560+ Happy Birthday Messages for Friends, Family, & Coworkers

If you are looking for touching happy birthday messages for a friend, family member, or coworker, then you’ve come to the right place.

In this post, we have carefully selected the best happy birthday messages for you to choose from. You don’t need to stress yourself thinking of what to write or to look for an inspiration, everything is right here.

See also: 600+ Positive Messages to Brighten Someone’s Day

To make it even easier for you to find the perfect message for your loved one, we have categorized it into different types and themes and can be personalized as you see fit. It can be for friends, siblings, parents, children, spouses, coworkers, or anyone that you care for and love. Get inspired, read on, and choose the ones that speak to your heart.

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Best Happy Birthday Messages

Best Happy Birthday Messages

Related: 920+ Best Christmas Messages for Friends, Family, & Coworkers

1. While some people dread getting older, I see each birthday as an opportunity for another year of life experience and wisdom. The older we get, the more we grow and learn about ourselves and the world around us. And isn’t that really what its all about? Happy birthday!

2. A birthday is just the first day of another year in which you get to exist, unlike most people. You’re special and I hope you have an amazing day!

3. I know you’re having the time of your life wherever you are right now because it’s your birthday! So, this message is just to let you know that I’m wishing you a happy birthday, and I hope it’s a great one!

4. A birthday is a milestone in which we reflect on how old we are but remember that it is much better to reflect on how far we have come. Happy birthday dear friend.

5. Happy birthday to the one who brings sunshine into my life, making every day feel like spring. I love you more than you know!

6. Today is your day, tomorrow is mine. So very happy birthday to the best friend and sister anyone could ever ask for. I love you

7. Happy birthday to a person who is not just a friend but also my instructor, motivator and inspiration in many ways. I’m proud to have you in my life and I’m blessed to have you as a friend. Have a great day ahead!

8. You are one of the most important people in my life and I am happy to celebrate your birthday with you today.

9. When I first saw you, I was scared to meet you. When I first met you I was scared to talk to you. When I first talked to you I was scared to like you. Now that I like you, I’m scared to lose you. Happy birthday!

10. Everyday of my life is a good one because it starts and ends with knowing that you are in it. Have an amazing birthday!

11. You have always been there for me and I’ll always be there for you. Here’s to many more birthdays, my friend!

12. I’ve never met anyone like you and I probably never will. You’re a rare find and I’m lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for being there and happy birthday!

13. To the hottest person in my life, happy birthday! I hope you have an amazing day!

14. Whether we’re going out or not, you’ll always be my girlfriend. And on this special day, I just want to say happy birthday and I love you so much!

15. You are such an amazing person. I can’t believe it took me this long to realize that. Happy birthday!

16. If birthdays affected how old a person really is, you would be about a billion years old today! May you live another billion years.

17. No matter what people say, you’ll always be younger than me. And that makes me happy because you’re my little sister and I love you. Happy birthday!

18. It’s a special day for you, but it’s an even more special day for me because it’s the day I get to spend it with you. Thanks for being in my life. Happy birthday!

19. When I first met you, I didn’t know what to say, when I first talked to you I couldn’t find the courage to say anything, when I first kissed you I didn’t want it to end, and when I first held your hand I never wanted to let go. On your birthday though, I just want you to know that you will always be special to me. I love you! Happiest birthday, my love!

20. I never knew what love was until I met you. I never knew what happiness was until I met you. And on this special day, all I can say is thanks for coming into my life and making it even more amazing than it already was. Have an amazing birthday, my princess!

21. You’re more than just a girlfriend. You’re the love of my life and I hope we will continue to have amazing days like this one for many years to come. Happy birthday, my one and only!

22. Happiest birthday to you brother! May you have many more! Can’t believe you’re another year older, time sure flies! Let’s party!

23. Happiness is having a friend like you. You make my life so much more fun and I am so glad you are a part of it. Happy birthday!

24. We have been through so much together and I couldn’t be happier that we were paired up as roommates! You’re such a great friend! Thanks for everything you do! Happiest birthday!

25. You’ve always been there for me, no matter what happened in my life. I love you for that and I hope we will stay best friends forever. Happy birthday!

Funny Happy Birthday Messages

Funny Happy Birthday Messages

See also: 700+ Good Morning Messages To Send Your Loved Ones

26. Happy birthday! You’ve managed to survive yet another year! I think we need to celebrate just for that accomplishment!

27. You’re aging process is incredibly fascinating. How does your skin get those fine lines and wrinkles? How do you grow a gray hair at just the right place? It’s all incredible! Happy birthday!

28. If you look hard enough in the right light, you might see a few gray hairs on your head right now. Happy birthday! Go on, check it out in a mirror!

29. As you age, the things that made you smile as a child, slowly fade away. I remember when you were young, and how I’d sing ‘The Itsy Bitsy Spider’ to put you to sleep. Now that song will put you to sleep forever.

30. Sharing a birthday with a national hero and icon like George Washington is pretty cool. Soak in the glory of having the same birthday as the President for Halloween!

31. You are getting so old, and I don’t mean that in the slang way of saying that you’re cool. But age is truly a factor, and it’s catching up with you. What will you do when your body fails you and you’re too old?

32. On your last birthday, did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Did you keep them? This year, why don’t you try something different? Resolve to continue celebrating your birthday every year!

33. Life is tough. You need to cherish the good times and the good people in your life. So cherish me! Happy birthday!

34. You know that time that we were waiting in line for that ride at the fair? It broke down, and you thought it would never start moving again. You were scared and started crying. I was embarrassed and didn’t want anyone to see us. I’m so glad that moment has remained with you!

35. I hope you enjoy this happy birthday song. The singer’s voice might not be great, but it’s the thought that counts, right?

36. You are aging like fine wine. Take a look in the mirror and admire your wrinkles, crow’s feet, and gray hairs! Happy birthday!

37. A lot of people will tell you that today is your day and that you deserve to be pampered and spoiled rotten. And while that’s all true, it’s nothing compared to how much you deserve to spoil and pamper yourself on your special day!

38. People may hate seeing the candles on their birthday cake diminish with each year that passes. But then there are people who love blowing out the candles. So which one are you?

39. You’re getting old. And I’m not talking about being ‘mature’ or having ‘life experience. I’m talking about the fact that your body is slowing down, and you feel each year of your life. Enjoy these youthful years while you may!

40. Many people dread getting older. As for you, you’ve embraced the entire aging process. You’ve enjoyed the aches, pains, and gray hairs more than anyone. Happy birthday!

41. You have amazing genes! Not everyone can age as well as you do. You might be wrinkled and have a few gray hairs, but when I look at you, I can still see that youthful spark in your eyes! Happy birthday

42. Too many people dread the aging process. They whine about getting old and try to hold on to their youth for as long as they can. You don’t seem to mind. Why is that? Happiest birthday!

43. You’re really maturing as a person. Growing older isn’t all bad. It’s a blessing and a curse. Do you have any big plans for your birthday?

44. It’s your big day! I can tell you’re really excited about seeing all your friends and family members. Why don’t you do some push-ups to get your blood pumping, and start the day off right?

45. You deserve this birthday. You worked hard on getting older. Live it up! Happy birthday!

46. Hooray for birthdays! Especially for yours! You’re older than you’ve ever been, and you look marvelous. I hope you have an excellent birthday!

47. It’s your day, so do whatever you want. If something comes up that you don’t like, then just complain about it on Facebook. Happy birthday!

48. You’re at that age where you start thinking about the past, but you’re also looking forward to the future. You’re living in the present, but you’re aware of the fact that life is short and could end at any time. I don’t know what I’m trying to say. Just have a great birthday!

49. Now that you’re in your twenties, you’re becoming more and more like your parents. I’m not mad at you. We all have to grow up and realize our parents were once young and dumb too. Happy birthday!

50. The most memorable thing about your twenties is you got to spend them with me. I love you, Happy birthday!

Sweet Happy Birthday Messages

Sweet Happy Birthday Messages

51. I want to thank you for always being there whenever we need you the most. You’re such an amazing person and I’m glad to have you in our lives. Happiest birthday!

52. You’re such a special person to all of us. And today is your special day, so here’s wishing you a happy birthday!

53. May your day be as special as you are to all of us. Happy birthday!

54. You’re such an inspiration to all of us. Always have been and always will be. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

55. Soak up all the goodness that life has to offer on your special day. Happy birthday!

56. You deserve the best in life because you give the best of yourself to all of us. Have a great day and a happy birthday!

57. Happiest birthday to the most beautiful mother in the world. I wish you a very happy birthday with all my love.

58. I don’t know what we’d do without you in our lives. Have an awesome day and a happy birthday!

59. There’s no other person quite like you in the world, and I’m so glad that you’re part of our lives. Happy birthday! We love you!

60. Your day may be special, but you make every single day of our lives special. We owe you the world for everything that you do for us. Wishing you a very happy birthday.

61. On this day, I just want to say that you’re the best mother in the world. You deserve all the happiness and love that this world can give. Happy birthday!

62. I don’t know where I’d be without such an amazing mom like you. You’ve always guided me through life and have taught me everything that I should know. I love you so much, and I hope you enjoy your special day.

63. Having a friend like you is like a blessing from the heavens. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Wishing you a very happy birthday!

64. On your birthday, I just want to say that we all love you so much and we’re all proud of everything you’ve done and who you are. You deserve this special day because you really are special.

65. You’re such an adorable person, and I can’t imagine my life without you in it. You’re an amazing friend and I love you, happy birthday!

66. Happy birthday! You’ve always been such an inspiration to me ever since we were little kids. I really look up to you and respect you so much. I hope you have an amazing day because you certainly deserve it.

67. You’re such an amazing person that we all need in our lives. You make everything better for all of us with your positive attitude and approach to life. Have the best birthday!

68. I don’t think you realize how important you are to all of us. You’re such an amazing friend that we can always count on to be there for us. Have a great day and a happy birthday!

69. Happiest birthday! I just want you to know that I appreciate all that you do for all of us. We all love you, and I hope this day is perfect for you.

70. I don’t think I could ever find the words to describe how thankful I am to have someone as wonderful as you in my life. You’re such an amazing person, and I love you so much. Enjoy your special day!

71. Hey, there! I’m so glad that you came into my life because you’re certainly a blessing. You make everything better with your positive attitude, and I love you for that. Have a great birthday!

72. When I was down, you helped me get back up on my feet. When I was tired, you helped me find the energy to keep going. When I was scared, you comforted me. On your birthday, I want you to know that you’ve done this for me and so much more. We all couldn’t get by without you. Happy birthday!

73. I never truly realized what an amazing person you were until I met you. You’ve really opened my eyes to how beautiful life could be. I love you so much, and I hope your birthday is full of everything you desire. Happy birthday!

74. You’re one in a million, and I’m so glad that you’re mine. You mean the world to me, and I love you so much. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Friend

Happy Birthday Messages for Friend

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75. Happy birthday to my best friend, the one I can tell anything to and who will support every decision I make, the one I can count on through thick and thin, the one who knows all my secrets and quirks, yet still loves me.

76. You are such a joy to be around. Your infectious laugh brightens up my day, your cooking amazes me, and your ability to understand is like no other. I’ve known you for as long as I can remember and I can’t imagine what my life would be like without you in it. Happy birthday!

77. I’m wishing the happiest of birthdays, with lots of smiles, laughs and cheers. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend; I wish you nothing but the best!

78. The sun shines brighter on a sunny day, flowers smell better when you pass by them, music sounds amazing when you listen to it and life has a new meaning altogether when you are around. You are such an important part of my life and I am so glad that you are my friend. Have an awesome birthday!

79. I can’t believe that you are another year older! Time flies so fast. I remember when we were five and used to play together; I thought you would always be my little brother. But over the years, we grew close to each other and became best friends. Now, looking at you, I feel that same brotherly love for you that I did when we were five. Happy birthday.

80. There is no better person that I would want to share my birthday with, than you. You’re not just my friend, but also my sister. I cherish you more than you can ever imagine and hope life gives you all the happiness that you deserve. You’re the best!

81. Some friendships are like silk – smooth, soft and delicate. Ours is that type of relationship. I cherish you as a friend and also love you like a brother. Happy birthday!

82. I don’t need to explain how awesome you are. It’s pretty obvious to everyone that you’re the most wonderful person in the world. I’m so glad to be your friend and cherish every moment with you. Happy birthday!

83. You have been the best addition to my life. You came into it, made it more colorful and wonderful and left an indelible mark which I will never be able to forget. Thanks for being there for me. Happy birthday!

84. Some relationships are like gold – tested by fire and solid throughout. Ours is indeed such a special relationship. I’m glad to have you in my life, as you make everyday so much brighter and happy. Have an awesome birthday!

85. Thanks for being there for me always, whether it is to listen to me talk about my day or giving me advice when I need it. Every time I think about the wonderful moments we spent together, I can’t help but smile. You’re the best! Happy birthday!

86. I love our friendship, as it’s full of surprises and secrets, fun times and sad times, joy and laughter and also understanding and comfort. No matter what happens to us in the future, you’ll always be the one that I can talk to about anything. I’m so glad that we will grow old together, side by side. Happiest birthday!

87. In you, I have found a true friend and a person that I can truly rely on. I am glad to have you in my life. Happy birthday!

88. I have never seen you in a bad mood; you’re always so calm and upbeat about everything. I really admire that about you. You always seem to find the good in any situation and that’s something we should all strive for. Happy birthday!

89. Some friendships are like wine – getting better with age. Ours is one of those relationships. You are always by my side and without you, life would have been a bore. You make it so much fun and I’m glad to call you my friend. Happy birthday!

90. I don’t know what I would have done without you in my life. You have always been there for me, especially during the tough times in my life. I will always be grateful to have a friend like you. Happy birthday!

91. Our friendship has been there through the greatest joys and saddest moments in my life. I want to thank you for always being there for me. I’m so glad that we are friends. Happy birthday to the coolest friend in the world!

92. If I could choose my friend all over again, it would definitely be you. We are perfect together and complement each other in every way. I love how we can talk about anything and everything. It’s amazing how well we get along. Best wishes on your special day!

93. We have been friends for a long time, and I want you to know that you are the closest person to my heart. I can’t even imagine what my life would be without you. Here’s to many more years of us being friends. Happiest birthday!

94. You’re like a star that shines brightly. The light that you give off makes everything around you look beautiful. I’m so glad to have you in my life and you’re always in my thoughts and prayers. Have a wonderful birthday!

95. Our friendship is like an old tree that has weathered many storms. It may have a few knots and flaws, but it’s strong and will be standing for a very long time. Happy birthday my friend!

96. You make me laugh when I’m feeling down, you’re always there to listen to me whine about things, and you’re very entertaining to be around. You’re the sweetest friend anyone could ever have and I love you for it. Happy birthday!

97. Wonderful people come into our life and go; some leave memories that give us happiness, and some memories that cause sadness. But you are a special person whose place in my heart will always be there no matter what happens. I love you and wish you the happiest birthday!

98. You’re such a happy person and you have so much energy that it’s impossible to stay in a bad mood when you’re around. I’m so glad we’re friends. If not, who knows what I would have been like by now. You always know how make me laugh and brighten up my day. Happy birthday!

99. When I look at the importance of friendship in my life, you are someone who stands out in that regard. You’re a very important person in my life and I’m so glad to have you in it. Have a wonderful birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Best Friend

Happy Birthday Messages for Best Friend

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100. You’re the sister I never had and the friend I always wished for. You’ve always been there for me and you’re someone I know I can count on. Thanks for being so real, you’re a blessing to me and I hope you have an amazing birthday!

101. We’ve been through thick and thin and every phase in between. I’m so glad we’ve gotten to experience everything together because your friendship means the world to me. Thanks for being so understanding and I hope you have an awesome birthday!

102. It’s your day, so let’s celebrate you. I’m glad you’re my best friend because you’re someone very special to me. Thanks for always being there, I love you!

103. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you by my side. You’re someone very unique and special, and I love you so much. Thanks for being the best friend ever and I hope your day is super happy! Happiest big day to you!

104. My heart is always full of joy whenever I think about you. You’re an amazing person, and you deserve only the best. I’m so glad we’re friends and I love you more than you know. Have an awesome, happy birthday!

105. The greatest gifts in life are friends, and I’ve received the best gift of all: a true and dear friend like you. Thanks for always caring, and I wish you a wonderful happy birthday!

106. I’ve known you since forever and I can say without a doubt you’re the greatest person I know. You deserve the best, so let’s party and have fun on your big day! Happy birthday!

107. Dear friend, I just wanted to say thanks. Thanks for being there for me when I needed it most. Thanks for being the best listener a girl could ask for. Thanks for being the person I know I can count on, and thanks for just being you. Have a great happy birthday!

108. I don’t think I’ll ever know enough words to tell you how much you mean to me. You’re one of a kind and an irreplaceable part of my life. Thanks for being so real and awesome, I love you and I hope you have a very happy birthday!

109. Some people come into our lives for a reason, some for a season, and some for a lifetime. You have proved to be a friend for a lifetime and I couldn’t be more blessed and thankful for that. Wishing you an amazing birthday my dear friend!

110. I don’t know what I would do without you. You have always been someone who is there for me, no matter what the situation. I want to say thank you for that and for everything else. I love you and I hope your day is as awesome as you are. Happy birthday!

111. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have someone like you in my life. You’re caring, funny, smart and just an all around amazing person. I’m so glad you’re my friend and I can’t wait for you to blow out all your candles! Happy birthday!

112. You’re one of a kind and there is nobody else like you! You’re the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me, and I can’t wait to see what else you have in store. I love you more than you know, and I’m so happy we’re best friends! Happy birthday!

113. I don’t know if there are enough words to describe how much you mean to me. You’re not just my friend; you’re my soul sister. I love you to the moon and back, and I hope your day is filled with fun times and laughter. You deserve nothing less. Have a very happy birthday!

114. You’re one of a kind and I wouldn’t want to share this planet with anyone else. Thanks for being so real and for always having my back. You’re the greatest, and I love you more than you know. Wishing you a super happy birthday!

115. Everyday I wake up with a smile because I get to spend it with you! I want to say thank you for sticking by me for all this time and for always being there when I need you. I love you more than words can say, and I hope you have a fantastic birthday!

116. I’m wishing you good luck in all your future endeavors and I hope you realize how very special you are. Thanks for being such a good friend, and I love you more than you’ll ever know! Have an awesome birthday!

117. We’ve been through so much together and you’re always there when I need a friend. I hope you know how much you mean to me. I couldn’t ask for anyone better, so I hope you have an amazing birthday!

118. I don’t know where I’d be without you in my life. You’ve helped me through some really hard times and always keep me smiling with your hilarious antics. Thanks for everything and I love you, happy birthday!

119. You’ve been there for me through all of the good AND the bad. Warts and all, you’ve stuck by my side and I’ve always known I could count on you. You’re a very special person and someone amazing. I wish you all the happiness in the world, because you deserve it. Have an awesome birthday!

120. If we were in middle school, this would be a ‘Let’s roll a dice and tell each other our dreams’ kind of friendship. Random yes, but that’s what makes our relationship so great. You always know there will be surprises in store! Hope you have an amazing birthday.

121. I’m so glad our paths crossed and that we’re friends. You’ve made my life a whole lot better in more ways than you’ll ever know. You’re a fun person to be around and I hope you have an awesome birthday!

122. It’s your day and you can do whatever you want! But, if I could give you one piece of advice, go out and have the time of your life. You deserve it for all the times you’ve made me laugh and for just being there when I need you. You’re a one-of-a-kind person, and I love you for it. Have an incredible birthday!

123. When I look at myself, I see someone who is loved and cared for by a whole lot of people. Out of all of them though, you’re one of the best. You’ve always given so much of yourself to me and there’s no way I can thank you enough. You’re a blessing in disguise and I love you for it, happy birthday!

124. I’ve always thought you were an interesting person with a lot to contribute to this world. I’m glad we met and I want you to know, whatever you do with your life, I’ll be cheering you on. I’ll be thinking of you on your special day, and I hope you have an awesome birthday!

125. We all have that one person in our lives that is just so outlandish, there’s no way anyone could ever hate them. You’re one of those people for me. We’ve been through a lot together and I’m glad we’re still as close as ever. I will always be here for you no matter what, and I love you for being so amazing! Have an awesome birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Her

Happy Birthday Messages for Her

See also: 500+ Best Good Night Messages for Her from the Heart

126. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone like you before. You’re so amazing and I’m so glad I get to call you mine. You deserve the world, but on your birthday, I’ll settle for your love. Have the best birthday ever!

127. You’re one of a kind and there’s no one else I’d rather spend my life with. You’re the most amazing person I know, and I hope you have an awesome birthday!

128. It’s your birthday and mine too! Celebrating another year of life is always something to celebrate, and I hope you enjoy your special day!

129. You’re more than just a lover and partner; You’re my best friend. I know we’ll be together for the rest of our lives because we make each other so happy. I can’t wait to see what the future holds, because I know it’ll be amazing. Happy birthday!

130. I never thought I could feel this way about someone. I didn’t think I could ever fall in love, but then you came along. You make me so happy and you always know how to make me smile. You’re the other half to my whole and I love you for that. Happy birthday.

131. You’re one of a kind, just like everyone else. That’s what makes life so beautiful. No one is the same and everyone has a unique story to tell. Your birthday is as special as you are, and I hope you have an amazing day!

132. A year has passed and I still feel the same way about you. You’ll always be the love of my life and I can’t wait for the years to come. Today is your birthday and you deserve the world. I hope you have an awesome birthday!

133. You’re one of a kind and I’m glad you’re mine. I love everything about you; your smile, your laugh, your style. You’re an amazing woman and I hope you know that. I hope you have an unbelievably fantastic birthday!

134. I’ve never met someone as caring and thoughtful as you. You always know the right things to say and do; You know exactly what I like. This year, I’ll be wishing for something a little different though. Instead of a birthday wish, I want a promise. Promise me that we’ll grow old together.

135. Everyday that passes, I love you more and more. You’re certainly the most attractive thing in my life. Happy birthday!

136. You’re a gift from God and you’ve bestowed your love upon me. I’m forever grateful to have you in my life and I want you to know that I love you more than anything in this world. Happy birthday, my angel!

137. We’ve been together for so long that I can’t even remember what it was like before we met. You’ve always been there to support me on the tough days and I never have to wonder if you’re thinking about someone else. I love how there’s no guessing with you. You’re a rock and I’ll always be there for you. Happy birthday, baby!

138. You are the only woman I have ever loved. You’re so beautiful both inside and out, I can hardly contain myself around you. Happy birthday, beautiful!

139. When I first met you, I knew we were going to be great friends. Now, I know we’re going to be great friends and partners for life. I love you and I hope you have the best birthday ever!

140. You’ve been by my side for so long that I can’t imagine not having you here. I’m so glad that we’re in this together. You’re the love of my life and I hope you know that. Happy birthday!

Related: 800+ Best Good Night Messages for Lovers, Friends, and Family

141. I’ll always remember how I felt the first time we met. You made quite an impression on me! Since then, you’ve become such an important part of my life. I want you to know that I will always cherish every moment we share together. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

142. You might be one of a kind, but you’re MY one of a kind. I love you just the way you are and I don’t want anyone else. You’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met and I’m proud to say you’re mine. Happy birthday!

143. I hope this year is as special for you as you are. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I want you to know that no matter what, I’ll be here for you. No matter what happens in the future, I want you to always know that you’re my one and only, and I love you. Happy birthday!

144. You make me the happiest person alive. I never thought I could ever be this in love. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen and I’m so glad we met. You make my heart skip a beat whenever I see you. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Happy birthday, beautiful!

145. You’re my other half and I wouldn’t rather have it any other way. There’s no one that can compare to you. You’re the best and I’m glad you’re all mine. Happy birthday, beautiful!

Happy Birthday Messages for Mom

Happy Birthday Messages for Mom

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146. You’re the one who birthed me into this world and you’ve been my number one fan since day one. You have always supported all my decisions in life, no matter what they are and I couldn’t have asked for a better mom. I love you. Happiest birthday, Mom!

147. The word mom is too small to describe what you are to me. You’re my best friend, my advisor, my shoulder to lean on and the person I want to succeed in life. You’re the one who has always believed in me and I can’t thank you enough for that. Have an unforgettable birthday.

148. You’re mom enough to know I’m telling the truth when I say I love you and pretty mom enough to still be a knockout at this age! Happy birthday!

149. I’m so thankful that God gave me you as my mom. You’re the best mom in the world and no words can describe how much I love you. Have an amazing happy birthday!

150. You’ve given me everything I ever wanted and needed in life. You’ve sacrificed a lot for me and all I can do to repay you is give you my love, which I’ll be doing forever. Mom, you’re the best! Have an unforgettable birthday.

151. There’s no way I could express in words how much I love and appreciate you. You’ll always be the best mom to me and I want you to know that. Have an unforgettable birthday!

152. I don’t know where I’d be in life without you. You’ve been by my side during all my ups and downs in life. No matter what happens, you will always be in my heart. Happy birthday, Mom!

153. Every day is your birthday because it’s another day that you’ve given life to me. You’re the greatest mom in the world and I love you to the moon and back. Wishing you an unforgettable birthday!

154. I know we fight a lot, but even then I love you more than anyone else in this world. Thanks for being such a great mom. Happy birthday!

155. This year, I want nothing more for you than to see you happy. You’ve sacrificed a lot for me and I want you to experience bliss. So have your best birthday ever, Mom!

See also: 520+ Mother’s Day Messages: Inspiring, Sweet, Funny, & More

156. Happy Birthday! I love you mom. I don’t tell you nearly enough. You’re the reason I’m here today and why I’m so happy. You’re my best friend and I hope you know that I cherish you with all my heart.

157. A mom like you is rare to find. I feel so blessed to have you as my mom. You’re an angel on earth, guiding me through life and protecting me from any harm. I love you, Mom! Happiest birthday!

158. When I look at you, I see a strong woman who has gone through a lot in life but still found happiness within herself. You’re the definition of a true hero and I look up to you. Thanks for everything, Mom! Happy birthday!

159. No matter what I do in life, I will never be able to repay you for all you’ve done for me. You’re the best mom in the world and I want you to know that. Have an amazing birthday!

160. Thanks for everything you’ve ever done for me in my life. You’re an inspiration to me and I will always be thankful that God placed you in my life. Happy birthday, Mom!

161. I hope you have an amazing birthday, Mom. I love you and want you to know that you’re appreciated. Thanks for everything!

162. You’ve sacrificed so much for me and I can never repay you, but I want you to know that I love and cherish you. You’re the best mom a son could ever have. Have an unforgettable birthday, Mom!

163. I don’t have the words to express how thankful I am for having you as my mom. You’re the best! Happy Birthday!

164. There’s no one else in this world that I would want to own my heart than you. You’ve given me life and showed me what it truly means to love. I love you more than you’ll ever know, Mom! Happy birthday!

165. I will always be your little boy even when I grow old. You’ve protected me from things I’ll never know and have always been by my side. I love you, Mom! Have an unforgettable birthday!

166. Thanks for giving me life and raising me into the man I am today. I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Mom!

Happy Birthday Messages for Sister

Happy Birthday Messages for Sister

167. Sisters are a gift to the world. They fill our lives with laughter and happiness. You’re one of a kind, and I’m glad to have you in my life. Have a happy birthday!

168. Dear sister, you have always been there for me when I needed you the most. You have supported me in difficult times and shared your happiness with me in the good ones. I want you to know that I love you very much. Have a happy birthday!

169. I remember when we were little, you would always lend me your toys and give me a lot of your food without even complaining about it. You are a very kind person. I’m glad to have you as my sister because you make me happy. Happy birthday!

170. Sister, I want you to know that I will always be there for you. Just let me know if there is anything I can do to help you. You can count on me. I love you! Have a wonderful birthday.

171. I’m so glad God placed you in my life. You’re a very important part of it. I hope you enjoy your birthday and have an exquisite time! Happy birthday!

172. Today is your day! It’s your special day, so make sure to enjoy every moment of it. I love you, happy birthday!

173. I hope your birthday is everything you ever wished for. All your heart desires will surely come true. Happy birthday, dear sister!

174. There has never been a more loving person in the world than you. You do everything with all your heart and that’s why everyone loves you. You are an inspiration to me. I wish you a very happy birthday! You deserve it!

175. You have been an inspiration to me. Ever since the day you were born, I knew you would become something great. You’re my motivation in life and anyone else’s. Happy birthday!

176. I just want to say that you’ve always been a great sister. I admire your work and who you are as a person. I know we don’t talk much, but I want you to know that you’re always in my thoughts. Have an amazing birthday!

177. You have been an amazing person since the day I met you. You get better and better with age, too! I am so happy that we’re sisters because I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love you! Wishing you a happy birthday!

178. I can’t think of anyone else I would rather share this special day with. Thanks for being not only my sister, but my best friend, too. You’re the greatest! Enjoy your day!

179. No one makes a birthday special like a sister can! I hope you have the best day ever! Enjoy your big day! Happy birthday!

180. I’m so proud to be your little sister. You have accomplished wonderful feats that I know you’ll continue to achieve. You’re an inspiration to me. I love you, take care! Happy birthday!

181. You’re the first person I think of whenever anything good happens in my life. You always have my back and I know I can count on you no matter what. You mean so much to me! Happy birthday, sis!

182. To my dear sister, I just want to say that I love you and I hope you know that you’re the greatest person in the world. Have an amazing birthday!

183. What can I say? You’re just the best! You have helped me through the toughest of times and always manage to make me laugh when I’m feeling down. You’re an angel and I love you! HBD!

184. You’re my sister and my best friend. I couldn’t have chosen a better person to share my life with. I love you so much! Enjoy your birthday!

185. For as long as I can remember, you were always there for me. Whenever I was feeling down, you managed to make me laugh which would cheer me up instantly. You’re the best person I know and I love you so much. Thanks for always being there, sissy! Happiest birthday!

186. You have shown me that everything will work out in the end. You have such a positive outlook on life that it’s impossible not to be happy when you’re around. You’re the best sister in the world! Happy birthday!

187. Thanks for being such a wonderful sister. You taught me the importance of family and the meaning of unconditional love. I’ll love you forever! Wishing you a happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Daughter

Happy Birthday Messages for Daughter

188. You’re truly an inspiration to me. You have accomplished many things in your life and you continue to excel as each year passes. I’m proud to be your father. I love you and happy birthday!

189. We may have our differences and we may not see eye-to-eye on some issues, but one thing is certain: you’re the daughter I love and nothing will ever change that. Happy birthday!

190. You have the heart of a champion. You also have the ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to. I believe in you and I know that you will go very far in life. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

191. I’m saddened that you are no longer a little girl but I’m glad to see that you have grown into a strong, independent woman. I’ll always be here for you whenever you need me. Enjoy your special day, darling.

192. You’re a kind, considerate and loving person. Whenever I’m with you, you always brighten up my day. You’re an amazing daughter and I love you! Have a wonderful birthday!

193. I’ll always be here to support you in everything that you do in life. Your success is my success. I’m so proud of everything that you’ve accomplished and the person that you’ve become. Happy birthday, darling.

194. You may not be perfect but who is? You’re still the smartest, most beautiful and amazing girl in the world as far as I’m concerned. Thanks for being you, baby girl! Have a great birthday!

195. You’ve grown up to be a fine young woman. I know that you’ll continue to grow in strength, in mind and body. You’re going to do great things in this life, just you watch! Have an amazing birthday!

196. A wonderful daughter like you deserves to have a fun, happy birthday. Today is your day to unwind and have fun. Don’t worry about the stress, I’ll take care of it all! Have a blast, dear.

197. You are turning into a beautiful, strong and independent woman before my eyes. I’m so proud of you, honey. You deserve to enjoy your big day to the fullest. So have fun and enjoy yourself! You’ve certainly earned it. Happy birthday to you, dear daughter!

198. You’re such an inspiration to me. You continue to work hard and achieve your goals no matter what life throws at you. You never let the haters bring you down either. You’re a strong, independent woman that any parent would be proud of. I love you so much, sweetheart! Enjoy your special day!

199. You’ve grown up to be a fine young woman. You have excelled in many different areas and you will only continue to grow in strength. Keep soaring higher and higher, dear daughter. I love you!

200. My dear daughter, today is your day. You are the star of the day and nobody can outshine you. You are going to have fun today, just not too much fun! I love you!

201. You’ve been a great kid since the day you were born. You have grown up to be a strong, independent and intelligent young lady. I’m so proud to call you my daughter. I love you! Happy birthday!

202. For the past few years, I have had the honor of watching you grow into a wonderful young woman. You manage to accomplish so much in such a short amount of time. I’m certain that your future is going to be full of much success! Enjoy your special day, honey.

203. You never cease to amaze me. You’re intelligent, beautiful and athletic, a deadly combination. Most importantly, you’re modest, which is a quality that is lacking in most people nowadays. I love you, my dear daughter! Happy birthday!

204. There are few things better than the love a parent has for their child. That love is eternal and nothing can ever break it. I will always love you, sweetheart. Have an amazing birthday!

205. You’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I couldn’t have hoped for a better daughter than you. I’m so proud of who you’ve become. Have an exceptional day, dear. Happy birthday!

206. I just wanted to remind you that you’re a great kid and I love you. Now go have fun on your birthday!

207. You are one of a kind and there is nobody else in this world that can take your place. You are a rare jewel and I’m glad that you’re my daughter. You deserve the best in life and I will continue to do all I can to make sure you get it. Have an amazing birthday, sweetheart!

208. A wise woman once told me that the most important relationship in your life is the one you have with your father. I’m glad to say that you’ve made me proud on many occasions. You have grown into such an exceptional human being. I love you! Wishing you a happy birthday!

209. You’re always there for everyone else and you always make time for everyone. It’s your day today, sweetheart. So let’s enjoy it. Happy birthday, daughter!

Happy Birthday Messages for Wife

Happy Birthday Messages for Wife

See also: 600+ Good Morning Messages for Her to Make Her Smile

210. You’re not only my wife but also my best friend. You’ve made these past few years the happiest of my life. I love you so much, dear! Thanks for everything. Happy birthday!

211. Happy birthday, dear! You’re the only woman that I’ve ever loved. You’re the only woman that I’ll ever love. I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life with anyone else but you.

212. You have brought the best out of me and made me a better person. You have made my life worth living. Thank you for making all of your dreams come true, honey! Hope you have the best birthday ever!

213. We’ve been through a lot together and we’ve grown closer during each of those experiences. I’m proud to call you my wife and I hope that we will have many more happy years together. Happy birthday, dear!

214. You’ve always been there for me and without you, I don’t know where I’d be right now. You’re the love of my life and I can’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together. Have a wonderful birthday, my dear! I love you!

215. I remember the first moment we met. I knew we were destined for greatness. Not because of any fortune tellers prediction but because we were meant to be together. Happy birthday, my dear!

216. You’re my sunshine on a cloudy day. You always seem to know what to say and do in order to cheer me up. Thanks for always being there for me, dear! I love you so much. Have an awesome birthday!

217. I’m so glad that we’ve found each other and that we’ve been able to share this life together. I know that the rest of our lives are going to be the best years of our lives. Happy birthday, dear!

218. My life didn’t really start before I met you. You’re the only one for me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You’re the love of my life and I wouldn’t trade you for anything in this world! Happy birthday, dear!

219. To have a wife as wonderful, intelligent, and loving as you are is truly a blessing. I feel like the luckiest man in the world to have you by my side. Happy birthday, dear!

220. You are my best friend, my confidant, and the one I can tell anything to. You’ve helped me through the good times and the bad times. I love you more than anything in this world and I’m glad to call you my wife. I love you today and always! Happy birthday, my love!

221. Your love has made all the difference in my life. You rescued me from a life of solitude and gave me a future full of promise and hope. I love you infinitely, my dear! Happy birthday!

222. You’re every reason, every hope, and every dream I’ve ever had. You’re every breath I take and every step I make. I love you more than anything in this world. You are the love of my life and I promise to spend the rest of my life loving you. Happy birthday!

223. Every day is like a birthday when I’m around you. You bring a special kind of joy into my life, just by being you. I love you more than I could ever put into words. Happy birthday, dear!

224. There is no one else in this world quite like you. You’re a one of a kind gift to humanity and I’m glad to have you in my life. Happy birthday!

225. You’re the star that lights up my life. You’ve shown me what real love is and I promise to love you for all eternity. Happy birthday, my dear!

226. I feel so loved on your birthday! I know that you show me love all year long but there is just something extra festive about today. I can’t wait to celebrate your special day with you! Hope you have an awesome birthday, dear!

227. You’re my soul mate. I knew it from the moment we met. You bring out the best in me and I want to do the same for you. I love you infinitely, my dear! Happy birthday!

228. Meeting you was fate. Becoming your friend was a choice. But falling in love with you was beyond my control. I love you infinitely, dear! Happy birthday!

229. You’re the air that I breathe, the reason why I wake up every morning, and the motivation to keep on going when life gets tough. You make everything in life worth living for and I’m so glad that you’re mine! Happy birthday, dear!

230. I thought I knew what love was before I met you but obviously I didn’t. Meeting you showed me what true love really is. You’re the greatest gift I’ve ever received and I’m glad to have you in my life. Happy birthday!

231. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I want you to know that you’ll always be cherished and adored for the rest of time! Happy birthday!

232. You’ve made my life so much more wonderful than it already was. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve a loving wife like you but I’m glad to have you in my life. You’re an inspiration and I love you infinitely! Happy birthday!

233. I remember the first time we met. It was love at first sight for me. The more I got to know you, the more I loved you and now it is an infinite passion that burns within my heart. Happy birthday, dear!

234. You’ve made all my dreams come true. I never thought I’d ever meet someone like you, let alone marry you. You’ve made me happier than I ever thought possible and I’m glad to have you in my life. Happy birthday, dear!

Happy Birthday Messages for Aunty

Happy Birthday Messages for Aunty

235. You’re the best aunt in the world and I’m so glad to have you in my life. Thanks for being such a good mentor and all around awesome human being! Happy birthday!

236. You were always that cool aunt that I looked up to when I was a kid. Now that I’m grown up, I still look up to you because you’re an inspiration and a guiding light in this sometimes dark world. Happy birthday!

237. My birthday is boring every year because I’m the only one that shares it. But this year is special because I get to celebrate it with someone as extraordinary as you! Happy birthday, auntie!

238. There are a lot of people who say they’ll love you always but very few who actually prove it. You’ve proven how much you really love me and I will always be grateful for having a loving aunt like you! Happy birthday!

239. Thanks for bringing me up and ensuring that I didn’t turn out to be a complete brat. You have my undying gratitude and love! Happy birthday!

240. You’re like a mother and a father to me. My real parents may have abandoned me but you never did. I’ll always be grateful to you for adopting me and giving me a happy childhood. Happy birthday, auntie!

241. All my life I looked out for a role model to guide me through life. I found that in you, auntie. You’re the epitome of what a strong and independent woman should be and I’ll always look up to you. Happy birthday!

242. I may not get to see you as much as I’d like these days but you’ll always remain the most important person in my life. You’ve given me so much love and fulfillment. I could never thank you enough! Happy birthday, auntie dear!

243. Although my own mother may not have been the best role model, you sure made up for it. You’ve always been there to give me sound advice and listen to me whine whenever necessary. I love you, auntie! Happy birthday!

244. You taught me how to play chess when I was little, you were the one who introduced me to Star Wars and you gave me a toy car on my tenth birthday. I’ll never forget any of it. Thank you so much, auntie! Happy birthday!

245. I really love that we are so close despite the fact that you’re actually my mom’s sister. You’ve always been there for me and I can’t imagine what my life would be without you. Happy birthday, auntie!

246. Most people say that aunties are old ladies with wrinkles and fat legs. But you’re not like most people, you’re an exception. You’ve always been young at heart and I thank the heavens for sending you into my life! Happy birthday!

247. The best thing that happened in my life is getting you as an aunt. You’re such a cool person and I’m glad that we share the same blood! Happy birthday!

248. I can never thank you enough for being such a loving aunt. I always looked up to you and still do. You’re the coolest person I know and I’m glad that we are family! Happy birthday!

249. Most people don’t believe it but aunties can be cool. You’re the living proof of that fact. Thanks for being so awesome! Happy birthday!

250. You’re one of a kind, just like your name suggests. I’m glad to have you as my family and you’ll always be special to me. Happy birthday, auntie!

251. What’s an aunt without a dancing bear? You’re not just an aunt to me; you’re my role model and I want to be like you when I grow up. Happy birthday!

252. You’re the bestest aunt in the world and there isn’t any other person who deserves this title more than you do. You’re simply the best! Happy birthday!

253. There’s no one quite like you in this entire world. You’re such an amazing person and I’m proud to have you as my aunt. Happy birthday!

254. I have the most awesome aunt in the world and that’s a fact! You’re smart, funny and beautiful. Why are you still single? Happy birthday!

255. You’re the only person who I can relate to in this entire family. We may have not been blood-related but you’re still my aunt, my sister and my best friend! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Girlfriend

Happy Birthday Messages for Girlfriend

See also: 650+ Best Love Messages for Her from the Heart

256. You have made my life so much better since the day I met you. I can’t think of spending these special moments with anyone else. You are my perfect girlfriend! Happy birthday, love!

257. When I see you walking towards me, I’m the happiest person in the world because I finally get to spend time with the woman who has given my life meaning. Happiest birthday to my one and only!

258. I have no doubts that you were born to make me happy. You came into my life when I needed you the most and changed it forever. I promise to always love and cherish you with all my heart. Happy birthday, my princess.

259. You are the only woman who has ever made me feel this way. You make me laugh when I am feeling down, smile when I am angry, and feel loved even when we are miles apart. Happy birthday, baby. I love you!

260. I feel so blessed to have met someone like you. You make my life complete. I love everything about you! Happy birthday, baby.

261. Every day spent with you is better than the last. I really can’t imagine living without you in my life. I just want to stay with you forever, because only you can make me this happy. Happy birthday, baby!

262. I will never get tired of loving you. Every day I find myself falling deeper in love with you. The thought of spending the rest of my life without you seems unbearable now. Happy birthday, my sweetheart!

263. The first time we met, I knew there was something special about you. You brought a joy into my life that I never felt before and I know that we were meant to be. Happy birthday!

264. I hope you know that I will always be here for you. When you cry, I’m the one who’ll wipe away your tears. When you’re scared, I’m the one who will protect you. When you’re sad, I’m the one who will make you smile. And when you’re happy, I’m the one who will always keep you that way. Because you are my everything and I love you! Happiest birthday, my princess!

265. Life is so beautiful now that I have you in my life. You are the missing puzzle in my broken heart. I love everything about you and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Happy birthday!

266. My life was so colorless before I met you. It’s like you came into my dreariness and colored it with your love. The thought of spending a lifetime with you seems so perfect! Happy birthday, my princess. I love you.

267. The moment I saw you, I knew that you were the one for me. Your loving smile, your beautiful face, and everything about you makes my heart leap with joy. You make every day an exciting one! Happy birthday!

268. I’m the luckiest person in this world to have found someone like you. Your love has filled the empty hole in my heart. I promise to love, honor, and cherish you all my life. Happy birthday, my everything!

269. Every time I see you, you take my breath away. No words can ever describe how I feel about you. I love you so much, baby! Happy birthday!

270. I was lost in a sea of sadness and despair when you came into my life. You gave me the gift of your love, which I will cherish forever. You make every day an exciting one and I want to spend all my tomorrows with you! Happy birthday, my princess!

271. You are my dream come true. Every time I think about how we met, I can’t believe it’s not a dream. You are my heart and soul. I want to spend all of eternity with you! Happy birthday, my love!

272. I want to grow old with you. The thought of living without you seems so unsettling to me. I will love you until the day that I die! Happy birthday, my love!

273. You’re the person I want to talk to, the person I want to laugh with and the person I want to spend all of my tomorrows with. You’re the person I want to love and be loved by in return. You’re everything I need. Happy birthday!

274. I have a wish for you on your birthday. May all your dreams and desires come true. You’re my dream come true, so that must mean you will have all you ever wished for! Happy birthday!

275. You are the perfect description of my soulmate. No one else but you can make me feel this way. My heart beats for you, all day, every day and I promise that it always will until the day that we die. Happy birthday, honey! I love you.

Happy Birthday Messages for Sister-in-Law

Happy Birthday Messages for Sister-in-Law

276. I don’t have anything to give you except my words and I know that’s the least important present here, but I still want to let you know how much you mean to me. You are an amazing woman with an amicable personality and I’m glad to have you as my sister-in-law! Happy birthday!

277. My husband’s transition into married life has been a smooth sail due to your willingness to help and guide him. You’ve been a great sister to him and an even better wife. I love you so much and I hope you have an amazing birthday!

278. You are truly a gift from above. You’re kind, selfless, loving and beautiful inside and out. You always know how to make the people around you happy and your heart is pure gold! Happy birthday, dear sister-in-law!

279. My husband is a lucky man to have married someone like you. Your loving heart will bring him luck and fortune in all of his endeavors and I know he loves you for that. Happy birthday, sister-in-law!

280. You’re not just my sister-in-law, you’re my friend! I’m so glad we get to share this life together and I want to thank you for always being there for me! I love you, dear!

281. I’m so glad my brother found someone as lovely as you. You’ve made all the difference in his life and I thank you for that. I hope you have the best birthday ever!

282. I hope this year is your best yet! May all of your dreams and aspirations come true. You deserve the world, dear sister-in-law!

283. May this year be better than the last and next year even better than that! Happy birthday, sister-in-law!

284. Your birthday is as special to me as it is to you. You’re in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this day, may all your wishes and desires be fulfilled! Happy birthday!

285. You’re a lovely addition to our family and I hope you know that you are loved. You bring joy to my brother and that’s all I could ever want for him. Have an amazing birthday!

286. You are such an inspiration to me. Your kindness and selflessness is something I’ll always keep with me. I wish you the happiest of birthdays!

287. I may not have known you for very long, but I know we’ve become good friends. Thanks for being there for me. I love you, sister-in-law!

288. You are a blessing in my life and I want you to know that you’ve made all the difference. I hope your birthday is as special as you are! Happy birthday, sister-in-law!

289. I love you like a sister and a friend and I hope you know that! Having you in my life makes everything better. Happy birthday, sister-in-law!

290. You are the most caring person I have ever met! I could never find the words to express how much I love and appreciate you. Thank you for all that you do. You deserve the best, happy birthday!

291. Even though we aren’t related by blood, you are most definitely my sister. I thank God every day that you found my brother because he is happier than I’ve ever seen him. You deserve this happiness, enjoy your special day, sis!

292. I feel grateful everyday that you came into our lives! You make everything better. I’m glad you are my sister-in-law! Wishing you a fabulous birthday!

293. You’re one of a kind, sister-in-law! I don’t know how my brother ever got along without you. You bring so much joy into his life and I couldn’t be happier for him. Happy birthday!

294. I love you more than the stars in the sky and the fish in the sea. Thanks for giving my brother someone to love! You are amazing, sister-in-law! Happy birthday!

295. Whether you know it or not, you are an inspiration to me. I only wish that I could be as kind and caring as you. It’s people like you who make this world a better place. Happy birthday!

296. I love you so much, sister-in-law! You’re always there for me and without you I don’t know what I’d do. You’re the best person I know and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Happy birthday!

297. You’re a blessing to this world and you deserve all the happiness in the world. Thanks for everything, sister-in-law!

298. Thank you for all that you do! I know my brother loves you very much and that’s all that matters. You make him happy and that makes you family! Happy birthday!

299. I’ve known you for many years now and I can honestly say I’m proud to call you family. You are an amazing person and you deserve the best. Happy birthday, sister-in-law!

300. You’ve been with my brother for many years now and I have no doubt you will continue to do so for many more. You are a remarkable person and I love you, sister-in-law!

301. I’m so thankful that my brother found someone as kind as you. You make every day better and your gentle nature is something everyone should aspire to have. You deserve happiness, enjoy your special day!

302. You’ve helped me through so much in my life. I couldn’t have gotten through it without you by my side. You are a true friend and the best sister-in-law anyone could ever have! Happy birthday!

303. I’m so proud of the woman you’ve become. You’ve grown into such an admirable and independent person. I couldn’t ask for a better sister-in-law! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Him

Happy Birthday Messages for Him

See also: 360+ Good Night Messages for Him from the Heart

304. I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. You have done so much to make me a better person and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you on your birthday and every day after that!

305. We’ve weathered a lot of storms together and I always knew that no matter what, we would always make it through. You always seem to know what to say and do to make everything better. I love you so much and I’m glad God gave me you. Happy birthday!

306. I get to spend the rest of my life with you and that’s all I could ever want. You are kind and compassionate and always know how to make me smile when I’m feeling down. You’re my knight in shining armor and I will love you forever. Happiest birthday!

307. Even after all this time, you still make my heart skip a beat. I never thought I could ever feel this way about anyone but you’ve proven me wrong. You are the one for me and I will love you until the end of time. Happy birthday, love!

308. I don’t know what I did to deserve someone as wonderful as you but I thank the heavens every day for aligning the stars just right so that we would meet. You bring light in to my life that no one else can and I’m so lucky to have you. Happy birthday, love of my life!

309. You’re not just my boyfriend, you’re my best friend too. I’ve never met someone that can make me laugh as much as you do or know exactly what I’m thinking without even saying a word. You are a true gift and I will always treasure you. Happy birthday!

310. I remember the first time I met you, my knees we shaking and my voice was quivering but somehow you still noticed me. You still pursued me and that’s when I knew I had to have you because you are truly one-of-a-kind. Happy birthday, my love!

311. You’ve shown me what it really means to love and be loved in return. You’ve brought more joy in to my life than I ever thought possible and as cliche as it may sound, you are the other half to my heart. I love you today and always. Happy birthday!

312. From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were someone special. You are my one and only and I will love you always until the end of time. Happy birthday!

313. When I first saw you, I lost my breath and my heart raced. When we first spoke, I couldn’t say a word. I thank the heavens everyday that you came into my life because you have made it better in so many ways. Happy birthday, love!

314. You are the wind beneath my wings. You make me feel so alive, like nothing in the world can ever bring me down. I love you today, tomorrow and always. Happy birthday to you! Lots of love today and always!

315. I’m so glad we met because you have filled a void in my life that I didn’t even know was there. The way you understand me and support me is more than I could ever have hoped for. Happy birthday, love!

316. You’ve been there for all the major events of my life and I know you’ll continue to be there for many more to come. Thank you for loving me as much as I love you. You are the most precious thing in my life and I’m glad you’re here to share this with me. Happy birthday!

317. When you are near me, I feel like I can take on the world. When we’re apart, life just seems so dull and not worth living. You make me happy in a way I’ve never known before and I thank the heavens you came into my life. Happy birthday!

318. I’ve loved you from the moment I first saw you and I will continue to love you until my last dying breath. You are my world, my universe and without you, life wouldn’t be the same. Happy birthday!

319. We’ve been together for a lot of birthdays but none more special than this one. I look forward to celebrating many, many more with you because you are my soul mate and I will love you until the end of time. Happy birthday, my love.

320. You mean the world to me and I love you more than anything. Yes, even more than candy! You are the most kind hearted person I have ever met and I feel so blessed to have you in my life. Happy birthday!

321. When I first saw you, my heart skipped a beat and it hasn’t stopped beating that way since. I love everything about you and I always will. Happy birthday to the one that gives me life!

322. You are my soul mate, my first love and last love. I don’t know where I’d be without you because you came into my life and made everything so worthwhile. Happy birthday, honey!

323. We have been through a lot together but I thank God every day for reuniting us. No one can ever replace you and you’ll always hold a special place in my heart. Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Husband

Happy Birthday Messages for Husband

See also: 350+ Good Morning Messages for Him (Boyfriend or Husband)

324. I never thought I could love someone as much as I love you. You are my world and the father of our children. You make me feel alive, happy and loved. All I want to do is support you in everything you do and make you happy. You are the one for me, today, tomorrow and forever. Happy birthday to man I love the most!

325. Our journey may have just begun but I can’t even imagine going on this journey with anyone else but you. You are my world and I love you. Happy birthday!

326. When we first met, I had no idea how much you would affect my life. You have made all the wrong things in my life disappear and have been there for me through all of the right ones. I love you, baby! Happy birthday!

327. I love everything about you, even your flaws because they make you who you are. You are the most caring, loving and selfless person I know and I will always support you in everything you do. You mean the world to me and I love you. Happy birthday!

328. People say that you only fall in love once and I know that isn’t true because I fell in love with you twice. Once upon a time and the second time when we met again. You are handsome, virtuous and loving. You are my soul mate and I will always love you. Happy birthday!

329. To the man I have loved for almost a lifetime. The man that takes care of me and supports all of my dreams and goals. The man that loves me despite my flaws and weaknesses. The man that God has created just for me. Happy birthday, dear!

330. When God brought you into my life, he said: here is the man you will live your life with! I am so happy that we get to spend this day together. You have been by my side through thick and thin. I love you so much! Have a blessed birthday!

331. What can I say about the man I love? You have always been there for me and supported all of my dreams and goals. Thank you for coming into my life! I love you so much, dear! Happy birthday!

332. If I could spend each day with a different man, it still wouldn’t compare to being with you. You are my soul mate and the love of my life. I can’t wait for the rest of our lives together. Happy birthday!

333. I love you today and will love you forever. You are my one and only and I cherish you always. Happy birthday, my love!

334. You are the most important person in my life. I want you to know that I will always be by your side through thick and thin. No matter what happens, we will get through it because we are in this together! Happy birthday!

335. When I look into your eyes, I see the love that you have for me. When I touch your hands, I feel the warmth of your heart. When I hug you, I experience the comfort of your protection. You are my everything. Happy birthday!

336. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want you to know that I will always be by your side and I will help you through everything. You are the one for me! Happy birthday!

337. Thanks for always being there for me. You are my best friend, lover and soul mate. I love you so much, baby! Happy birthday!

338. Some relationships don’t work out even though you love the person with all your heart. What we have is the real deal. Our relationship is strong and will last a lifetime. With you, I can face anything! Happy birthday!

339. A husband like you comes only once in a lifetime. I am so happy that we found each other! You are my soul mate and the love of my life. You make everything perfect for me! Happy birthday!

340. I love you today, I will love you always and nothing will ever change that. You are my one and only and I cherish you forever! Happy birthday!

341. When our eyes meet, I melt. When we hug, I feel joy. When we touch, I am complete. You are my one and only and I love you so much! Happy birthday!

342. A thousand hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you. You are the love of my life and I want you to know that I will give you the moon, the stars and all the days of forever. Happy birthday, my love!

343. I get sleepless nights thinking about how blessed I am to have met you. You are the one for me. You are my today and all of my tomorrows. I love you! Happy birthday!

344. Sometimes I think about the perfect romantic partner for me and you are the only person that comes to mind. I will be by your side forever and nothing will ever change that. Happy birthday, dear!

Happy Birthday Messages for Boyfriend

Happy Birthday Messages for Boyfriend

See also: 530+ Love Messages for Him from the Heart

345. I can’t believe it has already been a year since I met you. Where has the time gone? I feel like we have always been together and I cannot imagine spending my life without you. Happy birthday!

346. You are so much fun and I love our endless adventures together. I would rather spend my life with you than anyone else. You make me so happy, sweetheart! Happy birthday!

347. I love you more than the stars and I want you to know that. You always make me happy and I feel like the luckiest girl in the world because you are my boyfriend. Happy birthday!

348. Flowers are always a great gift for a loved one on their birthday. But, you have given me so much more. You have loved me tenderly and made me feel safe from all harm. I am the luckiest girl in the world because I found you! Happy birthday!

349. There are so many things I love about you, but the thing that touches me the most is your willingness to help those in need whenever you can. I hope you know how much I love and respect you for that! Happy birthday!

350. You are everything I could ever want in a boyfriend. You make me laugh and smile everyday. When I am with you, I feel like I am walking on sunshine! Thank you for loving me! Happy birthday!

351. When I first saw you, my heart skipped a beat. When I first talked with you, I got butterflies in my stomach. This must be what true love is really like! Thank you for being so understanding and caring. You are the best boyfriend any girl could ever want! Happy birthday!

352. I will always be here for you when you need someone to talk to. I know we haven’t known each other for long, but I feel like I have known you for so much longer. You are so positive and uplifting that I cannot help but fall in love with you every day! Happy birthday!

353. You always know the perfect thing to say to make me laugh or smile when I am feeling sad. You are the most thoughtful boyfriend in the world and I could never ask for anyone better. You bring out the best in me! Happy birthday!

354. I hope you know that I would do anything for you. I want nothing more than to make you happy every day for the rest of your life! You are my everything! Happy birthday!

355. You are such an amazing listener. No matter what I am going through, I can always count on you to listen to me patiently and help me to see things in a positive light again. Thanks for being so understanding! Happy birthday!

Related: 750+ Romantic Love Messages for Him and Her

356. I know I can be a little demanding at times, but please know that it is only because I want us to be together all the time. I want to spend every moment of every day with you! Happy birthday!

357. Thank you for everything you do for me. I can never repay you for all of the love and support you have given to me. You are a wonderful person and the best boyfriend in the world! Happy birthday!

358. I want you to know that I will always be here for you when you need someone to listen. Your problems are my problems and your happiness is my happiness. You can count on me for anything, okay? Happy birthday!

359. You might not believe this, but I think about you a lot. In fact, you are always in my thoughts. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you! You are the man of my dreams! Happy birthday!

360. I know our love is strong enough to withstand anything. I believe in you and I know that you can do anything you set your mind to. No matter what happens, you will always be my soul mate! Happy birthday!

361. Our relationship has been so strong and so stable. I know that we are going to be together forever. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it! You are the love of my life and I will always be there for you! Happy birthday!

362. You are an amazing person. You have shown me more love than any person has a right to. I cannot believe that out of all the people in the world, you were sent to Earth to be with me! Happy birthday!

363. I don’t know what I would do without you. You make life so much fun and exciting! I cannot imagine having a better boyfriend! You are perfect to me! Happy birthday!

364. You always make me feel like a princess. You treat me so well and always do sweet little things to make me smile. There are not enough words in the world to express how much I love you! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Brother

Happy Birthday Messages for Brother

365. A brother like you is a tresure that can never be replaced. Thanks for always being here for me when I need you. Hope your day is a great one, and that your wish comes true! Happy birthday!

366. I hope your special day is as memorable as you are. You deserve it, big brother! Happiest birthday!

367. You have always put a smile on my face when I am feeling sad. You make me laugh and you are always here to cheer me up. I don’t know what I would do without you! Happy birthday, dear brother!

368. Thanks for being such an awesome brother. I really appreciate all the times you listen to me go on and on about things. I don’t know what I would do, if I didn’t have you to talk to! Happiest birthday!

369. For my big brother, my superhero, my friend, my partner in crime. You always know how to make me smile when I am sad and I will never forget that. I love you so much, and I hope your birthday is phenomenal! Have a great one!

370. The time we’ve shared and the memories we made will be something I cherish forever. Thanks for being such an amazing brother! Happy birthday!

371. I’ve looked up to you my entire life, and now that you are a wonderful father, husband and overall great person, I still look up to you. You’re my superhero! Happy birthday, big bro!

372. Some siblings have a sibling bond so strong, it lasts a lifetime. I’m glad we’re in that group! Happy birthday!

373. You have always been the perfect role model for me. You are intelligent, strong and very successful. I don’t know what I would do without you! God bless you on your special day. Happiest of birthdays!

374. If not for you, I don’t know where I’d be. Between your guidance and watching you achieve your goals, I have been able to crush my goals. You’re the best older brother anyone could ever have! Happiest of birthdays!

375. You always know what to say to make me feel better when I am upset. Thanks for always being here to talk and listen. I love you with all my heart. Happy birthday.

376. There is no sibling quite like a brother. You understand me like nobody else can and I love you for that! Have the best birthday, brother!

377. I don’t think I could have wished for a better brother. You always know what to say and when to say it. I really appreciate that about you. Happy birthday.

378. My older brother has always been my protector. I don’t think he ever knew it, but he is the reason I try as hard as I do in life. Thanks for setting such a great example! Happy birthday!

379. Thanks for all the wisdom and advice you have given me over the years. Who knows where I would be without you! Happiest of birthdays, bro!

380. I don’t think I could ever repay you for all that you have done for me. You are an inspiration to everyone, and I’m so proud to have you as my brother! Have the happiest of birthdays!

381. Although we fight a lot, I really love you. You are one of the greatest humans to have ever walked this earth and I couldn’t have asked for a better brother. Have a great birthday!

382. You’re always there to boost my spirits when I’m feeling down. I don’t know what I would do without you. Thanks for being so amazing! Happy birthday, bro!

383. I think you’re the best thing that ever happened to this family. Everyone thinks so, too! You would be a huge loss. I hope you have a great birthday!

384. Most of the time, it seems like you know what’s going on in my head. Just know that I really appreciate you and all that you do. I love you so much. Happy birthday, brother!

385. Seriously, you are the best person I have ever met, brother or not. I know you’re going to do great things in your life. You already have! Have an awesome birthday!

386. You’re truly a gift from God. I’m glad he sent you to us. You’re the most selfless person I know and the best brother a girl could ask for. Happy birthday, dear brother!

Happy Birthday Messages for Dad

Happy Birthday Messages for Dad

387. You’ve sacrificed everything to ensure my future. I will never understand how to repay you, but I know you did the best you could. And for that, I will always love and respect you. Happy birthday, dad.

388. Everyday I need you, and everyday you’re there for me. I could never hope for a better father than you. Thanks for putting up with all my shenanigans. You’re the best! Have a great birthday!

389. You’re always there when I need you, even if it’s just to listen. Happy birthday, dad. I hope you have an amazing day.

390. Thanks for being a great listener and providing objective advice when I need it most. You’re a great father, and I love you. Have a happy birthday.

391. You’ve made sacrifices for me that you never had to make. For that, I can never thank you enough. You’re the greatest dad in the world. Have an amazing birthday!

392. I don’t think I’ve ever met a stronger person than you. Everything you do is for your family, and I hope you know we appreciate all that you do. Happy birthday, dad!

393. You’ve always been there for me in everything that I do. You’ve sacrificed a lot in your life just so I have a better future. And that’s just one of the many reasons why I love you. You’re the best dad in the world! Happy birthday.

394. I’ve always looked up to you, and I always will. You’re the best dad in the world. Happy birthday!

395. You will always be the greatest dad. No one can outdo you. Have an amazing birthday, and I hope you get everything you wish for!

396. Thanks for always being there for me and putting up with everything I throw at you. It must be hard at times, but you never back down. Happy birthday, dad.

397. You’re more than just my dad; you’re my best friend. You’ll always be there for me when I need you the most. Thanks for everything! Happy birthday!

398. You’ve been a great father and all around great guy. You’ve sacrificed so much for my sister and I. Thanks for everything you do! Have a great birthday!

399. There is no other dad in the world as good as you. You’ve raised me to become the person I am today, and I’m grateful for that. Thanks for everything! Happy birthday.

400. You might not be perfect, but you’re pretty close. Thanks for being the best dad in the world! Happiest birthday!

401. When everyone else believed in me, you took a chance on me. Thanks for having faith in my abilities and providing the stepping stones to my future. You’re a great dad! Happy birthday!

402. You might be getting old, but you still have a great head on your shoulders. Thanks for looking out for me when I was younger and teaching me right from wrong. You’re the best dad anyone could hope for, and I love you. Happy birthday.

403. You will always be the center of our family. The glue that holds us together and makes everything possible. Thanks for sacrificing so much just to put a roof over our heads and food on the table. You’re the best dad ever. Happy birthday!

404. Thanks for always pushing me to do my best in everything I do. You’re a great father, and I hope you know that. I love you! Have a happy birthday.

405. You’ve come such a long way from where you started. I think that’s why I respect you so much; you never gave up on your dreams. Thanks for showing me what hard work really is. You’re the best! Happy birthday.

406. There are so many things I want to say about you, but I think that you’re just amazing and all of it is a given. You’re my hero, and I hope you have an amazing birthday! I love you! Happy birthday!

407. You are the center that holds our family together. Thanks for keeping us together all these years. You’re the best dad ever! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Son

Happy Birthday Messages for Son

408. Son, I always thanked God for blessing me with you as a son. As you grow older, I pray that you always make the right decisions in life. Mom and I loves you so much. Happy birthday!

409. Beloved son, you are such an inspiration not just to me, but also to all your schoolmates and friends. I hope that you continue to make me proud by following your dreams. Happy birthday.

410. Some say that one of a parent’s greatest fear is outliving their own child. I want to reassure you that this will never happen, because I will live forever in your heart and memory. I love you. Happy birthday.

411. Today, as you blow out the candles on your cake, remember that your parents love you and will always support your pursuit of happiness. Have a happy birthday!

412. As you embark on yet another year of life, promise me that you will pursue all your goals and dreams with dedication and perseverance. Happy birthday.

413. Happy birthday to the apple of my eye, the twinkle in my eye, and the light of my life. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful birthday.

414. Son, you will always be such a joy to me not just because you are smart and handsome but more importantly because you are so caring and kind. I love you so much! Happy birthday.

415. My dear son, you have brought such pride and joy to my life. You make everything worth it and I love you so much. Happy birthday!

416. As you celebrate your birthday today, I hope that you will always know how important you are to me and how proud I am of everything that you have accomplished in your life. Happy birthday!

417. You have grown to become such a fine young man. I know that you will continue to be a source of pride for not just me, but to the whole world. Happy birthday!

418. I know that you will achieve all your goals and dreams in life. Just remember that no dream is too big if you work hard and stay dedicated. Happy birthday, son!

419. My dear son, you are such an inspiration. You always seem to be able to make the best out of any situation. I love you so much! Happy birthday.

420. You are my one and only son and I love you very much. You have a kind heart and a brilliant mind. I know that your future success is guaranteed. Happy birthday!

421. Son, there is no one else in the whole world that I would rather be your father. You are such an inspiration and my pride is matched only by my love for you. Happy birthday.

422. If I could choose anyone in the whole world to succeed and fulfill all their dreams, it would still be you, son. I love you more than anything in the world. Happy birthday!

423. Son, you are the most wonderful being in the whole world. I cannot imagine life without you. You make every day worth living. I love you more than you will ever know. Happy birthday!

424. Happy birthday to my one and only son! You are loved and cherished not just by me, but by everyone who has the privilege of knowing you. Have a great birthday!

425. We had nothing but your health and happiness in mind when we sent you to college, and I hope that you will remember this always. Happy birthday.

426. Today is your special day, so make the most of it! Go out there and enjoy yourself! And remember to be home by midnight! Happy birthday, son!

427. Happy birthday to my dear, sweet son who I love more than anything in this world. You are the light of my life. Happy birthday!

428. I have always thought that you have it easy, but as you continue to grow and mature, I realize that it is not always easy being a parent. Happy birthday! I love you.

429. Nothing makes me happier than when you smile and laugh. I hope that your life remains fun and full of joy. Happy birthday, dear son!

Happy Birthday Messages for Coworker

Happy Birthday Messages for Coworker

See also: 60 Good Reasons to Work from Home

430. You deserve a pat on the back for all the sacrifices you have made for this company. Happy birthday to an awesome coworker!

431. The relationship I share with you is not just that of a coworker. It is that of a dear friend. Happy birthday, dear friend!

432. There are people who join companies and then there are those who make companies great. And you are one of those exceptional few who manage to do both. Happy birthday!

433. We have spent many late nights working on projects together and I can say, without any doubt, that I couldn’t have gotten through them without your help. Happy birthday to a great cowork… I mean, friend!

434. Seeing you grow in your position at the company has been a great source of pride for me. I am sure your mother feels the same way. Happy birthday!

435. You have achieved so much, but I know there is more to come! Happy birthday!

436. Even though you try to hide it, I know you are as nervous about your job as I am about mine. Let us just hope that our jobs remain secure. Happy birthday!

437. The best part of my day is standing in line for coffee and hearing the latest gossip from you. Happy birthday to the most talkative one in the office!

438. You are a born leader. I have never seen anyone take charge of a project so easily as you do. Happy birthday!

439. The way you supported me during our last project was nothing short of amazing. You are a great friend! Happy birthday!

440. Seeing you interact with clients always puts a smile on my face. You really know how to charm them! Happy birthday!

See also: 30 Ways to Make Money Without a Job

441. Your ideas and opinions matter to me. I know our team could never function properly without you around. Happy birthday!

442. I know you have been going through a difficult time lately. Let us take you out for your birthday to help brighten your day!

443. You are so much more than just my coworkee! You are like the sister I never had! Happy birthday!

444. Seeing everyone at work makes me realize how lucky I am to have friends like you. Happy birthday!

445. Not a day goes by where I forget to be thankful that you are part of my life. You make everything fun! Happy birthday!

446. You know I can handle the technical stuff. But when it comes to clients, you are the expert. We make a great team! Happy birthday!

447. I don’t know what I would do without you. You make this job so much fun. Happy birthday!

448. When I am down, you know exactly how to cheer me up. You always know how to make me laugh! Happy birthday!

449. You are such a pleasant person to be around. You always have something positive to say. Happy birthday!

450. I don’t know what I would do if you weren’t here to keep our team on track and focused. You are a born leader! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Boss

Happy Birthday Messages for Boss

See also: Job Interview Tips: Secrets To Ace Any Interview

451. I can honestly say that working with you has taught me a lot. I hope we get to work together for many more years! Happy birthday!

452. You have achieved a lot in your career and I admire your dedication. I hope to be as successful as you one day! Thank you for being a wonderful boss!

453. I may not tell you this enough, but I really appreciate all the support and guidance you have given me. Thank you for everything and happy birthday!

454. You’re a leader and a role model to everyone. You set the bar really high for others to follow. Happy birthday!

455. I could not ask for a better boss than you. You make this job so much fun! Happy birthday!

456. You always know how to keep things interesting around here. The days sure are brighter when you are around! Happy birthday!

457. I know you have been there for me during the good times and the bad. You will always have my endless appreciation and respect! Thank you for everything and happy birthday!

458. You’re a dedicated professional who is always reliable and consistent. You’re the type of person everyone should strive to emulate. Happy birthday!

459. Seeing that smile on your face makes me realize I am working for the greatest boss ever! Happy birthday!

460. You may have an intimidating presence at times but I know you care about all of us. Thank you for everything and happy birthday!

See also: What’s the Difference Between a 401k and a Pension?

461. I feel so safe and secure about my future at this company because I know you are leading the way. Happy birthday!

462. Your commitment to excellence is inspiring. I will continue to draw motivation and discipline from you. Happy birthday!

463. I’m so glad to be part of this team because we have the best boss ever! Happy birthday!

464. You’re not just our boss, you’re also our friend. That’s a winning combination if there ever was one. Happy birthday!

465. You always know how to make everyone feel included. Respect and compassion are valuable traits that you possess and anyone would be blessed to have you as a boss! Happy birthday!

466. Leading us is hard work, but you always handle it with such grace and elegance. You’re a true inspiration and role model to us all! Happy birthday!

467. You’re always willing to help your employees achieve their goals in life. You are such a caring person and truly dedicated to your work. Thank you for everything and happy birthday!

468. I have so much respect for how you handle yourself at work. You’re such a professional and always seem to be one step ahead of everyone. Happy birthday!

469. You’re simply the best boss anyone could ever ask for. Thank you for everything and have a happy birthday!

470. Having a leader like you makes all the difference in the world. Your compassion and empathy are rare traits nowadays. You’re the best boss anyone could ever have! Happy birthday!

471. You’re a leader, a motivator, and a true friend. I’m so grateful to have you as my boss. Happy birthday!

472. I’ve never seen someone work so hard before and still maintain such a positive outlook on life. You inspire me! Happy birthday!

473. You may be the boss, but to us you’ll always be one of us. Your humility and easy-going nature is what makes you so special. Happy birthday!

474. I will always remember your kindness and dedication on my first day of work. You’ve made a lasting impression on me that I will never forget. Happy birthday!

475. Your leadership skills are always necessary but most importantly your ability to connect with everyone on a personal and emotional level. Happy birthday!

476. I know everything there is to know about my job, but I still learn something new from you every day! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Kids

Happy Birthday Messages for Kids

477. Happy birthday, baby! You’re one year older now, but you’ll always be my baby. I love you.

478. On your birthday, I want to tell you that have grown into a fine young man. You’re thoughtful, kind, and polite. I couldn’t be more proud of the young man you’ve become! Happy birthday!

479. You’re so excited about your birthday, but don’t forget to thank Mommy for all she’s done for you today and everyday! I love you!

480. We’ve been together three years now and you’re still the most precious thing in the world to me. I love you so much! Happy birthday, sweetheart.

481. I never thought I could feel this happy. You make every day an exciting adventure and I thank God that you are a part of my life. Happy birthday, my love!

482. Even if the whole world turns its back on you, Mommy will always love you. You’re her angel and her world! Happy birthday!

483. You’ve been my pride and joy since the moment I laid eyes on you. I can’t wait to see what kind of man you grow to become! I know you’ll do great things in your life! Happy birthday!

484. I knew the moment I saw you that you’d be trouble. You’re the most caring, thoughtful, and loving child any mother could ever hope for! Happy birthday!

485. You’ve grown from a shy, little boy to a confident, well-mannered young man. I know today will be another step forward in your life. I’m proud to be your Mommy. Happy birthday!

486. Happy birthday to my favorite person in the whole wide world! You always make me smile and I love you to the moon and back!

487. Your smile is what keeps me going every day. I love you so much and I’m not just saying that because it’s your birthday. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. Happy birthday!

488. I don’t know where I’d be today if you hadn’t come into my life. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Happy birthday, baby!

489. You are my shining star! I feel so blessed to be your Mommy. I love you more than you’ll never know! Happy birthday!

490. Always remember, Daddy will always love you! Even if he is a little too tough on you sometimes. Happy birthday!

491. Your father and I are so proud of the young man you’ve become. Even though we’re across the country right now, we’re wishing you a happy birthday!

492. No matter what, I’ll always be here for you! You’re my son forever! Happy birthday!

493. Mommy can’t wait to see you blow out all your candles! I love you more than words can say. Happy birthday, my forever baby!

494. Just want to wish you a happy birthday and let you know that you’re in my daily prayers. I love you, baby. Happy birthday!

495. You may not realize it now, but I’ve always tried my best to guide you in the right direction. Even when you don’t see it, you’re always in my thoughts and prayers. Happy birthday!

496. We may have grown apart over the years, but you’ll always remain the baby of the family. Happy birthday!

497. You’ll always be my little boy. No matter how much you grow up and mature, I’ll always think of you as my rascally little toddler that brought so much joy into my life! Happy birthday!

498. I’m so glad you came into my life. You’re such a big blessing, and I love you with all my heart. Happy birthday, sweetheart!

499. As you blow out these candles, remember that no matter how dark it may seem, the sun is always there to shine upon you! Happy birthday!

Happy Birthday Messages for Nephew

Happy Birthday Messages for Nephew

500. I hope you know just how proud I am of you! You’re an amazing young man and I’m lucky to be your aunt! Happy birthday!

501. You always bring a smile to my face, nephew! I hope you know that no matter what, you’ll always be loved. Happy birthday from your favorite aunt!

502. To my darling nephew, I just want to say that you’re one of the most thoughtful and caring people I’ve ever met. I’m so glad we’re family! Happy birthday!

503. You’ve always been like a son to me, especially since I never had children of my own. I love you and I hope you have the best birthday ever!

504. Even though we don’t talk as much as we used to, I still want you to know that you’re in my daily prayers. I hope you have an amazing birthday!

505. I’m so proud of the young man you’ve become. You make me feel like the coolest aunt in the world. Thanks for making me look good! Happy birthday!

506. You’re one of a kind, and I don’t know where you get it from because your parents aren’t nearly as cool as you are! Happy birthday!

507. Even though you got all your looks from your father’s side of the family, you’re still the best looking person I know! Happy birthday, handsome!

508. You’re not just my nephew, you’re also my best friend. I couldn’t have hoped for a better one. Thanks for being in my life and happy birthday!

509. Thanks for being such an awesome addition to our family! I love you beyond words and I hope you have an amazing birthday, nephew!

510. You’re not only the best nephew in the world, but also the most interesting person I know. Thanks for always being there for me. Happy birthday!

511. Thanks for always listening to my life problems and issues. Also, thanks for not charging me for all those psychology sessions. Happy birthday, dear nephew!

512. You’re as daring as a leopard and strong like a bull. Thanks for being such a great nephew! Happy birthday!

513. Thanks for always being such a good sport when we go out to play laser tag or go rock climbing. It’s the best time I’ve had with you! Happy birthday!

514. When I look at you, all I see is unlimited potential. Thanks for always making us proud! I hope you have an awesome birthday, sweet nephew!

515. You’re one in a million and the only one I care about. Thanks for being there for me, no matter what! Have an amazing birthday!

516. I like to think that you’re my little angel that God sent from heaven. Thanks for making my life more beautiful and happy birthday!

517. We may not share the same blood, but we share the same values and that’s even better! Happy birthday, nephew!

518. Thanks for being the most amazing person I’ve ever met. Not just that, but you’ve also contributed to making this world a better place. Happy birthday, nephew!

519. All I want for you on your birthday is to stay happy and healthy. You’re all I need to make my life complete. I love you, nephew!

520. The best presents are the ones that can’t be wrapped or purchased. The best present is eternal love. Have a happy birthday, nephew!

521. You’re one in a billion, and there is nobody else in this world like you. You’re the best and I love you more than you’ll ever know! Happy birthday, nephew!

Religious Happy Birthday Messages

Religious Happy Birthday Messages

Related: Wedding Messages: 740+ Best Wedding Card Messages & Wishes

522. God is your shield and helper. He encouraged and strengthened you. May you have more and happy birthdays to come!

523. I believe that God is going to do extraordinary things in your life. Wherever you go and whatever you do, I know that it will all turn out for the good because He is the head of your life! Happy birthday!

524. You’re blessed because you know God personally. That’s more than enough reason to celebrate your birthday with great joy! Happy birthday!

525. God loves you more than anyone else could ever love you. Have a blessed birthday!

526. As you celebrate your birthday today, just remember that the Lord is beside you every step of the way. Have a blessed day!

527. God loves you more than you could ever imagine. He has a wonderful plan for your life, so stay close to him every day of your life. Happy birthday!

528. Celebrate your birthday with the joy of the Lord, for he has many great things planned for you! Happy birthday!

529. It’s your birthday! Time to enjoy yourself as God has created you to thrive. Happy birthday!

530. The Lord is our guide and he will direct our path. May you always seek his face and know that he’ll never fail you. Happy birthday!

531. God has blessed me with a wonderful brother like you. Just know that the same God that guides and leads me is guiding and leading you every step of the way. Happy birthday!

532. You’re made in the image and likeness of God, so you’ve been given a great responsibility. May you always know that you are valuable and loved today and every day. Happy birthday!

533. God is good all the time. You should enjoy your special day as he has more in store for your future! Happy birthday!

534. You’re only young once, so enjoy it while you can. And know that God is with you always and will never leave you nor forsake you! Happy birthday!

535. May God bless you with the desires of your heart. Just know that he loves you very much and has a wonderful plan for your life! Happy birthday!

536. I love you, and on your special day, I just want you to know that the Lord treasures you so much! Happy birthday!

537. Even if you don’t feel like celebrating your birthday, I just want you to know that the Lord has blessed you with another year to embrace and enjoy life all over again! Happy birthday!

538. You’re one year older, but the same unique person that I always loved. Just know that the Lord loves you even more than I do! Happy birthday!

539. Life is tough, but God will see you through it all. He’s with you during the good times and the bad times. Just know that he loves you very much! Happy birthday!

540. You’re a gift from God, and He has so much more in store for you. I pray that you always seek Him and His ways, as He will lead you down the right path! Happy birthday!

541. I hope that you enjoy your special day. No matter what life may bring you, just know that the Lord will always be with you! Happy birthday!

542. Celebrate your special day with a fun and meaningful birthday service at your local church, where you can praise God with some good worship music! Happy birthday!

543. You’re my dear friend, and I want you to know that the Lord loves you as well. He has amazing things in store for your future, so keep your head up and seek Him in all that you do! Happy birthday!

Belated Happy Birthday Messages

Belated Happy Birthday Messages

See also: 620+ Heartfelt Thank You Messages for Every Occasion

544. Belated happy birthday to my dear friend, who I cherish dearly. You’re such a blessing in my life, and I want you to know that God loves you as well. Happy birthday!

545. I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to wish you a happy birthday in person the last time we met. Just know that I still love you and you’re always in my heart. Belated happy birthday!

546. Sometimes it’s hard to remember all the birthdays of all my friends. I hope this birthday message reaches you in time before another one of our birthdays comes. Belated happy birthday!

547. I’m honored to know you and call you my dear friend. I hope that we can be closer in the future. Belated happy birthday!

548. It’s your birthday! I apologize for not giving you my present on time, but here it is. I love you and I hope that your special day is filled with fun and laughter! Belated happy birthday, dear!

549. I hope that you’re doing well in life. I’ll always be here for you whenever you need someone to lean on. Belated happy birthday!

550. A belated happy birthday to a dear friend who I cherish with all of my heart. I love you but God loves you even more! Belated happy birthday!

551. I know we’re always in contact on Facebook. It’s just nice to send a message every once in awhile, to make sure that you know you’re loved! Belated happy birthday!

552. So much time has passed, and yet time has flown by. It seems like you were just a kid when we first met. You’re all grown up now! Belated happy birthday!

553. I promise to always love you, encourage you, and to be there for you whenever you need me. Never forget that! Even if we’re miles apart, my thoughts are always with you. Belated happy birthday!

554. Life is short and tomorrow is never guaranteed. I will be praying for you. Belated happy birthday!

555. I want you to know that no matter what you do or where you go, God loves you. His love for you is unfailing, and His merciful arms are always open. I pray that you will learn to depend on Him! Belated happy birthday!

556. You’re such an inspiration to me. Your tenacity and motivation never ceases to amaze me. I hope that your dreams and aspirations all come true! Belated happy birthday!

557. I want you to know that I’m here for you whenever you need me. Just remember that I love you and care about you deeply, no matter what the future holds. Belated happy birthday!

558. You’re like my own child, and I want you to know that you’ll always be in my thoughts and prayers. Belated happy birthday!

559. I want you to know that I’m always here for you. Even if we grow apart, I will always cherish our friendship. Belated happy birthday!

560. Your birthday is just another reminder of how quickly time passes and how fleeting life can be. Please live life to the fullest! Belated happy birthday!

561. There are so many things I want to say to you, but I’ll keep it short. I hope that you have a blessed birthday. Belated happy birthday!

562. You’re such an amazing person. You deserve so much in life. I will always be there for you, just like you’ve always been there for me. Even if we are miles apart, you’re always in my heart. Belated happy birthday!

563. I hope that you’re doing well in life. No matter what happens in the future, I want you to know that I will always be here for you. You’re like the son I never had! Belated happy birthday!

So, there you have it—563 happy birthday messages you can send to any friends, family, or coworkers. We hope that you’ve found the perfect message to send and that they’ll appreciate it.

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