Friendship Messages: 620+ Special Messages for Friends

Friendship messages are words of encouragement that you can send to your friends to lift their spirits. A well-written message can change a person’s mood, whether they are sad, happy, or somewhere in between.

If you have difficulty writing a message on your own, this article is perfect for you. We have a large and unique collection of friendship messages for you to send to any of your friends.

See also: 790+ Inspirational Messages for Friends and Loved Ones

So what are you waiting for? Make your friends’ day brighter. Scroll down and choose the best message that you think is appropriate for your friends.

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Sweet Friendship Messages

Sweet Friendship Messages

Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between people. It is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an acquaintanceship or a general camaraderie. So, if you have a friend, send some sweet friendship messages to him or her to strengthen the bond between you two.

See also: 600+ Positive Messages to Brighten Someone’s Day

1. There are many people in this world but few worth calling a true friend. You’re one of them who deserves that title.

2. As an encouragement, words are the most powerful, but when they come from a friend, they become life-changing. That’s why we are friends.

3. Friends are those people who know everything about you and still accept you. Thank you for always being there for me, I will always be there for you as well.

4. At times you make me laugh, at times you make me smile, at times you make me cry, but most of all you make me grateful to have a friend like you. Thanks for being there for me always.

5. You are the kindest person that I have ever met. You always treat everyone with respect and kindness. These are the reasons why people like you so much.”

6. I don’t send this message to say that you are wrong and I am right. What I’m saying is that we are perfectly imperfect for each other.

7. You are such an important part of my life. I don’t know where I would be without you by my side as we walk through this journey of life together.

8. There are lots of people in this world but not everyone is your friend, a real person is blessed with few real friends. I am so happy we are in that number.

9. I’m sending you this message to tell you that we might have our differences but we agree on one thing, and that is that we are the best of friends.

10. More than just a friend, you’re like a brother to me. I love you and I thank God that he brought us together.

11. I know you are going through hard times right now but just know that no matter what happens, you will always have my loyalty and my support. You are such a wonderful person and such a good friend.

12. Sending you this inspiration, so you can be as motivated as I am to reach our goals together in life! You are such an inspiration to me that I am always thinking of you.

13. Your presence in my life has contributed significantly in making it meaningful. Thanks for being the great friend that you are.

14. When I look at myself, I see someone who is happy and contented because of his loyal and true friend. Thank you for enriching my life!

15. You are one of the best friends anyone can ever have. You always know exactly what to say and do. Thanks for all the sacrifices you make, I really appreciate them all.

16. A true friend will always tell you the truth even if you don’t want to hear it, but will also always be there for you when you need them.

17. I choose to be grateful that we are blessed with each other’s friendship. It is you who brings out the best in me. It is your friendship that makes every day special.

18. Your friendship is not defined by the number of hours we talk or the amount of things we do together, it’s all about the heart and you have a heart of gold.

19. Even though I don’t show it all the time, I really value our friendship. There will never come a day when I would trade you for anyone else.

20. I would like you to know that you are one of my main sources of motivation. I know that may sound weird but its true. I hope you realize how important you are to me.

21. Just wanted to tell you how much your friendship means to me. Whenever I am with you, I feel this unexplainable joy and happiness. Thanks for always being there.

22. I want you to know that it makes me happy to see you smile every day. You are such a wonderful person.

23. You are always in my thoughts and I cherish the moments that we get to spend with one another. You are the best!

24. Your friendship has brought so much joy into my life. You have definitely made the world a better place.

25. Although our time together is short, I have no doubt that you are the best friend one could ever have. Thanks for being in my life!

26. Just wanted to let you know that your friendship means everything to me. I cherish every moment we spend together.

27. I feel really blessed and thankful that you are a part of my life. You have entered my life at the perfect time and I will always treasure our friendship.

28. For you, I can do anything. You are not just my friend but also my inspiration. Thanks for coming into my life!

29. I suddenly find myself hoping that this morning turns out to be sunny because I know your day will be brighter.

30. When you are feeling sad, I hope you know that you can count on me to make you laugh.

31. It’s funny because when we first met, I didn’t expect us to become this close. But seeing you grow from an acquaintance to one of the most important people in my life is something I treasure a lot. I may not tell you this enough but I really do cherish your friendship a lot. Thanks for coming into my life.

32. As each day passes I learn from you something new. You have taught me that when you find a person worthy of your trust, you should give it for it’s a truly rare quality to find such people nowadays. I’m glad to have met such a person like you and so, I want you to know that you are very special to me and I cherish our friendship.

33. I want to thank you for the opportunity to be with you not only as your friend but also as your confidante. I want you to know that without you I don’t know where I would be and I will always be thankful for that.

34. You are the first person who made me feel important. When I’m with you, I feel so comfortable and relaxed. Thanks for always being there for me and I promise to always return the favor.

35. I don’t need to search any further because I’ve already found the best friend anyone can ever have in you. Thanks for coming into my life and being the best friend anyone can ever have.

36. During all my years of living, I haven’t met someone as special as you. Thanks for coming into my life and giving me the chance to experience what real friendship feels like.

37. I’m so glad to have a friend like you. You are always there for me and it really makes such a huge difference. You’re one of a kind and I’m glad you’re mine.

38. When I see you happy, it makes me happy. When you are sad, I feel sad too. You have made such a big difference in my life; I couldn’t have asked for a better friend like you.

39. When things don’t go my way, I always have you to count on. Thanks for being there all the time and for always being so understanding.

40. Everyday I wake up hoping that we will always be friends. I don’t think I could ever do without you in my life. Thanks for always being there when I need you the most.

41. You make me laugh, wipe away my tears, encourage me and are always willing to lend an ear to me. Thanks for being such a great friend.

42. Sometimes I think I amaze you. Sometimes I think I disappoint you. But after all is said and done, I always know we will always be there for each other no matter what. Thanks for being such a great friend.

43. You have always been such a positive influence in my life and I couldn’t possibly thank you enough for that. I want you to always know that I appreciate all the good things you have brought into my life.

44. No matter who much smarter or richer or better looking than me, I’ll always let you know that you have a friend who loves you unconditionally. Thanks for always being there for me.

45. Everyday I am grateful for having a friend like you. I don’t know what I would have done in life if we hadn’t become friends. Thanks for enriching my life in so many ways.

46. You were right when you said that true friendship is rare. I cherish the fact that you are not just a friend but also one of my greatest allies and supporters. Thanks for being such a great person and friend.

47. When I first met you, I didn’t think we would be friends for very long. In fact, I was quite sure that you would become yet another disappointment in a life-time of disappointments. However, I couldn’t have been more wrong and I’m glad I was.

48. I may not tell you this as often as I should, but I really appreciate every bit of effort you put into our friendship. Thanks for being such a great friend.

49. No matter how much time passes, the bond we share will never break. You have always been a friend I could count on and I will always be grateful for having someone like you in my life.

50. Thank you for all the things you do for me. I don’t think I can ever repay you. You are such a special person and one of the greatest gifts God has given to me.

51. Friendship is a shelter from the storm that rage outside. It is sun beam that lights the darkest path and a calm whisper to keep you from losing your mind. My friend, you are all this to me and so much more. I value our friendship.

52. A thoughtful word, a nice gesture, these can be the difference between a good day and a bad day. Thanks for always being there whenever I need you most my friend.

53. You’re my best friend and I will always be there for you no matter what happens. Thanks for being such a great pal!

54. I’ve been on a roller-coaster of emotions over the years we have been friends. I’ve laughed, cried, gotten angry at you and vice versa. Now that I think about it, our relationship has been nothing but a roller-coaster. Regardless of all the madness, you have always been a friend I could count on and I will always be there for you no matter what.

55. People change and so do friendships. Just like the cycle of the moon, we have been through our periods of brighter days and darker nights. Still, as I always have and always will love you, I cherish the fact that you are my friend.

56. I don’t know what I would have done without a friend like you. You’ve been with me in the best of times and in the worst of times and I can’t thank you enough for being such an amazing person. I love you my friend.

57. A true friend is someone who sees the pain in your eyes when everyone else believes that you are smiling. You’ve always been there for me and I can never repay you back. Thanks for being such a great friend.

58. You have always encouraged me to pursue my dreams and have always been there to pick me up whenever I fall. You mean so much to me and I want you to know that you are one of the best things that has happened to me.

59. Thanks for always listening to me when I needed someone to talk to. I don’t know what I would have done without you by my side. Thanks for being such a great friend!

60. I’ve never been the best at expressing my feelings and that includes my love for you. However, it has never been in doubt that our friendship has been the greatest gift of my life. You’re not just a friend; you’re family.

61. You’ve been a true friend to me when no one else would. You have always encouraged me to do the right thing and have always believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Thanks for always being there.

62. I don’t think I could have gotten through life without you by my side. Thanks for being so much more than just a friend to me. You’re a shining star.

63. As I’ve gotten to know you better, I’ve come to realize what a truly great person you are. From your hardworking nature to your loving personality, there is no end to the number of virtues you posses. Thanks for being my friend!

64. I want you to know that there isn’t anything you can’t tell me, no secret you can’t share with me and no dream you can’t dream out loud. I’ll always be here to listen and help you in any way that I can. Thanks for being such a great friend!

65. You have always shown so much faith in me when I haven’t had any faith in myself. You’ve always pushed me to be the best person that I can be and for that, I am eternally grateful.

66. We’ve been friends for so long now that I can’t imagine life without you in it. Thanks for being so understanding and for always being there when I need you. You mean more to me than you’ll ever know.

67. Of all the things I’ve accomplished in life, you are the one of which I am most proud. You’ve helped me through some very difficult times and I will always be grateful to have you in my life.

68. You always seem to know what I need to hear, no matter what situation I am in. You have this uncanny ability to be able to read my mind and I don’t think you realize how much that means to me. Thanks for always being there.

Cute Friendship Messages

Cute Friendship Messages

Never underestimate the power of cute friendship messages. Especially when it comes to spreading love, making friends laugh, or even just brightening someone’s day. These are the kind of messages that you can send to your best friends to show that you care or to make them feel special. We all know that true friendship is built on love, laughter, joy, and sincerity.

See also: 700+ Good Morning Messages To Send Your Loved Ones

69. You know the funniest thing about you, is that you don’t even know how amazing you are. There are times when I just want to scream out loud how awesome you are but then I don’t think you’d believe me and that would be sad because it’s true!

70. There’s something about you that’s just so attractive. We’ve been friends for years now and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of your company. Thanks for being so awesome.

71. You’re like a breath of fresh air. Soaring above the clouds, dancing on the wind, and gliding through life with grace and ease. You bring a unique beauty to this world that can never be duplicated.

72. Where you are is where I want to be. Your friendship is not just a word or a simple label, it’s a place, a home far away from the darkness that is our chaotic world.

73. You have achieved something that no one else has ever been able to do. You exist in my life and because of that you make it a better place.

74. A smile played upon my lips for the thought of our friendship exists. The world may be falling apart around us, but as long as we stick together, everything will be just fine.

75. You’re the kindest person I know. And you always know how to make me laugh when I’m feeling down. Thanks for always being such a great friend.

76. I don’t know what I did to deserve a friend like you, but whatever it was, I hope I keep getting rewarded for it because you’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.

77. You are someone who brightens up my otherwise dull and monotonous life. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

78. People may forget their passwords or forget to reply to messages but they will never forget the greatest thing in their life, and that’s you. For you are loved by all.

79. You are the best and we’ve been friends from the start, I’m glad you are part of my life. I appreciate you being there for me whenever I need someone to talk to. Thanks for your friendship.

80. It is better to have old friends rather than to have new ones, one doesn’t forget the old ones. We’ve shared childhood memories, teenage problems and adult worries. You’ve always supported me whenever I was in need of help. You’re the most beautiful person in my life and I’ll always be there for you.

81. We have so much fun together. You make me laugh a lot more than anyone else I know, especially when you’re being silly on purpose! Thanks for always brightening up my day.

82. You bring so much joy to those around you that it’s impossible to not love being in your company. Thanks for always being such a great friend.

83. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for being such a good friend to me. There aren’t many people like you in this world and I’m glad to have you in my life.

84. Just know that I really appreciate you. Thanks for all that you do.

85. You’re one of the people who always make me happy even on my darkest days. Thanks for staying by my side and being a great friend. I appreciate your friendship a lot.

86. We’ve been friends since childhood. We’ve shared a lot of things and experiences together. I’m very happy to have a friend like you. Thanks for always being there for me, no matter what happens in the future.

87. I just want you to know that I am always here for you. I may not always be able to help you in the way you need but I will always try my best to help in any way I can.

88. You’re an amazing person and you deserve so much in life. I hope that your dreams and goals come true. You’re the best. Thanks for being a great friend.

89. The only thing that is certain in life is my friendship with you. Be it poverty or riches, sickness or health, I will be by your side for the rest of your life. Thank you for always being there for me.

90. You always know how to cheer me up when I’m feeling sad and down. You’re the greatest friend and I’m so glad to have you by my side.

91. I don’t need superpowers to be a superhero. All I need is the power of friendship, and my best friend by my side! Thanks for being the greatest person ever.

92. Thank you for being the best person ever. I’m glad to have a friend like you in my life. You’re the greatest.

93. You are the kindest and most compassionate person I know. You will do amazing things in your life. Never forget that.

94. Thank you for bringing joy into my life and making me happy when I am with you.

95. You always know how to make me smile, even on my worst days. I am so happy to have you in my life. Thanks for being the best friend ever.

96. I care about you, not because we’re friends, but because you’re an amazing person. Thanks for being there for me too.

97. There are a lot of people who bring negativity into my life but you’re the only person who brings nothing but joy and happiness to me. Thanks for coming into my life and being my friend.

98. You are the kindest person I have ever met. You will go far in life, just always remember to stay humble and be grateful for what you have.

99. No matter what happens, I’ll always be there for you no matter what because that’s what true friends do. No matter what.

100. You’re the best person I have ever met in my life. You always know how to make me feel better whenever I’m feeling sad. I am so blessed to have you in my life.

101. Thank you for all the happy memories that we’ve made together. I’m glad that you’re my best friend.

102. You’re not only my best friend but also my role model, you’ll achieve great things in your life and I know it. Always surround yourself with positive people because you are also a positive force in other people’s lives. I am so glad to know you.

103. I promise to be a good friend to you whenever you need it. And I will always listen and help you out when you’re in need of it.

104. You’re one of the most kindest people I’ve ever met in my entire life. You have a beautiful soul and a caring heart. Thanks for being such a good friend.

105. Friends are hard to come by but I’m so glad I found one as great as you, thanks for everything you do for me.

106. You’re a brilliant person and you have so much potential in life. I know you will do great things in your life, you just have to keep your faith and stay strong.

107. I don’t like making endless to-do lists, but if I did, being with you would be at the top of mine.

108. You are an incredible person and you’re as sweet as candy! Thanks for being such a good friend.

109. As your friend, I’ll always be here to pick you up when you fall and to fight off all the people who try to hurt you. You’re like my own flesh and blood.

110. I’m so glad we’re friends, even when I’m having a bad day you always know how to cheer me up. Thanks for always being there for me!

111. You bring joy into my life, just by being you and I couldn’t ask for a better friend. Thanks for always being there for me too!

112. I can always count on you whenever I need help or just someone to listen. Thanks for being such a great listener.

113. You’re more than a good friend to me but also my personal hero, thank you for being so kind and funny, always knowing how to cheer me up.

114. My life is a lot better with you in it, you make everything more fun and interesting. Thanks for always being there for me.

115. You are a star, and not just any star but the greatest star ever. Shine bright!

116. We don’t remember days, we remember friends and the memories we shared with them. I’ll never forget you and all of the good times we’ve had together.

117. You’re one of a kind and there will never be another person like you. You are beautiful and unique in your own special way.

118. I’ve learned that you have toats of people in your life that don’t appreciate you. I’m glad that I’m not one of them because you’re an amazing person.

119. Friendship is like a beautiful flower, and you’re the sweet honey that makes it taste better.

120. You deserve a gold medal for putting up with all my shenanigans, I’m glad to have you as my friend. Thanks for everything.

121. It’s hard to find a good friend, it’s even harder to find a great friend but it’s impossible to find a best friend, you’re the best friend I could ever wish for. Thanks for always being there for me.

122. I don’t care where we go or where we’ll be in the future but as long as you’re there, I’ll never lose someone who cares for me.

123. To be your friend is a honor but to be your best friend is something I will always strive for.

124. I used to think money was everything in this world but after knowing you, I see that it’s not. You’re rich in spirit and I hope we remain friends for life.

125. As long as you have a true friend like me by your side, you’ll never fall.

126. I don’t care if you’re the poorest person on the planet or as rich as Bill Gates, friendship isn’t about wealth or social status it’s all about how you treat each other.

127. We may not have much in this world but we always have each other, and that’s the most important thing.

128. I hope you know that you’re the only friend I need in this world because everything else will just be a bonus.

129. You have been the most reliable person in my life and I hope you always will be. Thanks for always being there for me no matter what.

130. A day without you is like a sky without the sun, unnecessary and pointless. Thanks for being so important to me.

131. It’s not everyday you find a person who knows exactly how to make you laugh when you’re sad or cheer you up when you’re happy but you’re that person for me and I’ll always be grateful for that.

132. To the most wonderful friend on earth, I couldn’t have wished for a better one. Thanks for being so amazing!

133. We’ve been through so much together and I’m glad you’re always there to support me when I need it most. Thanks for being the awesome friend that you are.

134. I feel sorry for all of the people in the world who don’t have a caring friend like you to make life easier and better.

135. We’re not just friends, we’re best friends! I feel so honored to have you in my life.

136. I don’t say it enough but your friendship means the world to me, thanks for always being so supportive and loving.

Funny Friendship Messages

Funny Friendship Messages

Sending funny friendship messages to your friend can really make their day especially if they are having a bad one. Here is a collection of funny friendship messages that you can send to your best bud.

See also: 560+ Happy Birthday Messages for Friends, Family, & Coworkers

137. A true friend helps in times of need, a best friend set things on fire and blame it on the next-door neighbor’s kid!

138. I wish I could pick you up and throw you into the ocean and then jump in right after so that I could save you from a shark.

139. It’s hard not to be a friend with someone who knows all your dark secrets.

140. True friends don’t judge each other, they judge others.

141. Who needs a psychiatrist when there are friends like you around?

142. Me: Slowly backing away because I don’t want to leave. Best Friend: Grabs me and forces me to leave.

143. When you insult a true friend, they are not offended. They give you a smile and call you something even more insulting.

144. A good friend will come to bail you out of jail, but a true friend will sit in front of you and say, ‘That was fantastic.’

145. I possess all of the qualities of a great friend and more. You should be grateful every day for having a friend like me!

146. He who angers you controls you! Unless you have an extremely funny best friend…then he makes a meme of you!

147. Your best friend will always tell you, you are ugly as hell. Because your best friend wants to keep you humble.

148. Do you know why the neck is the weakest part of the human body? It’s because it’s waiting for a best friend to break it.

149. The definition of a true friend: Someone who thinks that you are an idiot but loves you anyway.

150. Your best friend cares enough about you to tell you how stupid you are, but loves you anyway.

151. When you fall, a good friend will pick you up, but a best friend will help you up, laugh, and will surely trip you again.

152. Our friendship will be like the A-Team. You know, like how they were all arrested at the end? It was still a great show.

153. My best friend is the kind of person who would argue with a cop for your ticket and then throw it out the window.

154. It’s a beautiful day today. The sun is shining, the birds are singing…and my best friend is locked outside because I’m too lazy to let him in.

155. A girl called me ugly once. She must’ve forgotten that I had a best friend who looks exactly like me.

156. I’ll never want a friend better than you because I’m already tired of you! You’re a wonderful friend, but your craziness is unbearable!

Inspirational Friendship Messages

Inspirational Friendship Messages

You probably have never thought about sending inspirational friendship messages to your friends, but it’s a nice thing that you can do to them as well. A little inspirational message every now and then will make them feel better about themselves and motivated them to keep going on with their lives.

See also: 200+ Inspirational Messages of Hope and Encouragement

157. Sometimes winning means realizing when you’ve done everything you can.

158. Your past failures don’t define you. Let them teach you and make you better.

159. Sometimes the journey is more important than reaching the destination.

160. Be yourself. There is no one better.

161. Sometimes you have to walk away from someone, because you love them. It doesn’t mean you don’t love them anymore it means that you love them enough not to piss yourself off every time you see them.

162. You have nothing to lose. You have everything to win. So what are you waiting for? Go out there, make friends, and live your life!

163. It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you aren’t.

164. Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind takes you, whatever that may be.

165. If you aren’t learning something new every day, then you are already dead.

166. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass; it’s about learning to dance in the rain.

167. Every of your little efforts will eventually make a big difference.

168. Don’t judge someone at least until you’ve walked a mile in their shoes. That way you’ll be a mile away from them and you’ll have their shoes!

169. It does not matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop.

170. Life is not a race, but a journey. Enjoy the adventures that come your way every day.

171. Your only obligation in life is to be true to yourself. Being true to anyone else along the way is just a bonus.

172. Everyone has an opinion. They are just that: Opinions. The only one whose opinion matters is yours.

173. Stop listening to your mind. It only shows you nightmares and then tells you to forget them. Instead, listen to your heart. It will always take you to paradise.

174. The only way to do something is to just do it. Failing is the most lessons learned.

175. Life has a funny way of twisting our paths in directions we didn’t expect, but it’s important to keep your vision clear and follow the road to where it leads.

176. If you don’t ask, the answer is always going to be no. But at least you can say that you tried instead of wondering ‘What if? for the rest of your life.

177. Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day as Benjamin Franklin, Michael Jordan and Albert Einstein did.

178. Never be ashamed of mistakes you’ve made. Instead, learn from those mistakes and never make them again.

179. If you want to succeed, you need to accept failure. Embrace your failures and move on.

180. Your only limit is yourself. What you think you can’t do, you really can.

181. If it’s supposed to be, then it will be. It may not happen right now, but eventually, everything will fall into place.

182. Nothing is truly impossible. Many times, the impossible is just a matter of perception.

183. You can’t wait for days of sunshine to enjoy the sun. Otherwise, you’ll never enjoy the sunny days because they are few and far between.

184. Sometimes you just need a little rain to make you appreciate the sun.

185. Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all human and we all have a great capacity to overcome any adversity placed in our paths.

186. Most importantly, find what makes you happy in life. Then find joy in doing it every day! After all, life is a marathon, not a sprint. There is no finish line (at least none that we know of). The journey is just as important as the destination.

187. Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.

188. You will never know your full potential unless you keep pushing yourself beyond it.

189. It’s important to remember where you came from so you know where you’re going next.

190. Always surround yourself with positive and uplifting people. These are the people who are going to help you get to where you want to go in life.

191. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Even the strongest of people need help every now and then.

192. Nobody is perfect. The most important thing is to realize our shortcomings and never stop trying to improve.

193. You don’t always have to share your dreams with others, but it’s important to always keep them alive. If you truly want something, never stop fighting until you’ve achieved it. Remember, the most unbeatable fighters are the ones that refuse to give up.

194. Life is a gift. Never forget that. Every morning, you wake up another opportunity to better yourself. The past is past and it’s gone forever. The future is uncertain, but also grows closer with every passing second. Live life today and make the most of it.

195. Everything happens for a reason. Most of the time we’re just not privy to that information.

196. When you get old, people will most likely forget all the wrong you’ve done and remember only the good. So, be good and maybe people will forgive the bad.

197. I keep getting older, but I feel like I’m getting younger.

198. The average person doesn’t think about the ramifications of their actions. They just act on instinct and impulse without stopping to wonder about the consequences that they can’t see.

199. Always listen to your conscience. Even if you don’t want to hear what it has to say at the time, it’ll save you from a lot of trouble in the long run.

200. Never take your friends for granted or they might not be there when you really need them.

201. There are two types of people in this world: those who learn by reading the directions and those who learn by getting their hands dirty. You’ll get further in life if you’re the former, but only if you remember to apply the knowledge gained.

202. In the end, all any of us have are our memories and our name. Make sure you’re going into tomorrow having done something worth remembering.

203. Underpromise and overdeliver. It’ll keep them guessing and leave them with a good impression.

204. Life is a lot like carrying a boulder up a hill. It’s always heavier than you think it is, no matter how much you prepare or how strong you are.

205. Just remember, even the greatest of mountains were once tiny grains of sand.

206. Never tell people how to do their job or you’ll someday have to hire someone to tell you how to do yours.

207. Sometimes the best way to communicate is by telling people exactly what you think, not by implying or assuming or hinting. Pitfalls and problems always arise when we try to leave out important parts of a message.

208. The entire world is just an elaborate machine. Some people try to turn the wheels. Some people even try to construct new parts for it. But in the end, we’re all just tiny little components in a huge contraption with an unknown purpose.

209. Sometimes the smallest steps are still progress, so long as you keep moving forward. You have to be patient and determined if you want to achieve something in this world.

210. It’s not destiny that rules our lives, but choice. All of us always have a say in our future, no matter how bleak things may seem. Bad things are going to happen no matter what, but how we choose to deal with them is what makes all the difference.

211. A slap to the face is a simple cure for stupidity.

212. We all live in a world of gray, struggling to choose the lesser of many evils in a struggle to survive. But sometimes, we can choose to just take a step back and see that what we think is black and white, is really just dark and darker.

213. You’re never too old to learn. You’re never too young to die. You’re never too weak to fight. You’ll never have enough time. And you’ll never have enough resources. The trick is to pick the ones that are more important and ignore the ones that aren’t.

214. The problem with fundamentalists isn’t just their willingness to kill and die for their beliefs, it’s that their beliefs make them unwilling to accept any other viewpoint since they believe it’s the only truth.

215. It’s best not to dwell on how the world is any more than you have to. You should just focus on what you can do in it.

216. To achieve success, you must believe that you’re destined for it. Anything short of that and the world will crush your hopes and dreams, no matter how talented or gifted you are.

217. It’s a common misconception that those with great power are always the ones that turn out alright in the end. It’s the ones that go against all odds that end up surprising everyone.

218. Sometimes you need to be loved and cared for. Other times you simply need to be conquered and owned. The first one is like a drug that leads to addiction. The second one is like alcohol, it kills from the inside and people only turn to it when nothing else is available.

219. There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. But they both lead to epic tales worth telling.

220. We’re all a bunch of broken and damaged souls struggling to hang on in a world that’s lost all reason. But we endure, even if it is just to prove that the world hasn’t beaten us yet.

221. Life is like a broken horse, you can beat it, whip it, do anything you want to do to it, but in the end, it’ll still carry you where ever it wants to go. It’s best to just sit back and enjoy the ride.

222. Success isn’t about being invincible, it’s about how you handle defeat. Most men let it break them, but the truly great learn from it and rise again.

223. There’s something to be said about silence. It can mean many things. Normally fear, pain or terror. But silence doesn’t always mean that though. Sometimes it can just mean that the person is waiting for the right time to make their presence known in a big way.

224. Go get your dream. No matter how impossible it may seem, you have to at least try. Because otherwise, you will spend the rest of your life wondering ‘what if’ and that is a fate far worse than death.

225. Some people say that too many secrets will be your downfall. But really it’s not the secrets that are the problem, it’s the lack of sharing them that causes the issue.

226. When all is said and done, the only thing that matters is family. Friends come and go, but your family will always be there at the end of the day.

227. The world is merely an arena for each of us to play out our tragic short stories as we all succumb to the darkness that is sure to overtake all of us in the end. But it is how we play our parts that is important.

228. No matter what you do or what you succeed in, there is always someone ready and willing to take it from you. So you must always be prepared to defend your territory.

229. Dreams can easily be shattered. They are the most fragile things in the world, but the good thing is that they can oftentimes be repaired with little effort. All it takes is the will to fix them.

230. If you care about something or someone, set it free. If it comes back to you, then it was always meant to be. However, if it doesn’t then you most definitely mustn’t pursue it.

231. Success isn’t about having everything go your way. It’s about how you handle the times when it doesn’t.

232. Many people believe that success is solely the result of hard work and dedication, but luck is also a major factor. The only difference between those who have succeeded and those who failed is that the successful ones were lucky enough to catch a few breaks when they needed it.

233. There is one thing that drives people more than anything, and that is fear. If you can find a way to instill fear in your enemies, you will win every time.

234. Work hard, play hard. It’s as simple as that.

235. The only constant in life is change. You need to roll with the punches and adapt accordingly, or you will surely fail.

236. You’re not truly alive unless you’re feeling something, good or bad. Sometimes you have to take a gamble. Sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and go for it, no matter how dangerous it may be.

237. Life is too short to not celebrate the little victories. You won’t get to enjoy the big ones if you aren’t taking care of the small stuff.

238. You can easily conquer someone when they are down. But sometimes it is more difficult to keep that power because the enemy learns from his mistakes and comes back stronger than ever.

Heart Touching Friendship Messages

Heart Touching Friendship Messages

We all have friends in our lives. Friends who have touched our hearts and are always there for us when we need them. And we are always there for them too. Friendship is the most beautiful relation of all. It has no barriers or conditions, it is unconditional. While there are millions of ways to show your love, you can do so by sending heart touching friendship messages to your dearest friends and letting them know that they are always on your mind.

See also: 420+ Best Good Morning Messages for Friends from the Heart

239. I don’t need a lot of friends. I’m quite happy with the ones I have. You all are more than enough for me and I’ll be there for you whenever you’ll need me.

240. A single rose can be my friend, but not as lovely as my friend. A single diamond can be my friend, but not as sparkly as my friend. A lone candle can be my friend, but not as bright as my friend. You are my friend, and you are more.

241. I have many friends, but I can count them with one hand. I chose my friends wisely and I’m glad you’re one of them. Thanks for being there when I needed a helping hand.

242. A friend is a person with their own thoughts. Someone you can trust to be by your side when the world is against you. A friend will stick closer than any brother. Thanks for being my friend.

243. The best thing about our friendship is that we’ll be friends forever because we’re bonded not by blood, or even by oath, but by something much stronger. Our friendship. Thanks for being my friend.

244. A friend may not always be able to help you, but they will always be there for you. And that, my friends, is what matters in the end. I’m glad you’re my friend.

245. There’s something about you that just makes me smile and I’ve come to realize that it’s your friendship that makes my life worth living. Thanks for being there for me.

246. A true friend stays with you through the worst of times and leaves you with sweet memories when they part. Thanks for staying with me.

247. Life would be meaningless without friends like you around. Thanks for taking this jouney with me. Here’s to many more shared memories.

248. If I was told to describe you in one word, it would be ‘amazing’. If I was told to describe you in two words, they would be ‘really amazing’. If I was told to describe you in three words, they would be ‘seriously super amazing’. But no matter how many words I used, nothing could ever describe how much you mean to me. Thanks for being simply the best friend ever.

249. You’re the type of friend everyone should have; fun, outgoing, and someone I know I can count on when the going gets tough. Thanks for being my friend.

250. I need you. You’re like a shadow, everywhere I go. Sometimes I want to lose you, but it’s just not possible. Not when we’re bound by the strong cord of friendship. Thanks for sticking with me, through the good and the bad.

251. You may not be here in body, but your spirit certainly is. I see it in the way our friends laugh, I feel it every time we have a good time, and I hear it in the silly inside jokes that we share. We may be miles apart, but you’ll always be in my heart. Thanks for being such a great friend.

252. There are a lot of people in this world who claim to be your friend, but there are very few who actually stand by you when things go wrong. I’m glad you’re one of those loyal few who never left my side. Thanks for being a true friend.

253. I can always count on you to listen to me rant and rave and complain about things, but you also know just when to cheer me up as well. Thanks for being that balance in my life.

254. Some friends are memories while others live forever. You’re going to live forever because I’m never letting you go. You’ll stay in my heart for as long as I live. Thanks for being my friend.

255. I’ve shared my darkest secrets with you, I’ve cried on your shoulder when things went wrong, and I’ve laughed with you when times were good. Thanks for being a friend who was there for me whenever I needed you most.

256. We may not have much, but we still have our friendship, and that’s all I’ll ever need.

257. I’ve known you for many years now and what started as a simple friendship has bloomed into a deep and abiding bond. Thanks for always being there for me, you’re the best thing that ever happened to me.
258. I’m honoured to have you in my life. You’re not just a friend, you’re an experience.

259. Time and tide may change us, my friend, but your friendship will always remain intact, for that is its own miracle.

260. It’s funny how a complete stranger can become a best friend in just a single day. Thanks for being here for me, I appreciate it.

261. I thought I kept you around because you were cool. But it turns out you’re not cool. You’re really not cool at all… you’re hot! Teehee. Thanks for being my friend.

262. You are a shining star who lights up the darkest nights. Thanks for being my guiding light.

263. I don’t care if people say we’re too alike or that we have nothing in common, I know we’ll be friends for life. Thanks for being you.

264. You may think you’re the one supporting me all the time, but I’m actually the one who’s been doing that for you. Thanks for letting me do it.

265. I could be drowning in a sea of trouble and you’d float over to make fun of me and pop back up again. Thanks for all the laughs!

266. A friend is a present you give to yourself whenever you wish. Thanks for being mine.

267. I believe that without friendship, this world would be a very dark place to live in. You have proven that to be true time and time again. Thanks for lighting up my life.

268. You always know exactly what to say and do whenever I’m feeling down. Thanks for always lifting my spirits.

269. I wish you were here right now. Not because I don’t enjoy your company, but so I could hold you tight and never let go. Thanks for always being there for me.

270. Friendship isn’t about being there for someone whenever they need you. It’s about being there even when they don’t.

271. Thanks for always being a friend through the good times and the bad times. Even during the ugly times, I can rest assured that you’re by my side.

272. I swear I could count on you to be there whenever I need you. Thanks for the endless support and encouragement.

273. To be your friend is one of the greatest gifts in the world. I cherish our bond for all of eternity.

274. When everyone else has abandoned you, I’ll be here for you. When everyone else sees only faults in you, I’ll see only virtues. Thank you for being my friend.

275. I didn’t realize how much I needed a true friend until I met you. Thanks for being one to me.

276. You know me better than any other human being in this world. Thanks for always sticking by my side, no matter what.

277. We come from different worlds with different outlooks on life, yet you’ve always been able to understand me and keep me grounded. Thanks for being my rock.

278. You’re a true friend and I’m glad you’re always here to support me. Thanks for doing that.

279. I’ve never been one to rely on other people, but you’ve certainly proven me wrong on that notion. Thanks for taking a chance on me as your friend.

280. Whenever I feel like I have nobody else to turn to, you’re always here for me. Thanks for providing a shoulder I can cry on when I need it most.

281. Friendship and love aren’t the same thing, but they’re definitely friends. Thanks for being a friend I can always rely on.

282. I’m sure glad to have you around. Thanks for all your help.

283. You’ve seen me at my very worst, yet you still choose to be around me and support me. I don’t know what I did to deserve a friend like you.

284. We may have some differences, but our friendship is always stronger than those petty things. Thanks for being a great friend to me.

285. You’re too good of a person. There have been times where I’ve taken advantage of you for my own personal gain. Thanks for being so nice and friendly to me despite that.

286. Thank you so much for your support. I really appreciate it.

287. Whether we spend time together or not, know that you’re always in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for being such a good friend.

288. You’ve seen me at my best and you’ve seen me at my worst. After everything, you still choose to be my friend. Thanks for caring.

289. I promise that no matter what happens, you’ll always be my friend. I love you.

290. A loving and caring friend like you is a blessing and I thank God every day that you’re in my life. Thank you for loving me too.

291. You’re the closest thing I have to a best friend. Thanks for being here and being so understanding.

292. You are one of the few people who actually know me and still choose to be my friend. I love you for that.

293. This friendship of ours is something I cherish very much. Thanks for everything you do for me.

294. I may not express it all the time, but I really do care and appreciate you. Thank you for being a wonderful friend to me.

295. There’s no one else in this world that I’d rather share my secrets with than you. Thanks for always being my shoulder to cry on when I need one.

296. I pray that you’ll always find success in everything you do. Know that I’ll be cheering you on too.

297. God was gracious enough to provide me with a friend like you. Thanks for always being here and listening to me whine.

298. I’ve never met anyone like you before. You’re very special to me, and I love you.

299. Thank you for everything that you do for me. I hope you know that I will always be here for you when you need me.

300. May this friendship unleash the best in you and may the worst it ever see is it’s shadow.

301. Thank you for the times you’ve helped me out of tough situations. As I have always said, I’m blessed to have a friend like you.

302. Real friendship is like a treasured book: The more you read it, the more you appreciate its worth and feel the need to cherish it.

303. Sometimes I don’t know what I’d do without a loyal friend like you to guide me in life.

304. You are a shining beacon of friendship that I will always remember and cherish for the rest of my life.

305. Through the thick and thin of it all, you have always stayed by my side. I will always be grateful for that.

306. A faithful friend is like our own oasis in a desert. They help us achieve more than we could have done on our own.

307. I know you’ll always be there for me when I need it most. That’s why you are the perfect person to talk to.

308. Your friendship is a gift I will always cherish no matter what happens.

309. A friend like you is worth their weight in gold. Thanks for being so loyal.

310. You know I will always be here for you, no matter what.

311. I love how our friendship blossomed into a lasting relationship that I know will stay with me for the rest of my life.

312. Perhaps friendly support systems like ours are few and far between, but we should cherish it nonetheless.

313. A friend gives love without demanding love in return. That’s why you’re one of a kind.

314. You have always been there for us, and we will always be there for you. That is what makes a true friendship.

315. Whether you’re far away or merely a phone call away, I know I can count on you.

316. There is no bond quite as strong as that of a soul sibling. You will always be my friend.

Thinking of You Friendship Messages

Thinking of You Friendship Messages

Sending special thinking of you friendship messages for your friend is a sweet and easy way to let them know you’re thinking about them. These messages are great to send when you can’t be there for them in person but want them to know you haven’t forgotten about them. Here are some great messages that you can send to your friends:

See also: 800+ Best Good Night Messages for Lovers, Friends, and Family

317. I was having a bad day today, but upon seeing your smiling face, I suddenly felt a whole lot better. Thanks for being such a good friend.

318. When I’m with you, the outside world melts away and it’s just me and you enjoying each other’s company. That’s what I cherish most about our friendship.

319. Every once in a while, a magical moment happens between friends where everything clicks and you both understand each other perfectly. I cherish those moments.

320. Sometimes when I’m having a bad day, I’ll think of your laughter and it makes me smile. Thanks for brightening my day whenever you can.

321. Just knowing that you’re there for me when I need you is enough to give me the strength to get up in the morning. You’re my rock.

322. I’m glad we met and became friends. I feel like I’ve gained a real confidant, someone I can tell all my secrets to.

323. You’re such a good listener. Whenever I share my thoughts with you, I always leave feeling better about myself.

324. I’ve been thinking about our friendship a lot lately, and I’m happy to say that it makes me smile. I’m glad we met.

325. My life has been a lot more fun ever since we’ve become friends. I think about all the laughs we’ve had together and just grin from ear to ear.

326. I love that no matter what’s going on in either of our lives, we’ll always have each other. Our friendship is like an unbreakable bond.

327. I’m so glad that we met and became friends. You’ve really enriched my life in more ways than you’ll ever know. I love you.

328. The very moment I first saw you, I felt this strange sense of familiarity. It’s as if I had known you all my life. Through our friendship, I’ve learned that this is called soul mates, and we are definitely ones.

329. We’ll never lose touch. Even if we don’t talk for years, the moment we see each other again, it’ll be like no time has passed at all. You’re my brick wall.

330. Thinking of you always brings a smile to my face. You’re such a good friend and always know how to cheer me up when I’m feeling blue.

331. Whenever I think of our friendship, I’m reminded of an old children’s song: ‘You are you and I am me. Let’s get together and be us!’ I feel like that little kid whenever I’m with you because we have so much fun together.

332. I’ve always heard that you should never go back to how things used to be, but with you I make an exception. I want to slowly become your friend again so that we can have the laughs we used to have.

333. There are so many things I could say about you, but the only one that matters is that you’re my best friend and always will be.

334. It’s not just your bithday today, it’s our friendship anniversary! Thanks for coming into my life and making it so much fun. I love you.

335. Just wanted to wish you a happy day today. You’re such a good friend and I’m so glad that we’re friends. Thank you.

336. I’m so glad you exist in my life. You make it a whole lot more fun and give it meaning.

337. Hey, buddy! Just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you. You’re my favorite person ever.

338. I just wanted to wish you a happy day today. Hope it’s as good for you as it is for me because thinking about our friendship puts a huge grin on my face. Thanks for being the best.

339. When you’re with your friends, do you ever feel like they’re speaking a foreign language and you have no idea what they’re saying? That doesn’t happen to me when I’m with you, because our connection is so strong that we’re on the same wavelength.

340. Just wanted to say, I felt a special connection with you the moment we met. It’s as if we’ve known each other for years and I can’t wait to share many more laughs and memories with you.

341. You’re like a flame, ever burning, but never dying. Our friendship is like fire; it has a ferocious strength and once it gets going it’s nearly impossible to extinguish. I love you.

342. I just wanted to let you know how much I miss you and our time together. It’s not quite the same without you around, but I’m hopeful we’ll meet up again soon and have a good laugh about old times.

343. We’re like cheese and wine. Neither is good on their own, but they taste great together.

344. I was admiring your photo in a magazine the other day and it suddenly struck me how much you’re an important part of my life. I wanted to tell you that I’m happy we’re friends, and if you didn’t exist, part of my life would be missing.

345. Some friendships fade over time, but not ours. No matter how many years pass, it’s like we picked up right where we left off. Thank you for always being there for me when I need you most.

346. It’s been a bumpy ride, and we certainly haven’t always seen eye to eye, but in the end we’ve managed to stick together and overcome every obstacle life has thrown at us. You’re my person.

347. I can’t wait to see you again. It’s been too long and I’m sure we’ve both got a lot to talk about when we do meet. I love you, friend.

348. This is cheesy, but your friendship lights up my existence. I love you.

349. Just dropping by to say I miss you. I wish we could spend more time together, but I’m thankful that you’re in my life at all.

350. A true friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have. I miss you, friend.

351. You’re like the northern star that guides me home; always there, no matter what.

352. The day we met is one of my favorite memories. I’ll never forget how we laughed the entire day and got to know each other. You’re what draws me to going back home.

353. You know what would bring a smile to my face? If you’d send me a message or call me when you get the chance. I miss your voice! Funny how a sound can bring me so much joy.

354. I’ve been missing you lately, just wanted to tell you that. Hope things are going well for you, friend. Let’s talk soon, okay?

355. After writing this, I’m realizing how many people mean so much to me and how special they all are. You’re one of those people and I just wanted to let you know that I’m thankful we’re friends.

356. I know we haven’t talked in a long time. I also know that we’ve had our ups and downs, but I wanted to say that you will always be in my heart. Wherever you are, whoever you’re with, I wish you only the best. Remember that I love you and that I’ll never forget all the times we shared together.

357. Funny how I can go days without thinking about you and then when I finally do, I come here to message you and see that I haven’t talked to you in a while. I can only imagine what great things you’re up to, but I hope all is well my friend.

358. I read this to my mom and she laughed. She then asked who it was for and I told her it was for you because we’re friends. She says that I should tell you that you’re loved. So, I am. You’re loved.

359. You’re a very important person to me and I just wanted to let you know that you’re loved. Take care of yourself, friend, stay strong, and keep your head up.

360. I’m sorry you haven’t heard from me in a while. But I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, friend. I’m sure you’re doing well and I’ll talk to you soon.

361. Having bad day? Well, I didn’t just want to tell you that, I wanted to let you know that it’s okay. Sometimes it’s best not to dwell on the bad things and move on. Keep your head up and remember that things could always be worse. I love you, friend.

362. I really miss going on long walks with you. It was one of my favorite things to do and it always felt special, like we were bonding even more. I hope you’re doing well, wherever you are.

363. Friend, just wanted to let you know that I haven’t forgotten about you. You’ll always hold a special place in my heart and even though we might not talk as much as we used to, know that you’ll always be in my thoughts.

364. I know it’s silly, but I feel like a lost sheep without you around. I feel like something is missing and I wish we could talk about all the old times again and catch up with each other. But most of all, I just wish you were still around because you were like a warm blanket on a cold night; always comforting to have around. Just wanted to say that I miss you and I hope to see you soon.

365. Hi, friend. I just wanted to let you know that you’re on my mind today. I hope all is well your way and that you’re staying out of trouble. Keep your head up and stay strong. I love you.

366. I’m thinking about you lately, friend. I know we don’t talk as much as we should, but I just wanted to let you know that you’ll always have a special place in my heart. I wish we could talk more often so I could keep up to date with your life. Stay strong, my friend, because I know you can overcome any obstacle life throws at you.

367. Hi friend, I thought of you this morning and how much you mean to me. I hope all is well your way and that you’re keeping out of trouble and I hope to talk to you soon.

368. I just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you today. You’ll always be in my heart, no matter what happens. I love you, friend.

369. Sometimes, I just want to pick up the phone and call you because I miss our long talks and your presence in my life. Everything seems so empty sometimes. I just wanted to let you know that you’re still on my mind and that I care about you more than you’ll probably ever know.

370. I’m thinking about you today, friend. I hope life is treating you well and that you’re staying out of trouble. You’re a really important person to me, and I care about you more than you’ll probably ever know. Stay strong, my friend.

371. I just wanted to say that you’re on my mind today. I hope you’re doing well, friend, and that you’re staying strong. You’re one of the most important people in my life and I don’t know where I’d be without you. Take care of yourself, I’ll talk to you soon.

372. I haven’t heard from you in a while, friend. I was just thinking about you today and I wanted to tell you that I hope all is well your way. I think about you often and how much you’ve taught me and helped me in life. Just Stay strong, my friend.

373. I know we don’t talk much nowadays, but I just wanted to tell you that I’m glad we’re still friends. You always were like a big brother to me when we were little, and that bond has never faded. I hope you’re doing well. Stay strong, my friend.

374. Friend, I know life is sometimes hard. I just want you to remember that you’re strong and you can get through this. You’re my hero, friend. You always have been and I hope you always will be.

375. I missed you today, friend. I know we talk everyday, but somehow I just felt like I needed to tell you that out of all people, you’re the one I want to tell my day to. Just stay strong and remember that I’m here for you if you ever need to talk.

376. You’re always in my thoughts, friend. I hope everything is going well for you. Stay strong!

377. I don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way, but I sometimes miss the days when we were kids and our biggest worry was what game we would play that day. Everything has changed so much since then, and sometimes I wish I could turn back time. Just stay strong like you always do and know that you’re loved.

378. Our friendship has been the greatest gift I’ve ever had in my life. Just knowing you has made the pain of life’s struggles that much easier to bear, and I’ll always cherish those memories we made together. I love you, friend.

379. I don’t know what I’d do without you, friend. You’ve always been the one I lean on and the one that picks me up when I fall. You’ve shown me what true friendship really is, and for that I’ll always love you. Stay strong and know that I’ll be there for you whenever you need me.

380. Friend, I’ve always admired your strength, your ability to get through anything that life throws at you. I’ve always wanted to be strong like you. Just stay cool and remember that you don’t walk this journey alone.

381. I wish I could hear your voice right now, just so I know that you’re alright. I worry about you every day and it feels like all we do is fight, but in the back of my mind all I want to do is talk to and see you again. Stay strong, friend.

382. Though we don’t see each other these past few months, you’re always in my mind and I often think about what we once had. Maybe one day we’ll get to that same place again, but until then…stay strong.

383. I know we haven’t spoken in a while, but I just wanted to let you know that you’re in my thoughts. Stay strong out there!

384. Friend, you’re such an important person in my life and there’s nobody else I’d want to go through this with. Just know that you’re loved, okay?

385. I wish you could see things from my perspective and how much you truly mean to me. I love you, friend. I miss you!

386. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep because you’re not there next to me. I wish things had been different for us, because deep down in my heart I truly love you.

387. I hate getting into these long conversations with you and not being able to physically hug you when I’m feeling low. I’m glad you’re always there for me no matter what and remember that I will always be there for you too. Just stay strong, friend.

388. Friend, every once in a while I look up into the night sky and find the three stars that mark the belt of Orions, your favorite constellation. I think of you that night and every night since you’ve been gone. Just stay strong, my love! I know you can make it through this.

389. I’ve always felt like you were an older brother to me, but then we became this dynamic duo of sorts and I can’t imagine having anyone else by my side. I love you, man. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what.

390. You’re the last person in my life that I can say I genuinely love. You’ve given me so much happiness and shown me what it means to feel “love” that I’ll never forget you. I hope you’re safe and sound, but wherever you are, I hope you’re staying strong. I’ll always be here for you.

391. I’m thinking of you tonight, friend. I hope that wherever you are, you’re doing well and staying strong. Whatever life has thrown at you, know that I’ll always be here for you.

392. Life is so much darker and dreadful when you aren’t by my side, but I know we’ll be reunited once more when our time comes. Stay strong, my friend!

Long Distance Friendship Messages

Long Distance Friendship Messages

There’s no denying it, long-distance friendships are one of the hardest kinds of relationships to maintain. The distance can be very challenging; however, it doesn’t mean that a long-distance relationship can’t work. Here are some long-distance friendship messages to help you stay close to your friend.

See also: 11 Tips for a Successful Long-Distance Relationship

393. Just a quick message to let you know that you’re on my mind. I’m hoping all is well with you and that things over there are going smoothly.

394. I really miss our talks and hanging out with you. The house is just not the same without your positive energy bouncing off the walls!

395. We may not have each other’s company everyday, but we will ALWAYS have each other’s back. You will always stay in my heart.

396. I hate when we have to be apart, but I know you’re doing a great job out there! I’m always thinking of you…

397. When I see you next, I’m going to give you the biggest bear hug you can imagine! I can’t wait for that day to come.

398. I am inspired by your dedication and know that you will achieve all of your goals over there. I am so lucky to have a friend like you.

399. Just wanted you to know that you are ALWAYS in my heart and on my mind. I love you and can’t wait to see you again.

400. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been friends for so long, as you have always been such a positive force in my life. I’m so lucky to have you.

401. These days seem so boring and empty without your laughter around here. When you get back, we really need to do something fun to celebrate your return!

402. I sometimes think about how different my life would be if I never crossed paths with you. I’m sure it would be better, but I can’t imagine it.

403. When it comes to friendship, distance is not at all a bad thing. I will always be here for you, no matter how far away you are.

404. I wish there was a way to speed up time. I can’t wait for us to meet again!

405. We may be miles apart, but you’re always in my thoughts and prayers. I love you and wish you the best wherever life takes you.

406. I’m lucky I was given a chance to meet a friend like you. You’re always in my prayers, and I hope you stay safe over there.

407. No distance can weaken our friendship. You’re part of my family and I love you.

408. I’m sorry that we can’t be together everyday, but distance only makes the heart grow fonder. I think about you all the time and I love you.

409. There is no one in this world quite like you. You’re the best!

410. I really wish you could experience baby David’s first steps and all his other firsts. You’re missing out!

411. No matter how long it takes, I’ll be here for you when you get back. When that glorious day comes, we’re going out for your favorite meal!

412. I just want to give you a big hug right now! I still can’t believe how much you’ve helped me through the years.

413. Even though we can’t be together all the time, you will always be in my heart. I love you and you’re the best!

414. I really appreciate you staying up late just to talk with me when I need it the most. You’re one of the greatest friends a person can have.

415. You will always be in my prayers no matter where life takes you. I pray that you come to know the love and closeness of our Lord Jesus.

416. We may not share the same space anymore, but you will always have a piece of my heart.

417. Regardless of the distance that separates us, our friendship will always grow stronger. You’re the greatest!

418. I just want to give you a big hug right now! I love you and you mean so much to me.

419. The most precious gifts in life are not those that last the longest, but those that are remembered long after they’re gone. You will always be remembered.

420. I’m so thankful that I met you. You’ve changed my life for the better.

421. I believe that one day we will see each other again, and until then, you will always be in my prayers.

422. When you are feeling discouraged, just remember all of the people here at home that love and support you. Never forget our friendship.

423. I just wanted to let you know that I’m praying for you. One of the greatest gifts we have is the power of prayer.

424. The best thing about friends is that no matter how far away they move, they are still with you. You’re always in my thoughts and prayers.

425. I’m just sending this message to let you know that you are in my prayers. Never forget how important you are to me.

426. You can be a million mile apart from me, but your smile still warms my heart just how I like it.

427. I’m really going to miss you, but I know we’ll stay in touch and see each other again in the future. You’ll always be in my thoughts and prayers.

428. We are all different people with different beliefs, but I want you to know that you will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

429. I know we haven’t seen each other for a while, but I’m grateful for the times we shared together. I will never forget you.

430. Sometimes I think I would be content just sitting here and talking to you forever. There’s no one in this world quite like you.

431. I’m going to miss our long conversations. You’ve always been such a big help to me when I needed it most.

432. Even we’re apart, you will always be in my heart. I love you, friend! You’re the best!

433. I’m so happy that we were able to spend time together. You’re one of a kind.

434. Whether we see each other again or not, cherish these memories we’ve made together.

435. I just wanted to let you know that I’ll always treasure all of the good times we’ve had together. You’re one of a kind.

436. All of the time we spent with each other will always be treasured in my heart. You’re the best!

437. I’m just sending you a message to let you know that you are never far from my thoughts. You mean so much to me.

438. Though we’re miles apart, you’ll always be in my thoughts. I hope this message finds you happy and healthy, friend.

439. It’s times like this when I wish that I could be with you in person. If only for a moment, I’d really like to see how you’re doing and give you a big hug.

440. We’ve been friends for a long time now. Even if we’re apart, you will always be in my thoughts and prayers.

441. This message is short and simple, but know that it’s coming from the heart. I really miss you right now. Hope you’re doing okay.

442. I just wanted to let you know that, even if we’re miles apart, you’ll always be in my thoughts and prayers. Miss you, friend!

443. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. I’ll always treasure all of the memories we’ve made together.

444. I wanted to send you this message to tell you that you will always be in my thoughts and prayers. You’re such a special friend to me. I love you.

445. Thank you for being such a good friend. You’re always there for me when I need you most. Your kindness will not be forgotten.

446. I just wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you. Just because we’re miles apart doesn’t mean you’re not always in my thoughts.

447. In this busy world, it’s easy to forget that messages like this can go a long way to cheer up our friends. If I could give you a big hug right now, I would.

448. Since you are away from me right now, I’m sending you a big hug right now. Hope you get this message.

449. I pray that God will continually bless you with happiness and joy more than you can ever imagine or think. I love you.

450. A kind word, a reassuring touch, and a loving glance… These are small things that you can do for someone, but they will bring a huge difference in that person’s life.

451. I want to tell you how much you mean to me and how happy I am that we’re friends. I feel blessed because we met and became friends.

452. Thinking of you right now and wishing you were here with me. All I want to do is give you a big hug.

453. Friends may move from one place to another, but that doesn’t change the fact that they’ll always be friends.

454. I’m so happy to be friends with someone as special as you. You’re such a loving and caring person, and I’m very grateful to have you in my life.

455. Like an old worn out shoe, you’re always there for me when I need you most. Thanks for ALWAYS being there for me!

456. I will never forget all the memories and experiences we’ve shared together. I cherish all of them, and I hope you do, too. You’re not only a friend but also part of my family.

457. Dear friend, we might be separated by border, distance, and time, but you will always be in my thoughts and in my heart. I will always be here for you.

458. I might not be there with you right now, but you’re always here with me. Our friendship is an everlasting gift that neither of us can ever forget or discard.

459. There’s no distance that can make forget you because you’re always in my heart. You mean most to me, and I want you to know that I will always care about you.

460. We’ve come a long way together so far. Just think about how much we’ve accomplished together so far. It’s been the best time of my life, and I’m grateful that you were part of it.

461. Distance doesn’t matter when friendship is true. Thanks for being who you are. You have been such a great friend.

462. I wish I could just jump into your heart to let you know how much I care and love you. You’re a wonderful person.

463. You will always be in my prayers because you’re such a loving person. I want the best for you, and I know God wants the best for you too.

464. Miles can apart us, but nothing can ever separate us. You’re in my heart right now, and you will always be in my heart.

465. I have so many great memories with you that I will cherish forever. Thanks for being such an amazing friend to me.

466. Sometimes I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’ve been there forever for me. It’s so comforting to know that I can always count on you.

Friendship Appreciation Messages

Friendship Appreciation Messages

A lot of people believe that true friendship is an impossible thing, that it doesn’t really exist. Well, those who believe that have either never met someone really special, or didn’t let themselves get to know that special person. In fact, people say that you don’t recognize the value of something until you lose it, which is why it’s so important to let the people you love know you appreciate them. Appreciate your friends in the best possible way by sending them one of these wonderful friendship appreciation messages.

See also: 500+ Congratulations Messages for Every Occasion

467. I’m blessed to have you in my life. You’re such an inspiration every single day, and I want you to know that I’m thankful for the roles that we play in each other’s lives.

468. You’ve brought a lot of happiness to my life, and I hope you know that without you I don’t think I’d have made it this far. You have no idea how much I cherish our friendship.

469. No matter what, you will always be my best friend. A true friend is someone who cares. Someone who listens. Someone who’s there for you during the good times AND the bad times.

470. I’m so blessed that our paths have crossed in this life time. We’ve been through a lot together. True friends are hard to find, but I believe we can get through anything together.

471. Dearest friend, you’re always here to listen to me. Whenever I’m feeling down, you’re always there for me to cheer me up. I don’t know what I would do without you. You’re the best!

472. Like a ray of sun on a rainy day, you brighten up my life and make everything wonderful again. Thanks for being my friend.

473. You’re the kind of person I want to keep close forever. You make me laugh when I’m sad, you’re a shoulder to lean on when I’m tired, and most importantly you always know how to make things interesting.

474. No matter what happens between us, you’ll always be a real friend who has my best interest at heart. Thanks for being a great friend. I appreciate you.

475. Thanks for being such a great listener. It’s nice to know that I can count on you to always hear me out and help me solve any problem I might be having.

476. You’re an intelligent and kind person. You have a big heart, and I know you will achieve greatness one day.

477. There are people who enter our lives and leave footprints on our hearts. You have left footprints on my heart, and I will always cherish our friendship.

478. I promise to always be there for you whenever you need me. There is nothing I would not do for you. You are my sunshine on a cloudy day. I love you, my friend.

479. There are two things that I will never run out of: love and friendship for you. You are such a kind person. I am glad that we met.

480. If I could choose my best friend in the whole world, it would be you. You have helped me through so much, and I can only hope that someday I can help you through something equally important.

481. There are days when I feel sad and lonely, but then I see your face and I instantly feel better because your smile is so contagious!

482. I can’t think of any better way to spend my day than listening to you talk. You’re such a joy to be around, and I appreciate our friendship so much.

483. You are the coolest person I have ever met. No matter what, you will always be the one who lights up my life.

484. I’m glad you’re in my life. I don’t know where I’d be without you.

485. There is nobody else in this entire world that I would rather spend my time with than you because I cherish every moment that we’re together.

486. I’ve never met someone as kind as you. You deserve the world. Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.

487. No matter what we go through, you will always be my best friend.

488. I love our friendship. It means more to me than anything else. Thanks for being there for me no matter what. I love you.

489. You are such a gift in my life. Through our friendship, I have come to realize that there is good in this world.

490. I appreciate you, and I promise that I will be there for you no matter what.

491. You are too kind. There are not enough words in any language to describe how wonderful you truly are.

492. I can’t imagine how empty my life would be without our friendship.

493. Here is a little thank you from me to you. Let’s always stay together from now on.

494. It’s the little things that you do that let me know how much you care about me. Let’s continue our long-time friendship and spend many more happy times together.

495. Thank you for always having my back. I promise that I will do everything in my power to protect you as well, friend.

496. You are such a good friend, and I’m glad that we found each other.

497. It’s not everyday that you find a good friend like you. I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Thank you, so much.

498. You know I would do anything for you, right? That means you can also lean on me when you need it because I’m always here for you. Thank you for being my friend.

499. I appreciate our friendship more than you’ll ever know.

500. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met. Thanks for being so patient with me whenever I do something stupid. I love you.

501. So thankful that we’ll be friends forever.

502. Thanks for being you. Nobody else could replace you in my heart.

503. Our friendship is the most important thing to me, and I will always appreciate all that you do for me.

504. You can’t imagine how happy you’ve made me by just being yourself. You’re the best!

505. We may not have much, but we definitely have something special, and that’s our friendship.

506. A friend like you is hard to find, let’s keep it that way.

507. No matter what happens, you’ll always be my friend. Let’s promise each other that we’ll never lose touch.

508. You mean so much to me. Never forget that.

509. I’m glad you’re such a good friend because you are really something special.

510. You are the only person in this world that has never judged me. For that, I will be forever grateful to you.

511. I will always be there for you, and I hope you know that.

512. You’re not just my friend, you’re my best friend. And I want you to know that I really appreciate all the effort that you put into our friendship.

513. I feel so blessed to have you in my life.

514. You are the most precious gift that I have ever received in my life.

515. A thousand words couldn’t describe how thankful I am to have a friend like you.

516. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life. You’re the greatest!

517. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I don’t know what I did to deserve a good friend like you, but I’m very thankful that we met.

518. You’re not just my friend. You’re my sister.

519. I’ve never had so much fun during any other period in my life except when I get to spend time with you. Thanks! I love you!

520. You showed me what true friendship is all about. Thanks for never giving up on me when I was going through a hard time.

521. I’ll always be here for you no matter what. You’re part of my family.

522. No one could ever replace you in my heart. You’re the greatest!

523. When I’m with you, I feel like I can conquer the whole world.

524. Your friendship means the world to me. You’re special to me in so many ways.

525. I want you to know that I appreciate your friendship more than you could ever know. You’re an amazing friend.

526. A real friend is someone who accepts you for who you are yet helps you become the person you want to be.

527. You are the only person who knows everything about me, and I feel comfortable around you. You’re a blessing in disguise.

528. It’s times like this when I realize what a good friend you are.

529. I appreciate that we can talk to each other about anything. I never have to worry when it comes to sharing my feelings with you.

530. You’re such a great friend. Thanks for always being there for me. I don’t know what I would do without you.

531. I’m so glad we got to meet each other. We make an excellent team.

532. You’re the kind of person I like to spend my time with. You make me laugh, and I feel so at ease when you’re around.

533. My friend, thank you for being a pillar of strength when I have none. You are the wind beneath my wings.

534. Every time I think about all the things we have been through together, I can’t believe that we are still as close as we once were. It’s like magic.

535. You bring out the best in me. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.

536. Friends are like visions of sugar plums dancing in our heads on Christmas eve. If you don’t have any, then you are not alive.

537. Your friendship is more precious than gold. I cherish you, my friend. I cherish you.

538. I wish I could freeze time right now and live in this moment forever. Life doesn’t get any better than this.

539. You are a blessing that I don’t deserve. Thank you for being my friend. You will always be special in my heart.

540. I look at you as my sister. You’re very important to me, and I want you to know that I will always be here for you.

541. Among all my friends, you’re the one that has always been there for me. Thanks for not judging me and accepting all my faults.

542. I see you going places in life. You will achieve great things, and I’m proud to call you my friend.

543. With friends like you, I can do anything I put my mind to. You’re the best!

544. I don’t know where I’d be without you by my side. You’re the best friend any girl could ask for.

Friendship Anniversary Messages

Friendship Anniversary Messages

Anniversary messages for friends can be tricky to write. You don’t want the message to sound too mushy or gushy. And if you try too hard, then it might sound phony. But when you get the balance right, it can be really sweet and sentimental. Friendship anniversary messages are a great way of expressing how much your friendship means to you. Here are some samples:

See also: 620+ Heartfelt Thank You Messages for Every Occasion

545. It has been a year since we became friends. A year in which we have shared a lot of memories and experiences. I’m glad that you’re a part of it all. Here’s to many more happy returns of the day!

546. You’re such an amazing person, and I can’t imagine my life without you. Thanks for being around, and here’s to many more happy returns of the day! Happy five years of being great friends!

547. The past five years have been the best of my life. I’ve never had so much fun with anyone like I do with you. Thanks for putting up with me, and here’s to many more happy returns of the day!

548. You’re one of a kind. There’s no one like you. Today is yet another proof of how amazing you truly are! Happy sixth anniversary!

549. There’s nothing you can’t tell me, and there’s no problem that you can’t share with me. You’re the best listener I know, and a great friend as well! Here’s to many more happy returns of the day!

550. As we grow older and enter different stages of our lives, I hope that our friendship continues to blossom. You’re an important part of my life, and I want you to know that! Happy sixth anniversary!

551. You have always been a source of inspiration in my life, and I’m glad that you’re here to encourage me when I feel low. Here’s to many more happy returns of the day!

552. I always have fun whenever we hang out. Remember that time we went camping and barely survived the grizzly bears? Best. Time. Ever! Happy sixth anniversary!

553. You have always given me the support I needed to face life’s challenges, and more. Thank you for being my pillar of strength, today and always. Happy anniversary!

554. I didn’t know what it meant to have a real friend until we met. Thanks for coming into my life and blessing it with meaning. I love you, man!

555. You light up my life whenever you smile. You’re such a ray of sunshine in this cold and dark world. Here’s to many more happy returns of the day! Happy friendversary!

556. We have come a long way, you and I. When we first met, I never thought we’d become this close. Here’s to many more celebrations like this one! Happy anniversary!

557. I wish there were more like you. Then the world would truly be a better place to live in! Thanks for everything, friend. I love you.

558. We have been friends for a long time now. You’re not just my best friend, but also my college roommate. I can’t imagine my life without you in it. Here’s to many more of these celebrations!

559. There are a lot of things I’m bad at, but having you as my friend is definitely not one of them. Thanks for being there for me always, and here’s to many more years of friendship!

560. Having you in my life and the strength of our friendship has been extremely beneficial to my growth as a person. I love you man! Here’s to many more years of fun and laughter!

561. Life is a lot more fun with you around. Thanks for always making time for me whenever I needed you. I love you, here’s to many more years of friendship!

562. Every day that passes is another day where I’m reminded of the importance of your friendship in my life. I love you, man! Have an awesome celebration!

563. I can’t tell you how much fun I’m having on this trip. And it’s all thanks to you! Having you as a friend is the best thing that ever happened to me. Thanks, bud!

564. Hanging out with you is always fun, and this weekend was no exception! Thank you for making time for me, I value our friendship, and I love you!

565. There are a lot of things that I like to keep to myself, but you’re not one of them. You’re one of the greatest gifts that I’ve ever received, and I hope you know that. I love you, friend.

566. Thanks for always supporting me and my dreams. I couldn’t have done it without you! Thanks, friend.

567. We’ve been through a lot together. And we’ll continue to go through a lot together, like it or not! Thank God we’re on the same side. Happy anniversary, my brother.

568. Time spent with best friends is time well spent! Thanks for doing what you do, and I love you!

569. Thanks for being such a great listener. It’s always a blessing to have you as my friend. I love you!

570. I never thought someone as awesome as you would be my friend! I’m so glad we’re friends, and I want you to know that I love you.

571. Thank you so much for being such a great friend. I really appreciate your friendship. I love you.

572. Happy friendship anniversary, dear friend! May there be many more just like it. I love you.

573. Thanks for always standing by me! You’re the best! Happy friendversary!

574. All these years we’ve been friends and I still find you amazing! I love you!

575. Thanks for always talking to me, even if I’m being a pain in the butt! You’re the best friend I could ever have, and I love you! Here’s to many more years of friendship!

576. I don’t know what I’d do without you around. Having a friend like you is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Thanks, friend. I love you.

577. Thanks for all the amazing times we’ve spent together. I cherish every moment! Thanks, friend. I love you.

578. I know life’s not always going to be easy. But it’ll definitely never be boring, with you around! Thanks, friend. I love you.

579. Thanks for sticking around for so long! That’s not been taken for granted or anything. I’m really blessed to have you in my life, and I love you! Here’s to many more years of friendship!

580. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you. You’ve been the greatest gift in my life, and I love you so much for being you!

581. Thanks for always praying for me! That means a lot to me. I’m really blessed to have you in my life, and I love you!

582. I’m really blessed to have you in my life, and I love you! Here’s to many more years of friendship!

583. Thank you for being my friend. I’m so happy to have you in my life. Here’s to many more years of friendship!

584. You’re someone I can always count on. Thanks for that! Happy friendversary!

585. Thank you for always being on my side! I love you, friend! Happy seven years of being friends!

586. You’re someone I know I can trust. Thanks for always being there for me, I love you, friend!

587. Thanks for accepting me even though we didn’t start off on the right foot. You’re an amazing person and a true friend, and I love you!

588. I’m so glad you were persistent in getting to know me better. Thanks for being a great friend! Here’s to many more years of friendship!

589. Thank you for always praying for me. You’re so good to me, and I love you, friend!

590. I feel so blessed that God brought us together! Thanks for being my friend, I love you!

591. Thank you for always sticking by me! I’m the luckiest person in the world to have a friend like you, and I love you!

592. We’ve been friends for ten years and I’m really happy that you’re in my life. Thanks for always sticking by me, I love you!

593. Thanks for always believing in me. You’re an amazing person and a true friend! Here’s to many more years of friendship!

594. I don’t know what I’d do without you around, thanks for always being there for me. You’re my best friend, and I love you!

595. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me when no one else did. I’m blessed that God brought us together, and I love you!

596. It’s been seven years since our friendship started, and I hope we have many more ahead of us. Thanks for always being there, I love you!

597. Thanks for always being there for me! I’m so happy to have you in my life, and I love you!

598. Happy friendversary, friend! It’s been ten years since we met, and I’m so happy that you’re in my life. Here’s to many more!

599. Thank you for being a good friend! I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Here’s to many more years of friendship!

600. Our friendship will not lasts as long as we will. I’ll always be here for you just like you’ve always been there for me. Thanks for everything, and I love you!

601. Thanks for getting to know the real me. You’re a blessing to have around, and I love you!

602. You’re a blessing in many ways. Thanks for always encouraging me when I feel down. I love you, friend!

603. Thanks for always being a good friend! I’m so happy that God brought us together. Here’s to many more years of friendship!

604. This friendship is a blessing to have. Thanks for always being there for me, I love you!

605. Thanks for sticking by me even though everyone else gave up on me. You’re a true friend, and I love you!

606. Our friendship is truly a blessing from God. I’m so happy that you’re in my life, and I love you! Here’s to many more years of friendship!

607. Thanks for always being a shoulder to lean on. You’re an amazing friend, and I love you!

608. We’ve stuck together like peanut butter and jelly, and I love you! Thanks for being the best friend ever.

609. I don’t know what I’d do without you in my life. Thanks for always encouraging me, I love you!

610. We may not have much in common, but we sure make an awesome team. Thanks for being a great friend, I love you!

611. Thanks for always taking the time to get to know me when no one else did. I’m blessed that God brought us together. I love you, friend!

612. As we journey through life, you’ll always be on of my traveling companions. Thanks for being a great friend! I love you!

613. We’re like the tide, friends. We rise as one and set as one. Thanks for always encouraging me, I love you!

614. As long as we’re on the same path, I’ll always be by your side! Thanks for being a great friend! I love you!

615. May our friendship lasts till our hair turns to gold. Here’s to many more fun years of friendship!

616. Thanks for being a loyal friend. I know I can always count on you, and I love you!

617. I hope you like this card because there’s a lot inside it. Thank you so much for always being there for me. You’re my best friend, and I love you!

618. There are many people who come in and out of my life, but you’re the one who’s always there for me. Thanks for everything! I love you!

619. I’m blessed to have your friendship, and I hope it lasts till our hair turns to gold. I love you!

620. This friendship will never be replaced by another one. You’re one of a kind, and I’m so blessed to have you in my life! I love you!

621. I wish our friendship would never fade like a tattoo under the sunlight. Thanks for always being there for me! I love you, friend!

622. Thanks for sticking with me through thick and thin. I really appreciate your support, and I love you! Here’s to many more years of friendship!

So there you have it. 622 caring friendship messages for your pal. Choose the one that best expresses how you truly feel about your friend. It’s also not a bad idea to send more than one. After all, who doesn’t like receiving good messages?

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