, but I also don’t want to smother you and take away your independence as a human being. I want to find that balance so our relationship can work in the long term. I love you, good night.

105. You are an amazing person in every way. Your love has brought out the best in me and I want to be the best version of myself for you. I want to continue doing so for the rest of my life. Good night.

106. I like to think that we will be friends even after our relationship has long since ended. If that is the case, I want to thank you for all of your support and love. You have truly helped me in ways others could not. I love you, good night.

107. You complete me. You make me a better person. I couldn’t have asked for a better partner in this relationship or in life. I will always cherish our bond and love. Good night, my love.

108. I am so glad that you are not like any other girl I have dated because our relationship is the healthiest one I have ever had. I know we will be together for the long haul. Good night, honey. I love you.

109. You learn something new and exciting about each other every single day. That’s how I know we were meant to be together. You are my gift from God and I want to cherish all our tomorrows together, good night.

110. I can’t even imagine sleeping without you by my side. I don’t care if that makes me seem clingy or dependent. I want you to be a part of all my tomorrows, good night.

111. You are a blessing that I never deserved, but you are still in my life. You are the wind beneath my wings and I want to stay up in the sky with you for as long as I can. I love you so much, good night.

112. I have a confession to make. I was never a believer in soulmates or “the one”, but you have changed all of that. I know we are destined to be together as long as we have faith in each other and continue working on ourselves in the best way possible. I love you, good night.

113. If you ever need anything, I want you to know that I am here for you. We may be far away in distance but we are always close in heart. I love you and good night.

114. We have been through a lot together, but we have come out stronger in the end. I know that our relationship will continue to thrive and grow. You are my everything and I love you so much. Good night.

115. I will always stay by your side because you are my partner in life. We may not have gotten married or had children, but you are the mother of my heart and soul. I love you, good night.

116. Life is a long journey and we are going to take it one day at a time. I know we will grow old together and continue to have each other’s backs no matter what life throws at us. I love you today, tomorrow and every day after that. Good night, my eternal love.

117. I’m never letting go of you, not in a million years. You are the girl of my dreams and I will continue to show you just how much you mean to me every single day for the rest of our lives. Good night, my beautiful queen.

118. You are my safe haven in this chaotic world. You always make me feel better even when I am having a bad day. You are the light at the end of the tunnel and I want to bask in your love for all of eternity. I love you to the moon and back, good night.

119. I will always be your knight in shining armor. I will defend you with my life. You deserve nothing, but the best and that’s what I will always strive to be. I love you beyond words, good night.

120. It doesn’t matter where we are or where we go because as long as we have each other, we will always have a home. I love you to the moon and back, honeybun. Good night.

See also: 700+ Good Morning Messages To Send Your Loved Ones

121. My world is a better place because you are in it. You brighten up my day and whenever I see that beautiful smile of yours, I know that everything is going to be alright. I love you beyond the stars, good night.

122. I used to be afraid of falling asleep because I didn’t want to be alone. Now that you are in my life, I don’t mind sleeping because my dreams are always about you. You will always be there, in spirit, and I love you so much for that. Good night, honey.

123. When somebody falls in love it’s magical, but our love is the most magical of all. We have a bond that nobody will ever break because our love is pure. I cherish you forever, good night.

124. I will continue to conquer the world because you are sitting on top of it with me. A king can always share his throne with his queen. I love you beyond words, good night.

125. Your presence in my life has made everything seem better. Before you, I was living in darkness, but you were sent from the heavens to brighten up my world. I will continue to bask in your light for all eternity. Good night, my shining star.

126. Thinking about you gives me a sense of peace. I don’t know what I’ll do without you, so I hope you never leave. You are the other half to my soul and I love you endlessly, good night.

127. I’m not the kind of king that will have a large palace; I’m the kind that will have a large home because I want us to grow old and have children together. My greatest treasures are you and our future family, good night.

128. You are my soul mate. The moment we met we knew we were meant to be together forever. I love everything about you and I will never stop loving you, no matter what. Good night, my one and only.

129. Our relationship is a story like no other. It has the power to inspire people, to make them believe in love again. Our love will continue to grow even stronger and it will never die. I promise you that, good night.

130. My dearest wife, you are not only the mother of my children, you are the air that I breathe and the sun that shines upon me. You are a gift from above and I will continue to love and cherish you forever. Good night.

131. We’ve been through so much together and our bond is unbreakable. We’ve been together for so long that we’re inseparable. We’ve had our fair share of happy and sad moments, but I wouldn’t change any of it because that’s how we got to where we are now. Thank you for coming into my life, good night.

132. You are my queen and you deserve to have the world. I’m not giving you the world because that’s too cliché. I’m giving you something better, I’m giving you ME. I will always be yours and you will continue to be mine. Good night.

133. I promise you that I will always be here for you to hold on to. No matter what happens in this life, we will never be apart. I’m not only your husband, I’m also your shoulder to cry on. Let those beautiful tears soak into my chest as we drift off to sleep, good night.

134. You are much more than just my wife; you are my friend, my lover, and the mother of our children. You have done so much for me and I cannot thank you enough, but I can show my appreciation by always being here for you. Good night, my love.

135. I’ll always be here, beside you. For every morning that passes, for every afternoon we spend together and even for every evening. I will always be by your side. There is no one else in this world that I would want to share these special moments with other than you, my beautiful wife. Good night, darling!

136. The moon is out, the stars are shining and the sky is crystal clear. It’s a perfect night for us to cuddle and drift off into dreamland together. I want you to sleep soundly, knowing that I’m always here to protect you. Good night, my love.

137. When I’m with you, time seems to pass so quickly. But when we’re apart, time drags by so slowly. No matter what, you’ll always be my shining star that I want to come home to. No one will ever compare to you, because you’re one of a kind. You are special and unique, just like you, good night.

138. I don’t care how cliche this may sound, but you are the woman of my dreams. You always know how to make me feel good and you know exactly what I need. I can’t imagine myself without you. You are the first thing I think about in the morning and sometimes the only thing I think about. You’re always on my mind. I love you so much. Good night!

139. We have an unbreakable bond stronger than anything in this world. We’ve been through thick and thin and that’s what has kept us together all these years. Even when we’re very old and gray, I will still be by your side. I’ll always stay with you. Good night.

140. As I lay my head down on the pillow and close my eyes, I send all my love your way. You’re my everything and I don’t know where I’d be without you. You filled in the empty void that was once there and brought joy and happiness back into my life. Thank you, good night.

141. You are the air that I breathe, the sun that lights up my world and the beat of my heart. You’re the woman of my dreams and the mother of our children. Together, we’ll walk through this life hand in hand and face whatever this world may throw at us because we have each other. Good night.

142. No matter how many times I say it, I never get tired of saying those three words to you. ‘I love you.’ You’re the one that I see myself spending the rest of my life with. The one that I want to grow old with and watch our kids grow up together. Our love is pure, real and everlasting. Nothing can break us apart. I love you more than anything in this world. Good night.

143. You are the most important person in my life. Whether it’s having a good day or a bad day, you’re always there for me to lean on. Your love is a bright light that shines through the dark. I want you to know that no matter what, I’m here for you no matter what. I will never leave your side. Good night and sleep tight.

144. There’s nothing better than cuddling up next to you. Your love is a warm blanket on a cold winter night, your presence is comforting and soothing. You’re my calm in the storm and my safe place to land. I love you.

145. Everyday that passes, I fall deeper in love with you. You’re the center of my universe and my orbit always brings me back to you. No matter what happens, we’ll face it together, hand in hand. I cherish every moment I spend with you and I would not trade you for the world. Good night.

146. I will always be by your side. When you’re feeling sad, I’ll be there to comfort you. When you’re feeling happy, I’ll be there to embrace you and smile with you. When you’re afraid, I’ll be there to protect you. You will always be the light that guides me and the wind that keeps me from losing my way. Nothing will ever keep us apart. Good night!

147. We’ve been through a lot together. You picked me up when I was down and made me feel loved again. You always know what to say and do to make me happy. There are so many reasons why I love you, but the main reason is because you’re always there for me. You give me that reason to keep going and never stop trying. I love you. Good night!

148. My nights are always brighter when you are by my side. My days are always happier whenever you are near. You are the other half to my whole and together we make everything feel complete. You are the love of my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of eternity with you. Good night, my soul mate.

149. You are the only woman I have ever loved. You are the only woman I will ever love. There will never be another. You’re the mother of my children and the love of my life. Our life may not be perfect, but I wouldn’t want it any other way because your flaws are what make you human. I love you. Good night.

150. Everyday I wake up and see you in front of me, I always wonder, ‘Is this a dream?’ But then I pinch myself and the pain is real. You’re actually here and you’re mine. I feel like the luckiest man in the world because you are absolutely incredible and I am immensely grateful that we found each other. I love you. Good night.

151. I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. Good night

152. You are my heart, you are my soul and you are my whole world. Without you, I am nothing. Without you, I wouldn’t even be alive. You’re the reason why, even when the sky is falling, I can manage to keep on going with a smile. Even the darkest of clouds must surrender to the brilliance of the sun and with you by my side, life is nothing but beautiful. Good night.

153. My day doesn’t end when you leave in the morning and come home in the evening. My day ends when I close my eyes and I am next to you again. The sun may rise and fall, but, my love for you is eternal. Good night.

154. We are a perfect pair, the best of friends and the worst of enemies. Even when we fight, it’s still all out fun because at the end of the day, we always forgive each other. I love you and I hope you sleep well tonight. Good night.

155. You are the only woman who has ever understood me and loved me for what I am. You are the only one who knows every nook and cranny of my mind and you accept all of it. You never try to change me or tell me to be someone else. You always let me have my own way, but you never let me wander too far from you. I love you for that. Good night.

156. I love all the nights we spend together, the cuddling, the laughing and the loving. I love the way you hold me, the way you whisper to me and especially the way you touch me. I love all the things we do and all the things we will do. Good night, my one and only.

157. As the moonlight shines upon your body, I am filled with immense joy knowing that I am yours and you are mine. Together we stand against all odds and live life to its fullest. Never in my dreams did I ever think I’d meet somebody as amazing as you. I love you, good night.

158. My nights are always brighter when you are by my side. My days are always happier whenever you are near. You are the other half to my whole and together we make everything feel complete. You are the love of my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of eternity with you. Good night, my soul mate.

159. I know that I don’t tell you as often as I should, but I really do love you. There are just so many times in a day that I feel it necessary to express my feelings towards you that I tend to forget to say it out loud. But, never forget that I love you. Good night, beautiful.

160. You make every night special. Just by being there for me whenever I need you most. You are the light that guides me home and you are the warmth that keeps me safe from all harm. You are an angel and I love you. Good night.

161. I knew from the very beginning that you were someone worth keeping. The more we talked, the more I knew you were the woman for me and now, having you in my arms, I know that you were made for me. I will love you until the end of time. Good night.

162. The night sky is beautiful, but it cannot even compare to the beauty of you. Your eyes, your lips, and your face. Everything about you drives me wild with passion. I will love you until the end of time. Sweet dreams, my love!

163. Our journey together has been a long one and I hope that our relationship continues to grow stronger with each passing day. You are the moon and stars to me, without you I am nothing. I love you, good night.

164. All I want to do is to keep you in my arms because that is the only place you belong. You are the other half of my heart and I love you with all my being. Good night, precious.

165. I love every single day we spend together. Whether it’s going to the shooting range or simply just cooking dinner. I just love spending time with you and I always will. Good night, my one and only.

166. Sitting here, all I can think about is your touch, your smile and your beautiful eyes. Your love means so much to me and without it, I would be nothing. You are the sunshine on a cloudy day and the wind upon my face. I love you, my angel.

167. The night sky that we gaze upon has been around longer than us and will be here long after we are gone. Our lives are so fleeting and meaningless when compared to the vast universe. With that in mind, I just want you to know how much I love and adore you. You are the other half of my whole. Good night.

Romantic Good Night Messages for Her

Romantic Good Night Messages for Her

When it comes to romance, words are very important. Words can make or break a relationship. Wish your girlfriend or wife a good night with romantic good night messages for her and make your relationship stronger. Good night messages are an important part of expressing your love and care to our beloved ones. So make sure you’re saying the right things to the right person at the right time.

See also: 750+ Romantic Love Messages for Him and Her

168. Someday, we will look back on our life together and reminisce about the beautiful and wondrous moments we’ve experienced. You are the one I want to share all of those memories with. I love you, good night.

169. I carry your heart in my soul and you carry mine in yours. Our hearts beat as one and that is the magic of our relationship. Never forget how much you mean to me. Good night, my angel.

170. You are my everything and, as cliche as it may sound, my world. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you in it. You are the embodiment of everything that is good in this world and I love you with all my heart and soul. Good night, my love!

171. I will love you for a thousand more nights like this one. Even after a million more, I will still love you as much as I do right now. No matter what comes our way, we will overcome it all as long as we have each other. I love you. Good night, honey!

172. This is just a simple text to tell you that you are the one I want to grow old with. As we grow older, remember that my feelings for you will never change and if anything, they will only intensify. I love you, good night.

173. I don’t care if I am asleep or awake, my heart will always beat only for you. Whenever you feel lonely or afraid, know that I am here and that I love you more with each passing moment. Good night, my sweetest dream.

174. The delicate petals of an exquisite rose represent my love for you. The thorns? Well, they represent my undying patience for you. I love you, good night!

175. I am not going to say that I will be there forever because we don’t know what the future holds in store for us. What I can assure you of though is that I will always be by your side as we journey through life. I love you. Good night.

176. Although I come home to you each night, it always feels incomplete until we are together again. I yearn for you and want you by my side always. Never leave me. I love you. Good night.

177. I am right here beside you as you sleep, caressing your beautiful face and hair. I will never let anyone or anything hurt you, my love. Knowing that you are safe during the night, fills me with happiness. You are the light in my life, darling. Good night.

178. We may come from two different worlds but our hearts are bonded together as one. I love everything about you, your quirks, your flaws, and even your bad habits because they make you who you are. I love you to the moon and back again, good night.

179. I know that we are going through a lot of things right now but just know that you can always count on me. We may have our differences and we argue at times but in the end, we will face the world together. I love you. Good night, my dear.

180. You are the only person in this world that I want to be with forever. Every morning that God grants us, I will wake up by your side and love you more.

181. I don’t care about anything in the world when I am in your arms. You are my refuge, my peace, and the only person I want to be with all the time. I love you more than I could ever put into words. Good night.

182. You are not only my one and only, but also my other half. Where you go, I go; what you see, I see; and most importantly, what you feel, I feel. The connection we have is beyond words. Good night, my life.

183. Even as you sleep right now, you are the most beautiful woman in the entire world to me. Not because of your physical beauty but because of your kind and generous heart. Good night, honey.

184. My life was empty and meaningless until I met you. You have made me a better person, shown me what true love really is, and cared for me all at the same time. As we spend this night together, know that I will always love you. Good night, honey.

185. I caress your face, run my fingers through your hair and gently touch your body as we lay together in bed. Not because I want to have wild, passionate love with you but because I am reaffirming my love for all that you are. Good night, my one and only.

186. Every night, lying next to you, I look at you and realize that you are a gift from heaven. My love for you is beyond description and you always occupy my every thought. I can’t wait to see you again soon.

187. If I had to choose between breathing and loving you, I would hold my breath forever. You are the other half of me and I love everything about you. Good night, my beautiful angel.

188. I can’t wait to grow old with you. I want to experience everything life has to offer with the only person I want to experience it all with. Good night, my one and only.

189. You are the other part of my heart, without you I would only survive half of a life. I love you and good night.

190. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow morning because it will mean that we got to spend another evening together. Good night, sweetheart.

191. Just thinking about you and how awesome you are, puts a smile on my face. I love you so much. Sleep tight, baby!

192. I can’t wait for tonight to end and for tomorrow to begin just so I can see your beautiful face again. I love you, good night.

193. You are the moon that lights my darkest nights and the sun that starts my every new day. You are everything. Have a good night sleep, darling!

194. I can’t wait for the day we get to grow old together. Every morning I look at you lying next to me and I am reminded of how grateful I am that you are in my life. Good night, sweetheart.

195. As I lay in bed beside you, I know that I have everything that I could possibly need in life. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Good night.

196. I think about our future and all the things we will experience together. It overwhelms me with joy just knowing you are by my side to face the world’s greatest challenges. Good night, my one and only.

197. You are my heart, you are my soul, you are everything. I love you so much, good night.

198. I believe in us. Our love is strong and will stand the test of time. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Sleep well, dear.

199. You are my love, my heart, my soul. You are everything I need to live. I can’t wait for tomorrow when I get to see you again. Good night, my everything.

200. I feel so incredibly lucky to have you in my life. Not everybody is as fortunate as I am. Thank you for loving me, good night.

See also: 530+ Love Messages for Him from the Heart

201. You are my life now and always. I will love you even when the sands of time run out. What we have is true love, darling! Good night.

202. I want nothing more than to spend all of eternity with you by my side. I love you now, tomorrow and forever. Good night, my one and only.

203. No matter what life puts us through, I’ll be by your side facing the world together. We are each other’s home. Good night, honey.

204. I know you are the one for me. I can feel it in my heart. You calm my soul and make life worth living. I love you so much, good night.

205. You are my everything. All of my past, all of my present and all of my future. I love you beyond words, good night.

206. Loving you is the easiest thing I do every single day. Good night, my one and only.

207. I want to grow old with you. When that day comes and our time on this earth is over, I want us to die on the same day. I couldn’t live a day without you, sweetheart. Good night.

208. Everyday that we share together is the best day of my life. I love you now and forever, good night.

209. I know someday we’ll be together forever, but until then I’ll keep you in my heart every night as I fall asleep. Good night, my one and only.

210. In your dreams tonight, I want you to imagine me kissing you on the forehead. I love you so much, good night.

211. Someday, when we are old and grey, I want to lay with you in our bed and remember this time. Good night, my one and only.

212. I love the way you snore and how your foot sometimes hangs out of the blanket. I wouldn’t want you to be any other way. Good night, my one and only.

213. Good night, sweetheart. I hope you know how much I love and adore you. I’ll see you in my dreams.

214. You are truly beautiful. Not just on the outside, but also on the inside. I feel so lucky to have found you. I love you, good night.

215. I don’t need flowers, chocolates or diamonds to prove your love for me. I know your feelings are real. I love you too, good night.

216. Even though we spend half of our lives asleep, I still miss you when you aren’t by my side. I love you beyond words. Good night!

217. I’ll give you something to dream about all night long! 😉 Wait, that didn’t come out right. I’ll give you something to think about other than me! I love you, good night.

218. Life is so much better with you in it. Thank you for loving me. Good night, my one and only.

219. You are my other half. My other mind, my better body, my better half. I love you now and forever. Good night.

220. I can’t wait for the day we have a bed big enough for the both of us! Until then I’ll sleep on the couch with your picture next to me. I love you more than anything, good night.

221. You brighten up my day. I love you so much. Don’t ever forget that. Good night, sweetheart.

222. I never thought I could ever find myself this happy. You complete me in every way a man could want. I love you now and forever, good night.

223. Everyday I want to spend with you. Every night I need to fall asleep with you in my arms. You are my soulmate. I love you, good night.

224. I don’t ever want to leave your side. You complete me and I want to be around to complete you too. Good night, my one and only.

225. When I’m with you, the world around me almost disappears. I feel so close to you. I love you so much. Good night, sweetheart.

226. I hope you dream about all the reasons you should never leave me. I love you more than anything.

227. Each and every night, I fall asleep thinking about you. Each and every morning, I wake up thinking about you too. You are in my thoughts constantly, my one and only.

228. I know I say it all the time, but I will never ever get tired of saying it. I love you. Have a good night.

229. Can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. You are the other half of my heart. Good night!

230. I don’t care what our life will be. Whether it is fun or dull. As long as I am with you, I will always want to be in your arms. I love you, good night.

231. My heart starts beating faster when you walk into the room. My breath quickens and my face warms up. I can’t help myself but to think about you all day. I love you so much, good night.

232. I want to grow old with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are the one for me, my one and only.

233. When we are apart, I think about you every second. When we are together, time seems to stand still. I love you so much, good night.

234. I am so glad that even though we come from different walks of life. Our hearts have found a common ground. I love you, good night.

235. You are the one I want to spend all of my tomorrows with. You are the one I want to laugh and cry with. You are the one I want to grow old with. I love you, good night.

236. I believe in us. Even if we have a fight, even if we aren’t always getting along. Our love is stronger than anything else. I am sure of it. I love you, good night.

237. We will fight all of our battles together. You are my other half. I am incomplete without you. I love you, good night.

238. All I want to do is to protect you, love you and be with you. You are everything to me. I love you so much, good night.

239. I want to hold you now. I want to fall asleep beside you and wake up beside you too. Come to me, my love. Good night.

240. You know how they say that there is someone out there for everyone? Well, I think we are proof of that. I love you so much, good night.

241. I want to see that beautiful smile first thing in the morning. I want to feel your body against mine as we fall asleep at night. Come to me, my love. Good night.

242. Even if we are apart, you are still always here with me. I feel you next to me, in my heart. Good night, my one and only love.

243. From the moment we met, I knew that you were going to be important to me. I didn’t know it would happen instantly. I didn’t know it would happen at all. But, here we are now, and I am glad we found each other. I love you so much, good night.

244. I used to look up at the sky and wonder what my soul mate was doing at that exact moment. Probably something as mundane as watching TV or cleaning the house. I didn’t think I would ever find them, but then we met. I love you, good night.

245. We will face whatever battles come our way together. No matter what life throws at us, we’ll always overcome it as long as we are together. I love you so much, good night.

246. The day we met was the luckiest day of my life. I don’t even care if that sounds clichéd or corny. I cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together. Good night, sweetheart.

247. I wanted a heroine in a storybook. Someone perfect that would sweep me off my feet. Instead, I found you. A real woman with plenty of flaws, but someone that always makes me happy. I love you so much, good night.

Cute Good Night Messages for Her

Cute Good Night Messages for Her

As the day is about to end, and night is about to start, there are many people who wish to sleep so that they could wake up early the next morning. There are people who would like to wish a good night to their girlfriend or wife, so here are some cute good night messages for her to make her fall even more in love with you.

See also: 360+ Good Night Messages for Him from the Heart

248. My love for you is like the ocean. It can’t be explained by reason, it can’t be measured. It’s just a fact of life. Good night, my princess.

249. No matter how hard I try, I can’t stop thinking about you. You’re my drug and, unfortunately for me, no amount of cold showers will change that. Sleep well, my love!

250. The thought of you makes me smile, the memory of you is enough to make me laugh, but the feeling of you? That’s something that can’t be put into words. Good night.

251. I want you to know that I’m glad we met. I’m glad we’re together. And I’m glad you’re my someone special. Have a good night.

252. The sun has fallen, the moon has risen, and the stars are out. If I could compare you to anything, it would be the moon. Not because you’re round like it, but because just like the moon, you light up my life in more ways than I could ever explain. Have a good night.

253. All I want to do is go to sleep so that I could dream about you. And upon waking up, I want to see you next to me. Good night.

254. I wish I was your blanket, so that I could keep you warm tonight. I wish I was your bed, so that you could lay your head on me. But most of all, I just want you to sleep tight, my love.

255. It’s cold tonight. The moon is out. The wolves are prowling. Go hide under the covers. Wait, you don’t need to worry about that last one. I want you to stay warm. Sleep well.

256. Do you know what’s better than saying someone is the moon of my life? You being my sun because with out you I’d be lost in darkness. Good night.

257. I must be the luckiest man alive for you to love me the way you do. It’s almost surreal at times. I just want to say, good night, my everything.

258. Here’s to the moon, here’s to the stars, here’s to the sky and here’s to you, the brightest one in my skies. Good night, my sweetie pie.

259. Darkness is upon us but I don’t need to worry. You’re by my side and together we’ll conquer whatever tomorrow may bring. Good night.

260. I want to drive off into the sunset with you and just spend the whole day with you tomorrow. Not doing anything special, just being together. I love you. Sleep well, darling!

261. While everyone else is out experiencing the world, I’m glad that you’re still here experiencing me. I want you to stay with me. Good night, sweetheart.

262. I thought that going to sleep without you would be impossible, but now that I’ve sent this message to you, I feel so much at ease. Sweet dreams, darling! I love you.

263. One day we’ll grow old and then we’ll die. But not tonight and not anytime soon. Tonight, I’ll dream of you. And tomorrow, I’ll have you by my side because you should never leave it. Good night.

264. We met once and then we met again. We fell in love and our lives had begun. You’re my everything and I want you to know, tonight and every night, that I’ll always be here for you and that I love you. Good night.

265. This night is dark, the hour late. But your beauty shines as the brightest moon, making this night as bright as day. Sweet dreams, my princess.

266. I’m trying to count all the stars in the sky but I just can’t. So I’m giving up. But whatever you do, don’t give up on me. I love you. Good night.

267. You are the center of my universe. You are my sun, you are my moon, you are my stars. You light my way in the darkest of nights. I love you to the moon and back again. Good night, sweetheart.

268. We may not be together right now, but know that we’ll always be united as one. Where you are is where I want to be. You are my light in the darkness of this world. Good night, my dear.

269. I want to stay up with you, and watch as the sun rises. But I can’t. Because I need my beauty sleep. But not because I’m insecure about myself or anything, it’s just because you look so much better than me when we’re lying next to each other. Good night.

270. We’ll be together forever and that’s all that really matters to me. I don’t care if I live a long life or a short life as long as you’re there with me. Good night.

271. I wish I was your teddy bear so that you could cuddle with me all night. Unfortunately, I’m not so you’ll have to content yourself by sleeping next to me. Good night, beautiful.

272. There’s a reason why we’re together and there’s a reason why the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Everything happens for a reason. And that reason is because I need you around to complete my life. Have I told you today that I love you? Because I do. Good night, my love.

273. You’re my sidekick and I need you with me not just tonight but always. You help me fight crime and be the hero that I’m supposed to be. I’ll love you until the day I die. Good night.

274. If I were a DJ, I’d play you a song right now. A special song, just for you. But since I’m not, I’ll have to come up with something else for you to help you sleep. Good night.

275. You’re my girl and you always will be. Our love is strong and nothing can break it. Not distance, not time, not anything. I love you to the moon and back again. Good night!

276. I don’t care if we’ve been together for a thousand years, each time I see you I fall in love all over again. You are the most amazing woman in the world and I want to be with you forever and always. Now, I’m going to sleep but please don’t ever leave my side. Good night.

277. The moon is looking lovely tonight. And do you know who looks lovelier than the moon? You, of course! I love you so much, my dear. Sweet dreams.

278. I’m going to tell you a secret. Okay, here it goes: I’m Batman. There, I said it. Now you can’t tell anyone because it’s a secret. But more importantly, you’re the one person in this world that I can be my true self around. I love you. Good night!

279. Every day I’m away from you is a day wasted. I want to be by your side forever and always. Good night, my eternal love.

280. I thought I was in love before, but that was just a faint emotion compared to what I feel for you. I love everything about you and just can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Good night.

281. My heart beats to the tune of your name. You are the very reason why I live and breathe. Let’s spend all of forever together, okay? Good night, baby!

282. It’s times like these when I thank the powers that be for bringing you into my life. You are the one person in this world that can make things right, even when things seem wrong. I love you. Good night.

283. You are the first thought in my mind when I wake up and the last thought before I fall asleep. You are always in my heart and on my mind. Let’s spend an amazing lifetime together, okay? Good night.

284. There’s so much noise and chaos in this world but as soon as I get a message from you, my heart feels at peace. Knowing that you’re mine and I’m yours fills me with an amazing joy that I feel nowhere else. I love you to the moon and back.

285. I can’t wait for the day when we can grow old together and just have quiet nights like this together. Good night, sweetheart.

286. Baby, you already know, but I’m going to tell you again. You are the one girl that I want by my side. I love you so much that it’s killing me inside just knowing that we’re apart right now. But still, I want you to know that these bad nights without you are made tolerable because I know that having you in my life makes everything better. Good night, baby!

287. I love how cute you are when you’re sleeping. I just want to hug you and squeeze you and never let go. But I have to because I don’t want to wake you up. I can only look at you and wish you good night instead.

288. You are an amazing person and I’m glad that the universe aligned in just the way it did for us to meet. I’m sending you all my love tonight, sweet dreams!

289. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow! I hope you have as much fun as I do every time we meet. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I cannot wait for the next lifetime so I can be with you again! Sweet dreams, honey bun.

290. Hey beautiful, just wanted to send you a message before I head to bed. I hope you sleep well and have sweet dreams about us. Good night!

291. I wish I could just hug you right now. I miss your warmth already and we just parted ways a couple of minutes ago! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I hope you know that. Sweet dreams, beautiful!

292. Thinking about how we first met makes me laugh and smile every day. It almost seems surreal. But no matter what tomorrow brings, that feeling will stay in my heart forever. I’m so glad I met you and I want you to know that I’ll love you until the day I die. Good night.

293. I just want to let you know how thankful I am that you came into my life. Every day gets better knowing that we’re going to be together forever. I love you more than anything in this world, and I always will. Sweet dreams, dear.

294. I wish I could take all your worries and problems on myself so you wouldn’t have to deal with them. You don’t deserve any of the things that happen to you, but I’m here now and I’ll always be your personal hero. Sweet dreams, my love.

295. You are the center of my world, the moon that orbits around you is the heart that beats in my chest. You are the sky that surrounds me, the lover that protects me. You are my everything, my everything. Good night.

296. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have you in my life, and not just because you’re incredibly beautiful either. It’s your personality that shines brighter than any star ever could. I love you beyond words. Good night.

297. When I’m with you, the only place I ever want to be is in your embrace. Your hugs are better than any sleep I’ve ever had. It’s like your arms are my home. Good night.

298. I promise to put others before myself, to encourage you whenever I can, and be a rock you can always lean on. I’ll be a source of strength when you’re weak and will love you even when you’re unlovable. I will do everything in my power to make you happy because that’s how I show God how much I appreciate you in my life. Good night, my one and only.

299. While everyone is asleep, I sit here and look over the day that has just passed. Of all the things I did, which weren’t many, the thing that made me happiest was when I got to spend time with you. You are not only an inspiration but also a joy, a delight and a wonder. You’re everything in my world, literally. Good night.

300. I wish I could hold you right now. Just wrap my arms around you and never let go. I can’t wait for the day when we won’t have to be apart ever again. That day can’t come soon enough. Good night, baby.

301. No matter what happens to us in the future, be it good or bad, I’ll always be on your side. You’re not only the love of my life but also one of my best friends. That’s why I want you to know that no matter what, tomorrow will always be another opportunity for us to spend time together. That’s why I want you to sleep well tonight.

302. I wish I could freeze this moment in time. Right now, right here, I am so happy I’m nearly scared of what might happen to this feeling in the future. I don’t want anything to change. I want to sleep tonight and wake up to your face. Good night.

303. The moon is out, the wind is blowing and everything around me feels so right. Just one glance at your picture and my mind goes completely blank. Your beauty is so overwhelming that it makes me feel blessed just to be alive. Good night.

304. I used to live such a hectic life that I didn’t even realize I was missing something. Then you came into my life and turned it upside down. I don’t regret it at all, because whenever I look at you, I can’t help but to smile because you’re the sunshine that brightens up my day. Good night.

305. You shower me with love, and I can never thank you enough for all you’ve done for me these past few months. When I see you smile and laugh, I can’t help but do the same. You bring out the best in me and I want to do the same for you. I can’t imagine a life without you, and I never want to try. Good night.

306. I know I’m supposed to be the strong one, the pillar upon which you can rely on. However, I need to tell you that I also need you. I’m not as strong as you might think. You’re my pillar, my rock, and without you I would crumble. Good night.

307. You are the wind beneath my wings. That is how I feel about you and why I love you so much. You make me stronger than I could ever be without you. Not just in a physical sense, but emotionally as well. I don’t know where I’d be without you. Good night.

308. I used to look up at the stars every night when I was a little boy and dream of falling in love with the most amazing girl ever, but I think I’ve found her. You make my dreams come true and I’ll continue to dream with you by my side. Good night. I love you.

309. Everyday that I live is another day that I get to spend with you. I wasn’t sure if I would ever find someone that could make me feel as happy and as loved as you do. I’m just a simple man with simple dreams: life, love and liberty. I got the first two and now all I need is liberty. Good night, my queen.

310. I could spend an eternity with you and it wouldn’t be enough. You are the other half to my heart and without you, I would perish. I love you, my angel. Good night.

311. The darkest nights are the ones we’re separated. The brightest stars are the ones that appear during those nights. My nights are dark, but I see your star, the brightest of them all. That’s you. Always. Sleep well, baby!

312. I want to say so many things to you right now, but it all comes down to one thing: I love you. I don’t know why or how, but it happened and I know with certainty that without you, my world would be a much darker place. Good night. I love you, always.

313. We’re together every night in my dreams, but I still look forward to seeing you every evening. Those moments alone with you are the highlights of my day. I love you so much, sweetheart. Good night and sleep tight.

314. I’ve been through so much in my life, I didn’t think things would ever get any better. Then, you happened. You make my life better in everyway possible. You always know what to say to make me laugh when I’m feeling down. I don’t know what I would do without you, my life would be meaningless. Good night, my everything.

315. You are the one that makes my life complete. You are the light of my soul. I love you, sweetheart. Have a lovely night’s sleep.

316. I wish I could tell you how beautiful you are, but that wouldn’t do you justice. You are the sun that brightens my day, the wind that calms me, and the beat of my loving heart. You are the most beautiful, precious things in my world. I love you, good night.

317. My life was becoming bland and colorless until you came along. Your colors made the black and white world I once lived in a colorful place. You make everything worthwhile. I don’t know what I would do without you. You’re my everything. I love you. Good night.

318. I could spend all day staring into your eyes, your beautiful sparkling hazel-colored eyes. They’re mesmerizing. There are times when you look at me that I can’t help but feel love. You are my best friend and lover. You make me smile, and I want to make you happy. I love you. Sleep tight.

319. Our love is the kind of love people write books and songs about. You are my soul mate and my other half. I love everything about you. I can’t wait to be with you again. Good night, my beautiful princess. Sleep tight!

320. I can’t wait for us to spend our lives together. I want to be with you forever and beyond that. It might be corny, but I can’t help but feel it in my heart. You are my soul mate and the other part of me. I love you. Good night, my love.

321. Even though we just spend time with each other in the evening, I still miss you during the day. Those hours seem longer when you’re not by my side. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again tonight. I love you. Good night.

322. I see your beautiful smile in my dreams. I can’t wait to see it in person again. I think about you every night, and I long for the day when we will never have to be apart again. Until that day, I will say good night to you every evening to let you know that you’re always in my thoughts.

323. The thought of you brightens up my day and the thought of you holding me tight makes my night blissful. I can’t wait for the day when I wake up and see you by my side. Good night, sweetheart.

324. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. Every day that we spend together is another day in heaven. I knew from the very moment I saw you that we were destined to be together. You complete me and I love you for that. Good night.

325. Every time I talk to you, my love for you just grows stronger. You’re the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I can’t wait until the day we finally do so. I’ll make you so happy that you will never regret marrying me. I love you, my angel. Sleep tight!

326. I wish I could just crawl into bed with you tonight and spend the whole night cuddling you. I love you so much, and I don’t know what I’d do without you. You are the love of my life. I miss you so much. Good night, my sweet darling.

327. You are the light of my life. You make everything worthwhile. When I am with you, the days seem brighter, the food tastes better and life is just beautiful altogether. I love you with all my heart and soul. Good night, my angel.

328. I never thought that anyone could make me as happy as you do. I was a skeptic about love, but you’ve changed all that. You are my proof that love exists. You are my solid ground in a changing world. I love you. Good night.

329. Every time I think about you, I smile. Every time I see you, my heart skips a beat. Whenever we touch, I feel safe and loved. You’re everything I could ever want in a partner and more. I adore you. Good night, beautiful.

330. I will never get tired of saying this to you: “I love you”. I love everything about you. I love the way you smile, laugh and frown. I love how we can talk anything through. I love how when I look into your eyes, I see a reflection of myself. Good night, sweetheart. Sleep tight.

331. You are my one and only. I cherish every moment I get to spend with you. Even though we live so far apart, you will always be in my thoughts. Sweet dreams, my love. Sleep tight.

332. Every time I look at the sky, I think of how much greater you are than it. The moon and the stars are beautiful, but you are divine. I love you beyond words, sweetheart. Good night.

333. The sight of the moon reminds me of your beautiful face. The stars are like the sparkling gems in your eyes. I will always think of you whenever I look at the sky at night. I love you so much, my heart and soul. Good night.

334. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. When I do, I’m going to make your dreams come true. I’m going to make sure you always feel loved, cherished and adored. Good night, my angel. I love you.

Short Good Night Messages for Her

Short Good Night Messages for Her

Good night messages do not always have to be long. They can also be short and straight to the point. Here are some short good night messages for her but are still great in conveying your feelings towards your girl and wishing her a good night’s sleep.

See also: 350+ Good Morning Messages for Him (Boyfriend or Husband)

335. Dream of me, darling. I’ll be dreaming of you too.

336. You are my brightest star in the darkest night. Good night!

337. Have lovely dreams, my princess. I will come to you in your dreams.

338. Let the dreams of love and happiness caress you until morning. Good night, my angel!

339. I wish you were here with me tonight so I can hold you tight and never let go.

340. You are my dream come true. I hope you have a wonderful night’s sleep.

341. I think of you, I love you, I miss you. Sweet dreams, my one and only.

342. With every breath you take, with every beat of your heart, I want you to know that I will always love you.

343. I feel you next to me, warming my heart, keeping me safe from afar. Have a good night!

344. Let us hold each other tight throughout the night. Good night, my dearest darling.

345. In your dreams, we can be together forever. Good night, sweetie!

346. I love you forever. Have a good night’s sleep!

347. The moon is shining just for you. Good night, my darling.

348. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms again. Have a good night’s rest, my everything.

349. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day. I will always be there to protect you, love you and keep you safe.

350. I wish I could be there to hold you tight tonight. Sweet dreams, my princess.

351. When you reach out in the night, I’ll be there to hold your hand. Sweet dreams, beautiful.

352. I am thinking of you and I want to let you know that you are the one for me.

353. You are my whole world. I can’t wait to see you again soon.

354. I hope your night is as lovely as you are. I love you.

355. From now on until forever, you will always be mine and I will always be yours.

356. I want you to always know that you are the reason for every smile and the answer to all my prayers.

357. Just you and me in an endless dream. Sleep well, baby!

358. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. Have a good night’s sleep, my queen.

359. My feelings for you will always be strong. I will never let you go because you are my everything.

360. I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world. Good night.

361. Your love has filled the emptiness in my heart. Good night, beautiful.

362. I love you more than you can ever imagine. Good night, sweetheart.

363. Until the sun rises and sets again, my love for you will always remain.

364. You make me feel more loved than I have ever felt in my entire life. Good night, my princess.

365. When you are near me, I can’t help but smile. I love you, good night.

366. Your sweet voice echoes in my ears until I fall asleep. I love you.

367. I want you to know that I will always be there for you, no matter what happens.

368. Your love has made me feel alive, and I can’t wait to be with you again soon.

369. Your hugs are what keeps me going each day. Have a blissful night, my dearest wife.

370. Without you in my life, everything is meaningless. Good night, my one and only.

371. I can’t wait to see you again soon. I love you, good night.

372. Your warm embrace is the best thing ever. I love you with all of my heart.

373. Thanks for coming into my life. Good night, my dearest.

374. My love for you is stronger than ever. Good night, my everything.

375. There is no one in this world as amazing as you. Have a good night’s sleep, my beautiful angel.

376. Snuggle with our pets tonight, just like we’re doing.

377. I want you to know that I will always be by your side, through thick and thin.

378. My love for you will last forever. Good night, sweetie.

379. Just hearing your voice instantly puts me to sleep. I love you, my angel.

380. As long as you are by my side, anything is possible.

381. I promise that I will fill your life with nothing but happiness.

382. As you fall asleep tonight, know that I am saying a prayer for our future together.

383. I hope you feel better soon. Just know that I am thinking about you.

384. My wish tonight is for you to have the most wonderful dreams about us.

385. I want you to have a wonderful night. Just thinking about you puts a smile on my face.

386. Good night, beautiful. Just know that I am thinking about you.

387. I love you with all of my heart. Good night, beautiful.

388. Just to let you know, my heart beats for you.

389. I think you are the most amazing girl in the world, and I love you so much.

390. My heart is full of nothing but love for you. Good night, baby.

391. I hope that the dreams you have tonight are as lovely as you are.

392. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today. I love you, good night.

393. I want you to be my wife, just know that I will take care of you for the rest of your life.

394. Good night, beautiful. The stars and moon are shining brightly in honor of you tonight.

395. I miss you so much already. You are the love of my life.

396. Just to let you know, I am going to cherish every moment we have together. Sweet dreams!

397. I feel blessed to have met you. You are an angel that fell from the sky. Good night.

398. Please don’t ever leave me, I couldn’t live without you. Have a good night’s sleep.

399. You are an amazing wife, just wanted to let you know! Good night.

400. Thank you for coming into my life and making it a whole lot better. Sleep well.

401. I will be dreaming about you tonight. I can’t wait to see you again soon.

402. Every time I see you, my heart beats a little faster. You are the love of my life.

403. You make everything in life worthwhile. Good night.

404. My love for you will last an eternity. Sleep tight.

405. Just know that you are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. Good night.

406. I never liked the dark until I met you. You are my shining star that lights up my life.

407. Just to let you know, I will be thinking about you until we see each other again tomorrow.

408. I want to grow old with you. Sleep well, baby!

409. You are the sunshine that brightens up my day. I love you.

410. I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for me. Good night, darling.

411. Thank you for loving me when no one else did. Good night, my one and only.

412. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me. Good night, my love.

413. I will always cherish every moment we have together. Have a good night’s sleep.

414. Just to let you know, I will be dreaming about you tonight. Good night, love of my life.

415. Good night, beautiful. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow morning!

416. I have so much love for you that I don’t know what to do with it all!

417. My heart skips a beat whenever I see you.

418. I will always be here to support you. Good night, sweetie.

419. Thanks for everything you do for me. Good night, baby.

420. I love you more than anything in the world. Sleep tight, honey!

421. You are my one and only. Have a good night’s sleep!

Long Good Night Messages for Her

Long Good Night Messages for Her

There are many sweet and romantic ways to tell your wife or girlfriend that you love them. Some long good night messages for her are great way to express your feelings and put her in a romantic mood. These messages include cute words of endearment that are sure to make her feel loved and adored.

See also: 11 Tips for a Successful Long-Distance Relationship

422. Darling, all I want to do is make you happy even if it’s at the expense of my own happiness. You deserve only the best and I hope that you know that. Good night, my one and only!

423. I would never tell you just to make you happy, but I’m telling you now that I love you and that I believe that we were meant to be together. I don’t say this enough and I need to work on saying it more. Good night, my love.

424. Thank you for putting up with all my quirks. Just wanted to wish you a good night and I hope that you have pleasant dreams as well. I love you so much.

425. I close my eyes and dream of you, my love. You are the moon that lights up my night and the sun that warms me during the day. Have a good night’s rest, darling.

426. There is nothing I desire more than your love. May it keep me going during the darkest of nights and may I return that affection a thousand-fold. Good night, dear heart.

427. I want to grow old with you. I don’t ever want to be without you, my love. Please stay with me forever and always. Good night.

428. Every day I spend with you is the best day of my life. You deserve only the best and I shall give it to you. I love you and I hope that you believe that. Good night, my lovely.

429. I look at you and I can’t believe that you are real. You are too perfect to be real and yet you are here with me, in my arms, and in my heart. I love you, darling. Good night.

430. Every time I look at the stars, I can’t help but wish that they were your eyes. I hope that you are looking upon me right now because I want to see you. I love you.

431. I love the way you make me laugh and the sound of your voice. I love the way you make me feel loved and wanted. Most importantly, I love you for who you are. Good night, dear.

432. Thank you for not giving up on me. I can’t wait for the day that we can live together forever. You are my world and I don’t want to lose you. I love you, sweetheart. Good night.

433. I always want you close to me. I don’t ever want us to be apart, my sweetheart. You are the other half of my heart and I need you now and forever. Good night.

434. Everyday I spend with you is the best day of my life. You make me feel so alive and I can’t wait to see you again. Good night, my beautiful angel.

435. I will always be there to hold you tight and to provide you with the warmth of my love. You are the light of my life, darling. Good night.

436. You are so beautiful and radiant that you light up my entire world. I love you. May your sleep be as pleasant as you are. Good night, my lovely princess!

437. I want to be whatever you need whenever you need it. Just call upon me and I shall be there to provide assistance with all my might. You are my light in the darkness of this world. Good night, my dear.

438. Your caring words and thoughtfulness are what make our relationship so strong. I am lucky to have you in my life. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I love you so much, dear. Good night.

439. I miss our intimate moments. I hope that we can do something about that soon. I want you and I need you, my dear. I love you.

440. Whether you are in my dreams or in real life, you will always be the love of my life. I cherish your love and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Good night, dear.

441. I hope that you have experienced deep and pleasant sleep after reading this message. Just as the moon brightens up the night, know that I brighten up your life. You are my everything. Good night.

442. This message is to let you know that my thoughts are with you, as always. A thousand days with you are better than a thousand days without you. I need you so much, dear. I love you. Good night, my dear.

443. I hope that you have sweet dreams tonight. I love you more than words can say, dear. Have a beautiful night of rest.

444. My love for you burns stronger every day. It feels like this flame in my heart is never going to subside. I love you and I want you forever, darling. Good night.

445. I will always take care of you and provide for all your needs. You deserve it for all that you have given to me. You are the mother of my child and I love you from the bottom of my heart. Good night, my sweetest baby.

446. My wish for you is to always have a blissful sleep. Dream about us and wake up smiling because you know that we are going to spend forever together. I love you, dear. Good night.

447. I can’t wait to make you my bride. I am sure that you are going to look very beautiful in your wedding dress. You are the love of my life and I want to cherish you forever. Good night.

448. Although you are thousands of miles away from me, you are always in my thoughts. I miss you so much, sweetheart. Dream about us tonight and know that I am dedicating this message to you, from the bottom of my heart.

449. I can’t wait to have you all to myself. All these years have been very difficult for me but I know that it is going to be worth it when we get to hold each other every night. I love you more than you will ever know, my dear. Good night.

450. Sweet dreams, darling. I hope that you are going to have some nice and positive dreams tonight which will prepare you for tomorrow. You are always on my mind and I want you to experience only the best. Good night, dear.

451. I hope that you are going to remember this night for a long, long time. I love you more than you can ever imagine. Have a sound sleep, dear.

452. How was your day, sweetheart? Was it tough for you to be away from me? I hope that you are feeling calmer now that we are talking to each other. I want you to have a nice rest because you are always in my thoughts. Good night.

453. I feel so blessed to have you in my life. You make me want to be a better person every single day. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, dear. You are the love of my life. Good night.

454. You are the person that I want to see every morning when I wake up and the person that I wish to dream about every night. You are the one that I want to be with all my life. You mean everything to me. I want you to have a fantastic night, knowing that someone as wonderful as you are is going to be with me forever. I love you, dear. Good night.

455. I feel so blessed to have a girlfriend like you. You are the love of my life, dear. I want to be with you all the time. I can’t wait to meet you after this. All I want you to do right now is to sleep well and think about me till we meet again. Good night.

456. Nothing in this world makes me happier than being with you. I want to feel your body close to mine every single night. Thinking about you puts a smile on my face, dear. Have a good night’s sleep, my angel.

457. I know that you are asleep right now and probably wouldn’t notice even if I was physically by your side. That is how fast our relationship has grown. I am certain, though, that you would feel my love for you when you wake up tomorrow morning. Have a good night, my dear. I love you.

458. Everyday, when I wake up, I thank the heavens for bringing you into my life. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met and our love will remain strong forever. I can’t wait to be with you again, dear. I want you to dream about me tonight. Good night.

459. I am sending you a hug and a peck on the cheek before I go to sleep. I hope that you are going to be thinking about me when you too fall asleep tonight. Having you in my life has made me a happier person and I am glad of that. Good night, sweetheart.

460. As the breeze blows in, I wish that it would carry with it the sweet smell of your body. As the stars shine down, I wish that it would brighten up your path. As the moon glows, I hope that you would know that I am with you in spirit. Have a good time thinking about me and know that I will be right by your side soon enough. Good night.

461. I have this feeling that I won’t be able to fall asleep tonight. The bed is too empty without you, dear. I am going to miss you so much. I am going to think about you before I go to sleep and wish that you were right here next to me. Good night.

462. The first thing that comes to my mind when I think about you is how lucky I am to have you. You are the person that I want to see every morning and the last person I want to hug every night. I love you, dear. Sweet dreams.

463. I would give anything to be with you right now. Even though I am alone here, I know that you are here with me in spirit. I miss you so much, dear. I love you beyond words. Sweet dreams!

464. Just before I hit the bed, I wanted to tell you that you are the first person I think of when I wake up and the last person whose face flashes right before my eyes as I fall asleep. That should tell you how special you are to me. Have a good night, dear. Good night.

465. You are the love of my life, my better half, and my partner in crime. You bring a smile on my face every morning and you brighten up what would otherwise be a dull day. I want you to know that I think of you all the time. Have a good night, my precious darling. I love you so much.

466. I am sending my deepest prayers tonight that your dreams would be as beautiful as you are. I wish that your dreams would turn into reality and your fantasies would come true. Sweet dreams, my angel.

467. My wish for you tonight is the hope that you get all the beautiful dreams that you wish for. May the stars shine down on you and may the winds blow their softest breeze as you sleep, dear. Sweet dreams.

468. I am looking at the moon from my window right now and thinking about how lucky I am to have someone like you in my life. I hope that you too feel the same way for I can’t imagine myself being with anyone else but you. Have a good night, dear. Sweet dreams!

469. The night sky is beautiful but I find your eyes more mesmerizing. I can’t wait to see you again, tonight feels like an eternity. I hope that you feel the same way too. I love you, dear. Have a good night.

470. I know that I should be spending this time working on the project due next week but all I can think about is you. I guess you have taken over my mind completely now, dear. Have a good night, my love. Sweet dreams!

471. The tests are going to start tomorrow and I am not ready at all. I wish you were here, your advice would have been most useful right now. I hope that you have a good night, my love. I will be having a sleepless night thinking about the tests, just like I have many sleepless nights thinking about you. Good night.

472. I am feeling very nostalgic today, I don’t know why. Maybe it is because I haven’t seen you in a few days. I will be waiting for you when you come back, my love. Good night!

473. We have been in this relationship for a long time but I feel like I have known you from many previous lives. You are the perfect woman for me and I want to be with only you, forever. Sweet dreams, my love. Have a good night!

474. I know I will never get tired of looking at your pictures, dear. You are flawless and I love you so much! Have a good night, my angel!

475. Even though we live far apart, I can’t imagine myself waking up beside anyone else but you. I love you so much, dear. Have a good night, my princess!

476. When I am with you, my spirit soars like an eagle and my soul feels free. This is what being in love does to you, even the poets fail to describe its glory. I love you so much, my queen. Sweet dreams!

477. The view from my window is breathtaking, it is amazing how just watching the clouds can take your mind off things. I wish you were here with me now. I love you, sweetheart. Have a good night!

478. I thought of the most romantic thing to do for you tonight but then again, I think everything I do for you is romantic. Nonetheless, I bought you some chocolates and I will be delivering it to you right now! I love you. Good night!

479. Everyday, I spend the majority of the day thinking about you. How I wish I could see you right now, it has been way too long. All I want to do is to hold you tight and never let you go. I love you, dear! Good night.

480. I don’t need a clock to tell me that it is night time, my heart tells me that it is you who is here with me right now. I wish you were, sweetheart. I love you. Have a good night.

481. Your love is like the wind, ever flowing, ever strong and ever persistent. It moves my soul and gives me life. I can only pray that I can give you half of what you have given to me. I love you beyond the Universe. Sweet dreams, my queen.

482. I have been staring at the stars all night, wondering which one of those belongs to you. It will be amazing if I get to see a shooting star right now! I hope you have been looking at the stars too, darling. Good night!

483. The moonlight is not as bright as your eyes when you smile. The sun is not as radiant as you are! You are the light of my life! I love you truly and deeply. Good night, dear!

484. I know we always say that we will be together forever but now I truly understand what it means! Being apart from you is like living an incomplete life. I feel so lonely without you. I love you more than anything!

485. My life was so dark before you came into it. You brighten it up with your love. You are the queen of my heart. I love you to the moon and back. Always and forever. Good night!

486. I am looking out of the window right now, and the sky is clear. I can see every star present in the sky. All of those stars are present in your eyes. You are truly everything to me. Good night, my queen!

487. Even with a million words, I can’t possibly express how much I love you. Every time I try to tell you, I end up failing miserably. Let us just say I love you more than anything in this Universe. Good night!

488. I can feel you everywhere. The pillows under my head smell like you, the blanket over me feels your warmth, the air surrounding me is your presence and your picture on my side table makes me smile. You are always here with me, darling. I love you. Good night.

489. My heartbeat syncs with yours. My breath is based on whatever movement you make. My life is dedicated to you, my sweetheart. Have a good night’s sleep! I love you!

490. I am right beside you, holding your hand in my hands and looking at you as you sleep soundly. I want to be there for real, my love. I wish you were here with me. I miss you so much already! Good night.

491. We may be miles apart right now but you will always be in my heart, forever. You are my everything. I love you to the moon and back. Good night, my princess!

492. I am glad you are in my life. You have made it better and exciting. I love spending every moment with you. I can’t wait to be with you again. Sweet dreams, darling. Good night!

493. My wish tonight is the same as every night, dearheart. May your dreams be as sweet as you are! Good night, my lovely.

494. I have tried to find my passion but it is futile, dear. The search ends when I look into your eyes. You are the only thing that matters to me, forever. Good night, my soulmate.

495. We are like the sun and the moon, dear. You are the sun that lights up my life with its wonderful rays. I love you to the moon and back! Good night, baby!

496. I don’t care how hard life gets, as long as we are together, I will be happy. You complete me, dearheart. I love you infinitely. Good night, my lovely.

497. Nighttime brings me closer to you. As I stare at the dark sky full of bright stars, I find myself wishing that you were here with me. I wish I could just hold you in my arms. Oh wait, that’s right! You are here in my heart! Good night, my one and only love.

498. I was dreaming of you when I fell asleep. Now that I think about it, my dreams were full of you too. Life would be much simpler if you were here with me, right now. I miss you, darling. Good night.

499. Everyday we are together is the best day of my life. I love you so much, dear. I can’t wait for us to be together forever, in heaven. Just you and me. Good night, lovely.

500. Is it weird that I think about you even when I am with you? No, because I love you that much! Thinking about you makes me smile. Good night, my everything! I love you!

501. I will allow sleep to take me only if you have already fallen asleep so that I can dream of you. My nights are as wonderful as they are because you are in them. I love you to the moon and back! Good night!

502. Thinking of you makes every hardship of life worthwhile. You are the light that guides me through the darkest nights. I love you beyond the stars. Good night.

503. I know we are apart but you are here in my heart. Always be here, close to me. You won’t ever lose your place in there, my love. I love you always. Good night, baby!

504. My eyes are heavy and my lids are getting sore but I don’t want to miss a second without you. I wish you were here with me. Good night, my love.

505. I feel so much love for you that it overflows when I think about you. Like rain, my love will fall on you throughout the entire night. Good night, my sweet.

506. Happiness is having you in my life. Contentment is hearing your voice. Joy is feeling your touch. Love is being with you. All of it comes together when we are together. Good night, sweetheart.

507. I don’t need sleep anymore, not tonight. I will stay up all night long just to think about you. All night long just to love you! You are that special to me, dear. I love you infinitely.

508. We are two stars that crossed each other’s path, creating a supernova of love. Our love is eternal and infinite. I can’t wait to see you again, my sweetheart. Good night!

509. I can’t promise you a moonlit walk or a star-filled sky. The only promise I can make is that I will be thinking of you every single night as I fall asleep and as I wake up in the morning. I love you! Sleep well, baby!

There you have it, folks — 509 good night messages for her from the heart! All you need to do now is choose the one that touches your heart the most and then send it to that special girl!

We hope you enjoy these messages as much as we did while creating them.

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